Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Understanding Research in Social Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Understanding Research in Social Work - Essay Example 3) Quality of the article: The article met the conditions of a good research article since it had an abstract or the summary of the methods and findings, background to the study in terms of aims/objectives and justification or rationale for the study. Additionally, he article included a literature review stating what is already known about the topic and gaps in knowledge. 5) Conclusion: Manthorpe, Goodman, Harari, Swift, and Iliffe article was extensive and addressed the objectives of the study. The data reflected the situation for the target population since it entailed interviewing individual as well as groups. The sample was large and thus meaningful inferences on the target population were obtained. Manthorpe, Goodman, Harari, Swift, and Iliffe’s article Smarter Working in Social and Health  Care: Professional Perspectives on a New  Technology for Risk Appraisal  with Older People  focuses on a report by Smarter Working in Social care and Health (SWISH). The report was a feedback on how an information technology system for assessment of old people in the society can be improved. The report suggested that it would be more appropriate to use feedback information obtained from the old people themselves to develop health and social programs for them. The research involved two qualitative studies done in different regions within London that aimed at developing a method that would enable assessment of the information regarding old people to determine those who were at risk. Additionally, the study intended to investigate the applicability of such a method in enriching public sector information and empower the local communities report cases of old people at risk. This p aper is a qualitative analysis of Smarter Working in Social and Health Care: Professional Perspectives on a New  Technology for Risk Appraisal  with Older People. The paper will critically discuss

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