Wednesday, July 31, 2019

One Sample Hypothesis Test Essay

Earning potential and income of every person is severely different; many factors have a hand in determining the amount of money a person makes and how much his or her earning potential can increase. Some of the factors currently determining the earning potential of people around the United States are; education, marital status, age, union participation, race, age, years of experience, sex, the industry in which the individual works, and the position held by individual. This paper is going to show the correlation between marital status and income, the team has disregarded all other determinants to answer the research question clearly. The research question that the team has developed and the hypothesis was formed from goes as follows; does marital status affect earning potential? Every decade that passes, it seems as though people are waiting longer to get married. Waiting for job security, completion of college and social norms are just a few factors that influence this trend. This is a big change from 50 years ago, when most people would get married straight out of high school. The fact is being single has some advantages when deciding to start a career, it also affects ones earning potential. Being single allows more dedication to the job as well as the mobility to go wherever the job may take an individual. While being single may be good for starting a career, being married will actually increase a person’s earning potential in the long run. The mean salary for the single person is $24,864 per year. The mean income for married individuals is $33,303. This leads us to our null hypothesis (H0) that being married will not improve the earning potential of an individual. Our alternate hypothesis (H1) is that being married will help improve the earning potential of an individual. Numerically it is stated: H0: ÃŽ ¼1 ≠¤ ÃŽ ¼2 H1: ÃŽ ¼2 > ÃŽ ¼2 The five-step hypothesis test starts with stating the null and alternative  hypothesis. The null is H0: ÃŽ ¼1≠¤ÃŽ ¼2 and the alternative hypothesis is H1: ÃŽ ¼1>ÃŽ ¼2. The second step in find the decision rule. The decision rule is reject H0 if ÃŽ ¼1< ÃŽ ¼2< ÃŽ ¼1. Step 3 is to calculate the test statistics. It has come to the mean of the earning potential of those who are married and those who are unmarried. Married couples have a mean salary of $33,303.00 and unmarried individuals have a mean salary of $24,864.00. Step 4 is to compare the test statistics to the critical value. The test results in married couples have a greater income than the salaries of unmarried people. Step 5 is to state the results. In result, married couples have greater earning potential than that of their unmarried counterparts. Therefore, in this case the team has to reject their null hypothesis because they have discovered a greater earning potential for married couples over unmarried individuals. The team’s results provided support to the null hypothesis that a married individual has a higher earning potential than that of a single individual. As previously stated a single individual on average makes $25, 000 while married individuals make on average $34,000 a year. Our research also indicates more working individuals are married over single. Our sample only included 33 single and 67 married individuals. Our study also found non-married men have wages that range from $11,000 to only $27,000 while non-married females wages range from $15,000 to $83,000. Married men have wages that range from $28,000 to $84,000, married women however only have wages that range from $11,000 to $50,000. This shows independent women with one sole income on average make more than men. However, after marriage, the men tend to become the higher wage earner. Education does not appear to play a significant role it ranges from four to 18 years. A married man with 18 years of education can made up to $84,000 while a single man also with 18 years of education only made $27,000. That is in contrast with a single woman with 17 years of education who make $83,000 a year and a married woman with 17 years of education who made $34,000. The maximum wage for a married woman was $50,000 and this was with 12 years of education. We analyzed many different aspects of earning potential and the majority proves a married individual will make more than that of a single individual. With all of the numerical data analyzed, the research question answered, and the hypothesis being correct, the team has been able to state confidently that marital status drastically affects  earning potential. On average, those who are married make nearly $8,500 more than those who are unmarried. Several other factors determine the income potential differences, but without further analyses of data not provided in the data set, the team would just be throwing around assumptions on the matter. References David P. Doane, L. E. (2007). Applied Statistics in Business and Economics. New York: McGraw- Hill.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Great Expectation Coursework

The first visit Pip had to Miss Havisham's house frightens and intimidates him ‘the passage were all dark, and that she had left a candle burning.' Dickens uses dark imagery to show a bit of clue to the audience the kind of person Miss Havisham is and it emphasises the dark side of Miss Havisham. This makes Pip scared because this is because this is different to where he came from, the house was huge. This shows how different his life is compared to Miss Havisham and Estella and how mysterious the house seems to him and us. Dickens creates a frightening atmosphere by describing the house in a really sinister way, ‘grass was growing in every crevice.' Dickens has portrayed the house as being uncared for because it tells and shows us that Miss Havisham hasn't cared for herself so if she can't do that, she obviously won't care for her house. It shows how mysterious scary and Miss Havisham is. Dickens describes Pip as ‘half afraid' towards Miss Havisham and the house. This shows how the reader understands his trepidation. Pip's social background is much lower compared to Miss Havisham and Estella, his mum and dad are dead, and he lives with his sister and her husband Joe, who is a blacksmith. His sister is worried and afraid Pip will follow in the footstep of her husband and wants him to achieve ‘great expectations'. Pip comes from a poor and low status background, so seeing a house like Miss Havisham's has different feelings, he feels amazed but at the same time worried. ‘This was very uncomfortable, and I was half afraid.' Estella treats Pip in a very controlling and rude way. She makes him feel useless and shows him how lower class he is compared to her. She treats him like a dog, always controlling what he does and always saying stuff about how he looks. ‘He is a common labouring boy, and what coarse hand he has.' This makes Pip start to see who he really is and he begins to worry about how he looks, because before he didn't really consider himself inferior. Pip also tried to be nice to Estella but every time he tried she never seemed to care or notice. ‘After you miss' to this she returned ‘don't be ridiculous boy, I am not going in.' This is done by Dickens to tell the audience that throughout the novel Pip will go through some adventure and Estella treatment towards him was one of them. It was the beginning. The house would really intimidate Pip because the Satis House compared to his house is like a palace ‘the great front entrance had two chains across it outside.' Also all of the riches he sees ‘jewels sparkled on her neck.' This shows a different side of Pip because of his reaction and also to describe what exactly was inside the house and to describe the opposite of Pip's life. The entrance to the house was mysteriously dark. Pip has also never seen such wealth before, so his expectations changes after his first visit. He becomes ashamed of himself, his background and Joe. When Pip first sees Miss Havisham, his reactions are stunned and shocked. Dickens also writes that he feels Miss Havisham is ‘the strangest lady, he has or will ever see.' The impression given to the reader is that he is scared and full of anticipation. This shows how odd the house is and how Miss Havisham is a contrast to Pip's life. When Miss Havisham speaks to Pip, she asks him lots of strange questions which makes her seem impatient ‘call Estella, she repeated, flashing a look at me. You can do that, call Estella at the door.' She speaks to him like he is a servant, always giving him instructions like she owns him or has power over him. ‘Call Estella, you can do that.' She also moves her hand around a lot, which makes her appear really arrogant and bossy. ‘With an impatient movement of the fingers of her right hand.' Pip felt very nervous and anxious before he entered Miss Havisham's room. Dickens describes him as being ‘half afraid' and he is scared of the dark. Dickens also presents Pip as being very small and scared. This is to emphasise the strangeness of the house and how Pip is out of place. Dickens uses imagery to describe Miss Havisham as dying or dead, he also describes her as a skeleton, ‘had shrunk to skin and bone.' The symbolism used is of a dead person. ‘Skeleton seemed to have dark eyes that moved and looked at me.' Dickens has done this to make the reader shocked because he wants us to feel disgusted and disturbed, and also to infer that she is half dead because of her emotional state. The effect of Miss Havisham's treatment on Pip is that he starts to notice who he really is ‘I began to consider them a very different pair, her contempt for me was so strong, that it become infectious and I caught it.' He also begins to feel ashamed of his social life and he sees the differences between himself and Miss Havisham. Miss Havisham also becomes bossy towards Pip and starts to control him using imperatives ‘play, play, play!' This would make Pip feel useless, insulted and ashamed of his family and probably wished he had a higher status like Miss Havisham and Estella. Estella's treatment towards Pip would affect him by making him feel depressed and make him think that Estella has power over him. Pip feels very strange towards Estella. He is in love with her but she doesn't seem to care. She talks to him like a 5 year old boy. ‘Don't be ridiculous boy.' This will make Pip feel like he is the servant while Estella is the master. Estella tries really hard to put Pip down and it usually works. ‘Her contempt for me was so strong, that it became infectious and I caught it.' It was like Estella had a disease and that has been given to Pip. She also calls him names ‘a stupid, clumsy, labouring boy.' At this point of the story, I think Pip feels ashamed of his family especially Joe. To Pip, Estella was his angel of light, his star. ‘Her light came along the dark passage like a star.' So without Estella, Pip can't see, he's nothing. However, like a star, Estella is cold, hard and out of reach. In the story each of the characters are controlled by one and another. Miss Havisham controls Estella and Estella controls Pip. She wants to get revenge on a male because of what happened with her ex. So she's using Estella to get revenge ‘well? You can break his heart.' Estella is controlling Pip because of Miss Havisham also because she is ‘self – possessed' and too full of herself. Pip is a pawn in their little games. The immediate effects on Pip of his first visit are that he begins to see the differences between himself, Estella and Miss Havisham. ‘I took the opportunity of being alone in the court – yard to look at my coarse hands and my common boots.' He believes what he has been told by Estella and starts to call himself he exact words. He begins to believe he really is not worth it. This has a long term effects in the novel because he becomes a complete different character who looks down at other people, just like Estella and Miss Havisham. Dickens did this to tell the reader that money can change people's character and no matter how much you have there is still a place in your heart that remembers who you were before. The long term effect on Pip of his first visit, are that he starts to become ashamed of his family especially Joe. ‘I wished Joe had been rather more genteelly brought up, and then I should have been so too.' He also starts to hope that he doesn't end up as a blacksmith like Joe. As the time goes on he becomes a snob. Dickens is showing the negative effects of money/elevation in status. The Satis House is like the opposite of Pip's life. He lives in a small house and the Satis House is like a palace, compared to his. It can be seen as a symbol for changing Pip's personality, background and his heart. Also it changes his behaviour from being nice, to becoming a rude boy and full of himself, just like Estella. Pip's visit to the house, is very important because throughout is childhood he had never really had much fun and also his family hope that he can gain an higher status by going to the Satis House. But for his sister she's hoping by Pip going there he may become wealthy one day and they/she would have a better life. So everything Miss Havisham instructs him to do, he has to obey her ‘with the fear of my sister's working me before my eyes, I had a desperate idea of starting round the room in the assumed character of Mr Pumblechook's chaise – cart.' In the novel Dickens is trying to say that no matter how wealthy you are or how nice you are money can change people. He is trying to tell us that the low social class people (Pip's family) were provoked by the amount of wealth they saw, and that intimidated them to want to be rich and rise in status. The reader's opinion of the effect of Satis House on Pip's future, is that if he didn't go to the house, he would be a different character, a different person. So it's the sister's fault for most of the way Pip has changed, but also Miss Havisham and Estella's fault because if he didn't meet them, he wouldn't be rude or have knew about so much wealth. He would be happy the way he was. The whole of the novel hinges that Pip will obviously become a snob and that Pip and Estella might not really get together at first but anything could happen after that.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Aristotle Alchohol Abuse

An ethical issue that is debated in our society is the concern of driving while intoxicated.   Although this was naturally not the case during Aristotles time, many of his ethical beliefs can be applied to refute this dilemma.   I will prove the standing issue to be unethical through Aristotles discussion of virtue and his concept of voluntary/involuntary actions in the Nicomachean Ethics. Plagiarism Detection >Aristotle believed that of the virtues learned in our youth, each has a respective excess and deficiency.   The virtue is the mean (or midpoint) of the excess and deficiency.   The mean can be thought of as just right, and the extremities can be labeled as vices.   The mean should not be thought of as the geometric middle of the two vices- it varies between the vices, depending on the person.   Aristotle believed that the mean and the vices are within our control and of the two extremes (vices) we should choose the less erroneous.   It is not always easy to choose the less erroneous of the two.   For example, Bill decides he wants to drink this Friday night, but he has to drive himself home.   His choice of how much to drink lies between two vices: sobriety and drunkenness.   Although neither may be his intention for the evening, it is obvious that the less erroneous of the two is sobriety.   So much, then, makes it plain that the intermediate state is in all things to be praised, but that we must incline sometimes towards the excess, sometimes towards the deficiency; for so shall we most easily hit the mean and what is right   (Aristotle 387).Aristotle defines virtue (also known as excellence) of humankind as living in accordance with reason in the best kind of way.   Simply put, doing what is characteristic of a thing to do.   He argues that our reasoning, which is the foundation for our virtues, derives from habit and not from nature.Neither by nature, then, nor contrary to nature do excellences arise in us; rather w e are adapted by nature to receive them, and are made perfect by habit.   Again, of all the things that come to us by nature we first acquire the potentiality and later exhibit the activity(Aristotle 376)    Hence, all of the virtues that we believe are what we practice.   The point in mind is that all of our morals are instilled in us through the process of learning.   What we see others (whether adults, teachers, etc.) practice when we are children has a direct bearing on our thoughts and opinions.   We simply practice these thoughts and opinions in our day to day lives.   Thus, in one word, states arise out of like activities (Aristotle 377).   This may be the case with a child who is reared in an alcohol abusive family.   Say the childs father frequently drove while intoxicated and the child was lead to believe that this was okay.   Although this does not make it ethical, or lawful for that matter, for the child to drive drunk, it simply may have been a rea son why.   It makes no small difference, then, whether we form habits of one kind or of another from our very youth; it makes a very great difference, or rather all the difference   (Aristotle 377).   Although this may be the reason why in this situation, it does not justify the learned activity; this is the rationale of Aristotle.   Aristotle believed that although our actions are the results of our learning, virtue still involves rational choice.   He is saying that if we have not been taught what is the moral excellence (the midpoint of the two vices), of a particular action or behavior, we still have the ability to attain excellence through choice.   If a drunk driver chooses to continue driving drunk (the vice), he will never attain moral excellence.Aristotle believed that practicing virtue leads to a virtuous circle, in which the more you abstain from a vice, the easier it becomes to abstain.   Eventually, performing virtuous activities becomes habit.   Thi s again can be related to the topic at hand.   If an alcoholic (I am not assuming a person is an alcoholic simply because of driving drunk) decides to quit drinking, the first few months may be hard to cope with since the alcohol was the former solution to a problem.   As time goes on, alcohol is less and less thought of and has become easier to abstain from.   Sometimes there is not a mean for an action or passion because its name already implies its badness.   This is the case with drunk driving.   There is no moderate way to drive drunk, its name implies that it is an extremity.   By reason of being an extremity, Aristotle would condemn drunk driving:   It is not possible, then, ever to be right with regard to them (the extremities); one must always be wrong   (Aristotle 383).Further illustrating belief that driving drunk is not virtuous, Aristotle discusses the concept that in the case of drunkenness, an individual chooses the actions which affect his state of consciousness.   The choice to drink alcohol is voluntary because it involves reason and thought.   Therefore, virtue, and the vices of this virtue are within our power.   While our actions are labeled as voluntary, the outcomes can either be involuntary or non-voluntary.   Involuntary actions involve regret for actions done out of ignorance, while non-voluntary actions do not involve regret for actions done out of ignorance. Plagiarism Detection >Indeed, we punish a man for his very ignorance, if he is thought responsible for the ignorance, as then penalties are doubled in the case of drunkenness; for the moving principle is in the man himself, since he had the power of not getting drunk and his getting drunk was the cause of his ignorance.   (Aristotle 396)    If a man is knowing of what he does when he is sober, the very state of drunkenness makes him unjust (in respect to virtue) since he is ignorant in this state and he has voluntarily brought himself to drink .   Thus, if a man knowingly acts in a way that will result in his becoming unjust, he must be said to be voluntarily unjust   (Aristotle 396).Alcohol abuse is not debated in our society-we know it is wrong, yet this does not seem to stop our actions.   Aristotles view of alcohol abuse in the fourth century BC is the same as the outlook of the modern world but todays technological advancements have drastically increased the dangers of abuse.   Driving while intoxicated is a deep concern that is not taken lightly.   I have discussed why his ethical system proves that this is wrong, even though we know it is wrong.   The point in mind is that the problem will never cease to exist, we can only derive solutions and/or repercussions to deal with it.    Bibliography      Aristotle, A New Aristotle Reader.   Trans. J.L. Ackrill.   Princeton:   Princeton University    Press, 1989.

Shaping Ethical Contexts Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Shaping Ethical Contexts - Assignment Example For the clinical psychologists, there is a need to maintain loyalty to the patient for them to open up in therapy, despite the nature of information revealed (Steere 42). The moral foundation of fairness/cheating explains the ethical conflict surrounding payments for services. Although payment is generally expected for services rendered, insurance companies rarely pay for the entire therapy, leading clinical psychologist to contemplate stopping therapy or to falsify information so as not to cause harm to the patient by stopping therapy (Beinart et al 33). Sanctity/degradation can explain the ethical conflict that occurs in doctor-patient relationships, especially due to complications caused by outside interests. This moral foundation emphasizes the abhorrence of improper actions, such as personal or business relationships interfering with the ability to treat patients. Finally, the moral foundation of care/harm can explain the ethical conflict that arises with regards to competence in applying appropriate therapeutic practices. While the patient may require specific treatment, the clinical psychologist may not have the proper training to provide it a nd may have to accept personal limitation to avoid harming the patient (Jensen 46). Survival of the fittest is a phrase originating from the theory of evolution. Posited by Herbert Spencer as an alternative to the description of natural selection mechanisms, it is more commonly utilized to refer to the increased probability of fit organisms/persons to survive a specific test compared to unfit ones (Bradie 51). This phrase is also expressible as a hypothesis or theory, contending that fit individuals are, compared to unfit individuals, in a sense more suited to surviving a specific situation or condition. In this case, the individuals of a species who are best suited to their

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Ethical Dilemmas in Social Work Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Ethical Dilemmas in Social Work - Case Study Example With the advent of HIV and Aids, social workers, particularly in developing countries have had to rearrange themselves to deal with the needs of an ever increasing population of people with Aids. Social workers have attended to needs of oppressed people, people with extreme mental retardations, and those living in abject poverty. Social workers uphold social change and social justice on behalf of individuals, groups, families, and communities. The practice of social work is sensitive to ethnic and cultural diversity as it seeks to strive to end society's vices such as oppression, discrimination, poverty and other forms of social injustices. Their intervention may be in the form of community organization, direct practice, consultation, supervision, advocacy, administration, social and political action, education, policy development and implementation, and research and evaluation (NASW code of ethics, 2008). In trying to enhance the people's capacity to address their own needs, social workers are faced with a variety of ethical dilemmas. Let's consider a situation where a couple has the down-syndrome disease but still want to have a sexual relationship that will lead to marriage. Such a scenario may be of particular interest to the practice of social work as it entails some multiplier effects which beg for serious ethical answers. The serious ethical dilemma ... ical dilemma that any social worker may experience in such a scenario is whether to let the couple go on with their plans to get married and have their own children. As I have already discussed, it is the duty of a social worker to facilitate the capability of people to address their own problems. But such a relationship will definitely lead to more problems for the couple as the children born out of the relationship will very likely have the Down-Syndrome disease as well as other complicated health problems which will negatively impact on their developmental abilities (Should retarded people marry, 2006). This therefore means that the chances of the children leading a normal and fruitful life will be seriously compromised. This explains the relevance of such a dilemma to social work. In social work, ethical decision making involves a process. In such an instance where a couple with Down-Syndrome disease wants to have children, simple answers may not be available to resolve the complex ethical issues that such a decision may entail. That is where the National Association of Social Workers code comes into play. The ethical dilemma here is if it is right to allow the couple to go ahead and reproduce children when in fact they know that these children will be severely handicapped and will be a burden to society. Importance of the ethical dilemma to a social worker. The ethical dilemma is of particular importance since it will directly affect the social worker's area of operation. In such a scenario, it is the role of the social worker to be an educator, mediator, negotiator, and facilitator for the couple to enlighten them and empower them with proper information so that they can make proper conclusions about their state and shelf any plans to bear children (Hick,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Inter to accounting Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Inter to accounting - Research Paper Example Mutiny Gold Limited is one of the key major players in gold, copper and nickel mining and exploration activities and has great control in this sector. It is a public company which is listed in ASX, and has two main competitors; Kingsgate Consolidated Limited and Eldorado Gold Corporation who will also be analyzed in this report. This report consider the released quarterly activities and cash flow results in the year 2011 and the impact the half year profit result had on the stock prices. In the cash flow report, Mutiny Gold Limited had its net cash flow improve significantly. This made the share prices of Mutiny Gold Limited gain slightly as portrayed by the positive residual over time. Profit announcement Mutiny gold limited as a limited company must always adhere to the capital market regulation. Therefore, it is obligated to provide financial results and report to the shareholders and members of the public. In conformance to this requirement the company on 29th July, 2011 released a report having information about the quarterly activities and a cash flow report. The announcement made through the Australia Security Exchange press made information available to both investors and members of the public. ... h at the end of the quarter 1588 On this report, the progress of mutiny gold limited of major and almost all projects that the company was undertaking thus offering the investor a mere forecasting of Mutiny Gold Limited profit. In addition, the company showcased improved cash flow management implying that the company will be able to ruin its operation smoothly without cash flow problems. To achieve the objective of this report, we will analyze the company stock prices while considering all market indices for the period starting 8th July 2011 to 20th August, 2011, to establish whether there were positive residual which would delineate the impact of the announce on the price of shares. In addition to this, the tow major competitions, Kingsgate Consolidated Limited and Eldorado Gold Corporation share prices will also be analyzed so establish the industrial effect the announcement brought forth. Residual returns of MYG Source: (Austailia security Exchange, 2011) Trend analysis of share c losing prices of Mutiny Gold Limited, The share prices immediately after the announcement increased by 0.005 but later dropped. This price increase can be associated with the announcement made the company on its activities and cash flow report. Source; (Austailia security Exchange, 2011). Now let us analyzes the residual returns of the company, As showcased in the above graph the residual returns of the company improved from, -5.86 to -2.47, this can be attributed to the announcement made by the company. The residuals returns did not improve, since the company announcement did not change the potential investor’s perspective (Austailia security Exchange, 2011). The company action of realizing the quarterly report of its activities and cash flow statement did not win the confidence of the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Beverlys Actions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Beverlys Actions - Essay Example As the discussion highlights the right people should be present and not just any number of people and the agenda should be tightly focused on what is the expected outcome of the retreat. This requires that each participant has done the basic ground work before going for the retreat. They should be well equipped with data for the proceedings of the meeting. They should also be in a position to have data that would help to review the achievements over the previous year. Then, the participants should not be involved in the organizational aspects of the retreat so that they are free to concentrate on the proceedings and the purpose of the retreat. This paper outlines that Second National Bank (SNB) is spending lot of time in preparing organizational mission statement, vision and aspirations but makes on effort to align the organizations with the values ad visions already in place. They have a vision, they create a vision but they have not become a â€Å"truly visionary organization†. Creating alignment itself is a two-part process – the first is to identify and correct misalignments and the second is to create new alignments. At SNB they have been able to recognize that they have not been able to implement their visions of the previous year but there are no efforts to correct them. At the same time, they have not created any new vision or alignment but have just decided to follow what they had decided the previous year. The top management including the VPs has not taken any initiative to follow up or align their goals and visions.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Article - Evaluation methods Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Article - Evaluation methods - Assignment Example Cardinal Health Inc. would have mismanaged the company by looking at the numbers while entering the deal rather than the fit and culture of the acquisition. With the company attempting to expand its medical products portfolio, the management ought to evaluate the viability of acquiring the heart-product business from Johnson & Johnson rather than the figures in terms of profits. The author illustrates that Cardinal Health Inc. establishes standards of performance by setting fit and culture first to evaluate performance. The figures come later as parameters of actual performance. In the article, Cardinal Health Inc. relies on the standards of performance for the deal (fit and culture) to attain actual performance. Therefore, the evaluation method entails establishing the standards first to understand how actual performance is achievable. For example, by evaluating the fit and culture of the acquisition, the company expects that the heart-product business will be accretive in the fiscal year 2017 by approximately 20 cents or more. According to the model, the evaluation process may commence with comparing standard performance with actual performance. In the article, Cardinal Health Inc. appreciates that by adopting the fit and culture of the acquisition, the company will earn $100 million in synergies. Willhite, James. "The Morning Ledger: Why CFOs Should Look Past Numbers to Evaluate a Deal." The CFO Report RSS. Wall Street Journal, 6 Mar. 2015. Web.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Understanding Research in Social Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Understanding Research in Social Work - Essay Example 3) Quality of the article: The article met the conditions of a good research article since it had an abstract or the summary of the methods and findings, background to the study in terms of aims/objectives and justification or rationale for the study. Additionally, he article included a literature review stating what is already known about the topic and gaps in knowledge. 5) Conclusion: Manthorpe, Goodman, Harari, Swift, and Iliffe article was extensive and addressed the objectives of the study. The data reflected the situation for the target population since it entailed interviewing individual as well as groups. The sample was large and thus meaningful inferences on the target population were obtained. Manthorpe, Goodman, Harari, Swift, and Iliffe’s article Smarter Working in Social and Health  Care: Professional Perspectives on a New  Technology for Risk Appraisal  with Older People  focuses on a report by Smarter Working in Social care and Health (SWISH). The report was a feedback on how an information technology system for assessment of old people in the society can be improved. The report suggested that it would be more appropriate to use feedback information obtained from the old people themselves to develop health and social programs for them. The research involved two qualitative studies done in different regions within London that aimed at developing a method that would enable assessment of the information regarding old people to determine those who were at risk. Additionally, the study intended to investigate the applicability of such a method in enriching public sector information and empower the local communities report cases of old people at risk. This p aper is a qualitative analysis of Smarter Working in Social and Health Care: Professional Perspectives on a New  Technology for Risk Appraisal  with Older People. The paper will critically discuss

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Police Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Police - Essay Example In the case of a large-scale police box, someone is always there, so it is convenient for visitors. In contrast, each residential police box is manned by just one officer, making it possible to cover a wide area with a small number of personnel. The residential police box system is effective in rural and semi-rural areas, where there are relatively few crimes and accidents. Since officers posted at residential police boxes work and live in the same place with the ir family, they can keep in closer contact with community residents. Police boxes vary widely in size. Apart from an office area, a police box has a simple kitchen and break room for officers. A "community room", a reception room for residents, has recently been incorporated. Residential police boxes have been built as a combination of office and residence, and recently they also contain a community room in the office section. Small-size police cars are deployed at many police boxes and residential police boxes for use in pa trols and trips to and from the police station. All police boxes and residential police boxes feature a red lamp above their entrances. Many community residents feel reassured when they see this lamp, and it has become an instantly recognizable symbol for a police box or residential police box. ... Under the three-shift system in which most police box officers works, on-duty officers work from one morning to the next, but their net working hours are 16, because they receive a total of an eight-hour break over the shift. At busy police boxes such as those located in city areas, however, officers cannot take such long breaks. In contrast, a residential police box officer works eight hours a day and five days a week. However, he needs to receive residents even outside working hours if requested. Because the area of a residential police box is fairly large, door to door visits are usually undertaken simultaneously with patrols. The wife often helps her husband by, for example, receiving visitors while the husband is out . The duties of officers assigned to patrol cars are more specific, and cover mobile patrols, the arrest of offenders, and rushing to the scene of crimes and accidents, followed by initial action. They perform the ir duties in pairs, with one officer driving the vehicle, while the other keeps an eye out for suspicious persons, and engages in radio communication. Patrols are the most important duty for community police officers in that the visible presence of police officers in their uniforms prevents crimes and gives community residents sense of security. Patrols are in principle to be perfo rmed either on foot or by bicycle, because that way officers can effective ly grasp the situation and assess suspicious persons. Where the area of the police box is large, a small patrol car or motorcycle may be used. While on patrol, officers question suspicious persons and make arrests or give guidance or warnings if there is a crime or an unlawful activity. They also give guidance to traffic law violators and juvenile delinquents, take care of drunken persons

Hewlett-Packard, Inc Essay Example for Free

Hewlett-Packard, Inc Essay Hewlett-Packard, Inc. has been one of the leading IT Company competing with DELL. Throughout the company history, Hewlett-Packard’s top management team has always sought to ensure that the company stays ahead of its competitors. Though this has been the case, strategic decisions made by the company’s past and present CEOs, especially, Carleton S. Fiorina and Mark V. Hurd may differ as much as they may be similar in some ways. During Carleton S. Fiorina’s tenure, the main focus was on the future and all strategic decisions and investments were made for future growth and stability. This kind of investment was at the expense of any decisions that would ensure growth at the time. Fiorina was the HP CEO from 1999 to 2005 and during her tenure the main causes of loss of revenue and market share were due to the fact that she not only focuses on the future rather than current growth but she made investments that seemed costly to the company at the time but which she believed could bring greater revenue growth in the future. Great opposition from managers and some board members, coupled with the scandal on leaked company information saw the company image delve into the negative causing financial damage to the company. According to Evans-Correia (2005), â€Å"Broderick said HP still faces numerous problems. It continues to lose market share to Dell Inc. and its corporate-computing unit, which includes storage, software and server computers, has remained weak and unable to fend off competition from IBM and EMC Corp. â€Å"The company has good technologies, but their to-market strategy has not been effective. †Ã¢â‚¬  Though the merger with Compaq brought increased revenue growth in the future, at the moment the merger was given a go ahead and completed, HP encountered its share of losses that were a little higher than it may have predicted initially and announced publicly. The then CEO, Fiorina, was questioned about these losses and the apparent in-disclosure of these information to the public and board of directors. In his article, Intense Grilling Flusters Fiorina, one of the writers, Burt (2002) reported that â€Å"Just as he had done yesterday, Hewlett attorney Stephen Neal repeatedly grilled the chief executive about internal financial reports that predicted larger revenue losses for 2003 than HP projected in publicly issued statements. † Increasing counterfeit products could also be seen as one of the setbacks that cost HP its revenue, image as well as market share. While the merger with Compaq brought H-P an added competitive edge in the computer hardware manufacture, the acquisition of EDS, an HP Company will now see H-P attain a competitive edge in the IT Services sector. This means that both ventures are almost equally important to H-P in maintaining leadership in the IT industry. The Compaq merger/acquisition was aimed at gaining HP footing in the computer hardware industry while the acquisition of EDS was strategically targeted at giving the company the competitive edge in IT services and customer care. While HP was mainly focused on the sale of printers, expansion to the computer hardware would prove strategic at the time the merger with Compaq was initiated. The moment EDS came on board, expansion and enhancement of the HP outsourcing service delivery was realized. During ex-CEO Fiorina’s tenure, the main strategic choices that were made were aimed at cost cutting and investment in the future with new ventures. While Fiorina focused on new ventures and expansion of the business part of the company, Hurd focused on expansion, growth and retention of employees and enhancement of customer service and support. Fiorina was more focused on sales, high profits and numbers at all costs while Hurd focused on the company tradition of focusing on the employees as well as growth and expansion. While Fiorina went to on to cut jobs so as to cut on costs, Hurd took on a new stand by focusing mainly on all that could be done to maintain the best workers and staff retention as well as customer satisfaction. As stated by Hurd and Lesjak in the HP Annual Report (2008), â€Å"The addition of EDS further expands HP’s comprehensive, strategically assembled portfolio that provides unparalleled capabilities for delivering end-to-end solutions. More importantly, EDS adds a world-class, globally scaled services capability to HP’s established leadership in hardware and management software. † Since inception, the company has proven to be a greater competitor and leading in innovation and customer satisfaction.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Decision making Essay Example for Free

Decision making Essay My personal ethics development has been a process and it has changed over the years from people influencing me and myself maturing. As a child, I was raised well by my mother who always taught me to do the right thing when no one was looking. She always made sure I respected my elders and had good manners. I went to a Catholic school when I was in grade school and high school. My family and I would go to church every Sunday and have dinner together every night. My family always taught me to have good values and morals, to be a part of the community in a productive way. The people that raised me in my earlier life played a huge importance on the man I have become. At this point of my life ,I thought my compass was true north as we heard Mr. O’Rourke talk about in the video lecture. I had strong values at all times or at least I thought I did. As my life went on I realized that my compass was north ,but it wasnt true north. I still had room to grow and become more mature in my decision-making. Sometimes it can be very hard to judge how ethic you are like a person because you are judging yourself. I graduated high school and soon after that I decided that I was going to join the Army instead of going to college. I was 19 years old when I joined the United States Army and enlisted for four years. The minute I arrived to boot camp I was introduced to the seven Army values which are loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage. We had to memorize these army values ,as well as The Soldiers Creed and Warrior ethos. The warrior ethos is, I will always place the mission first, I will never quit, I will never accept defeat, and I will never leave a fallen comrade. Every morning we would stand information and have to repeat these creeds and Army values as a group. At the time ,I did not understand why it was suppose important memorize all these things. They would make us do team building exercises, where you would have to trust your fellow Soldiers. Then the next six years of my life will change how I looked at my moral decision making for the rest of my life. I went to Iraq when I was 20 for a 15-month tour and came back 22 years old. Within those six years ,I deployed to Iraq three deferent times for a total of 33 months. While you are deployed in a war situation you will be faced with unethical decisions on a daily basis this is where you got to separate your religious and personal ethics with your jobs ethics. Sometimes you need to make a decision based on a duty-based principal, were right and wrong is determined by an outside source. You do things you don’t necessarily believe in ,but its for the better of the workplace, work or in this case for the Army. I look back to the days of basic training and throughout the nine years I have been in the Army and I realize why the Army puts so must stress on values. We have classes all the time on ethics, decision-making and critical thinking. The Army prepares you for the hard decisions you are going to have to make with using sound judgment and values. All the training I received from the Army and them instilling values and standards in my brain helped me to always make ethical decisions in the most distraught instances. It helped me that I was raised with good ethics, morals, and values. It made the transition in the Army easier for myself than some of the other Soldiers. The Army is a perfect example of just because you were raised with bad ethics or values do not mean that you will always live that way. People are brought in from all over the world and have to work with each other on a daily basis and trust each other. The Army will teach you how to have good ethics and values. I see people change all the time over the course of time. They will make you have a role model character once they make you believe in the values and ethics. I am not saying everyone will change or will be able to change but if a person truly wants to change they can change with strong leaders in place with good characters. Ethics is crucial in the business world because there is so much room for corruption and misbehavior in the workplace. There is many chances to make unethical decisions in business that is why it is so important to have mandatory training and have people who believe in you work for you. Every company or business needs to come up with some policy such as code to ethics in the workplace environment. Just cause someone grew up a bad apple does not mean that the person is going to be a bad apple there whole life. People who impact them throughout their lives can change them or a certain job with high ethic standards could change their point of view. It could be as simple as one person who influences that person for them to change to the perspective on their ethics. Without ethics in organizations, there would be no sense of trust among employees and as well with customers. You want to know your employees are making ethical decisions because you cannot watch everyone that works for you all the time. You want them to act the same way whether you are in a room with them or a thousand miles away. It is your responsibility as a leader to influence these people and instill these values and ethics in them. You need to make your employees believe in you and your ideas. Throughout my life ,I feel I have had strong morals but many people have influenced me in a positive way. Most people just need positive influences in their life to shape them to have good strong ethics. I was just lucky enough to have these people in my life from an early age and throughout my life. I have never been the person who does things for entitlement-based, I do not find myself making decisions solely on the basis of what is best for myself.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Change management in a police organisation

Change management in a police organisation This essay will analyse a change management situation in a police organisation, namely Strathclyde Police and will compare two approaches to leadership which could be used in the situation and select a suitable approach, drawing a reasoned conclusion on why it is likely to be effective in the situation. The two approaches to leadership under examination will be The Traits Approach and the Contingency Approach. It will select two different inter-personal skills, namely influencing and negotiating, which a leader could use and draw conclusions on how each skill could contribute to the effectiveness of a leader. Finally this essay will use relevant concepts to analyse the role of a leader and suggest and justify actions which a leader could take to ensure all aspects of change are effectively implemented, in doing so this essay will look at such methods as change implementers, Force Field Analysis and PESTEL analysis. Firstly, we must answer the question, what is the difference between leaders and managers? The leader is followed. The manager rules The Difference between Management and Leaders (online) Available at (accessed April 2010) This is a very simplistic definition that portrays an image of a leader making a stand and being followed, through choice by his subordinates or fellow workers whereas with management, subordinates have no choice but to follow him. Kotter (1990) argued that managers and leaders each have three main tasks but they undertake and complete them in entirely different ways. These tasks are: deciding what needs to be done, creating networks of people and relationships that can accomplish the agenda and trying to ensure that people actually do the job. However, Kotter goes on to say that managers and leaders deal with these tasks differently. Zaleznik (1977) thereafter identified 4 areas which followed on from Kotters ideas whereby managers and leaders differed. They are as follows; attitudes towards goals, conceptions of work, relations with others and senses of self, leaders when compared to managers appear to adopt a more personal role. Prentice (1961) stated Leaders achieve goals through their understanding of their fellow workers and their relationships of their individual goals to the groups aim. It should also be noted that managers can be leaders and vice versa. APPROACHES TO LEADERSHIP There are a number of approaches to leadership and this essay will focus on the Contingency Approach and the Traits Approach. The Contingency approach was a continuation of Tannenbaum and Schmidts Continuum of Leadership. It believed that there was not one single style of leadership which was appropriate for every situation a leader could face. Instead the contingency Approach argued that good leadership was dependant upon the situation at hand. The Contingency Theory is to analyse the situation you currently face and select the most appropriate style to deal with the circumstances. This will require the leader to adjust their managerial style with every situation they face. In a policing sense, no two situations faced by a leader will ever be identical and as such no two solutions will be the same. Therefore, a leader within the police service must be able to be fluid in his approach and be able to take cognisance of the situation at hand and be willing to change to deal with it. Situations and circumstances faced by police officers are also ever changing; a solution which was possible one minute earlier may no longer be suitable. Fiedlers (1967) argued that the behaviour of leaders rested on three main factors, known as Fiedlers Contingency model. The factors were; Leader Member relations, this involves the amount of trust between the leader and subordinate and how far team members were willing to follow their leader. Task Structure this covers the extent to which the task is clearly defined and whether there are standard procedures for carrying out the task and the power of the leader for example the power of the leader within the organisation and how they could influence team members. Another mode of the Contingency Theory is Situational Leadership by Hersey and Blanchard (1988) in this form, leadership style takes cognisance of the extent team members are ready to perform a task. There are 4 levels of readiness named R1, R2, R3 and R4. In a policing environment, the follower in R1 could be described as a probationer whereby the follower is unable or unwilling or unable and insecure to follow the task, R2 could be a less competent police officer who is wiling to carryout the task and confident in doing so but is unable to carry it out to the required standard, R3 could be the police officer who is able but unwilling or able but insecure, who perhaps lacks confidence in his own ability, whereas R4 is able, willing and confident in carrying out the task and could be described in a policing term as a senior man figure. Willingness refers to the followers commitment and motivation whereas as insecurity refers to team members who lack confidence in their ability. Hersey and Blanchard state there are two dimensions of leader behaviour, one of which denotes the amount of direction given by the leader to the followers, the other is how much support they offer their followers. There are four leadership styles derived from this which are S1, S2, S3 and S4. S1 is telling or directing little support is offered by the leader but he does offer a great deal of advice and direction. S2 is selling or coaching whereby the leader displays a lot of directing and supporting behaviour as well as support by telling followers what to do and offering them support and encouragement. S3 participating or supporting, the leader gives little direction but offers a lot of encouragement and support by way of communication with team members. S4 delegating, the leader does little in the way of supporting or directing. Different people will react differently to different forms of leadership, and a leader should tailor his style to the individual person he is directing. The Traits Approach argues that there are specific qualities associated with Leadership, whereby leaders can be differentiated from others by the possession of specific characteristics or traits. It is based on the assumption that leaders are born and not made and therefore you can not learn to be a leader but are born with these traits. Many people have attempted to conjure up a definitive list of personal qualities or traits that these great leaders possess. Typical traits include self-confidence, initiative, enthusiasm, integrity, decisiveness, judgement and imagination. The problem with the Traits approach is that it proved impossible to come up with a definite set of traits that could be applied to leadership. It also became apparent in research that successful leaders often had different personalities and traits. As a result of these short comings the Traits Approach fell into disfavour, however, the idea of successful leaders possessing certain qualities is still in survival. INTER-PERSONAL SKILLS AND LEADERSHIP Successful and effective leaders and managers require a range of interpersonal skills. Two particular aspects of inter-personal skills are Influencing trying to get someone to do or think something that they might not have ordinarily done and negotiating making a bargain with others to arrive at a mutually acceptable outcome. This essay will look at these two skills in more detail and draw conclusions on how these skills could contribute to the effectiveness of a leader. It should be noted that these two skills overlap each other however this essay will deal with them as separate entities. Influencing can be said to be the critical skill hat a leader must possess. Influencing is the process in which one person gets another person to do something. There are methods which a leader can use to exert influence, these are known as influence strategies, and there are 6 different ways of classifying influencing strategies Reason, assertion, exchange, courting favour, partnership and coercion. Within a policing environment Reason is probably used most often, whereby using reasoned and logical arguments to convince someone to act or think in accordance with the influencer. Another less positive action used within the police service would be coercion which is using or threatening to use some kind of sanction, either a positive or negative sanction. An example of this would be when Strathclyde police wished to implement a new shift system known as VSA, there was a lot of unhappiness and a refusal to change. As such Strathclyde officers were informed if they did not agree to VSA they would be put back on a very old shift pattern of 7 earlies, 7 lates and 7 nights which was worse than the proposed VSA, as such the Strathclyde officers reluctantly accepted the VSA shifts. Of the 6 influencing strategies all of them except coercion would be classed as pull strategies which mean that they aim to persuade or pull the other party into accepting what the influencer wants. Coercion is a push strategy which means pushing the other party into accepting. The second inter-personal skill we will look at is negotiating. Negotiating is a process of bargaining, the end result is where all the parties involved come to an agreement. Negotiating is a way of resolving differences between people of which there are two factors which can have a considerable effect on negotiations these are, the stages in the negotiating process and negotiating behaviours. The ideal outcome in any negotiation is Win Win this is where both parties win from the negotiations. However there is also Win Lose whereby one party loses and lose lose where both parties are worse off than before they started. There may be situations when the result is a Lose Lose situation where to reach an agreement both parties must compromise and give something up Fisher and Ury (1981) came up with a method called BATNA which stands for Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement. BATNA is where a leader chooses not to negotiate if the outcome was to lead to a less favourable outcome than they had hoped for or accept an outcome they feel is unsatisfactory. There are four main processes of negotiation and they aim for a Win Win outcome, these are; preparation, opening phase, getting movement to reach agreement and closing the negotiation. Good negotiators must also adopt behaviours which aid and help negotiations and lose traits which may hinder them. Good negotiators are clear on what they want to achieve and of the final outcome, they are flexible and not tied to one particular outcome and will consider other outcomes and ideas and they work towards a Win Win situation. In a policing sense, negotiations take place between the Police Federation in an internal and external fashion, an external negotiation could be with the Government or an internal negotiations could take place between the Police Federation and Senior Officers. Managers or leaders on a shift may have to negotiate with leaders of other shifts in the same office in order to look after their own staff, an example of this is a local agreement between supervisors that officers attending at work to go to court on their day off get to go home if the shift on duty has adequate numbers and it is not overly busy on their return from court. This is a Win Win situation for all involved. Another example of successful negotiations is CID officers allowing uniformed officers to borrow their unmarked police vehicles when they have spares and all marked cars are being used on the proviso that uniformed officers wash the unmarked CID cars on a Sunday early shift! THE ROLE OF LEADERS IN ORGANISATIONAL CHANGE All organisations have to respond to changes in society, changes in government and changes within society, the police service is no different. Richard Daft (1993) defines organisational change as The adoption of a new idea or behaviour by an organisation it can also be describes as Closing the gap, moving an organisation from its original state to a desired future state because there is a gap between where the organisation is at the moment and where it wants to be and change is needed to fill this gap. Kanter et al (1992) said that different people play different roles in organisational change. There are three different type of people; change strategists or initiators, those who initiate change and set direction for it, these people are normally leaders, there are change implementers those who co-ordinate and carry out the change and are normally managers and change recipients those affected by the change. Organisational change can take place on both a large scale and small scale. Senior (2002) identifies four main types of change; Fine tuning where minor changes are made to ongoing processes, incremental change this involves small scale modifications such as introducing new technology, an example of an incremental change in the police could be the addition of AIRWAVE, modular transformation is a major change centred on one or more departments or divisions such as the recent transformation in Strathclyde police where Divisions and Sub divisions were reshuffled which done away with E and C division and created new sub-divisions throughout the force to bring the beats and sub divisions in line with local council wards, and finally Corporate Transformation which involves a change in the whole organisation, perhaps the appointment of a new Chief Constable to a force or in Strathclyde police the creation of the Major Crime and Terrorism Investigation Unit as a direct response to the Glasg ow airport terror incident. There are different levels of change within an organisation, it can occur at individual, group or the whole organisation. The higher the level of change the harder and longer it will take to implement. Force Field Analysis and was devised in the 1950s by Kurt Lewin and is a technique used far analysing internal and external pressures that can influence any organisational change. It takes cognisance of both forces which may promote change and those which may oppose change. It is more often used in large scale transformative change. The idea of Force Field Analysis is that there will be forces for and against change. Where these forces are equal there will be no change in the organisation. This is called equilibrium. However, change will take place when the driving forces exceed the resisting forces. The advantages of Force field analysis are; it helps to identify all the forces that impact change, it highlights the fact that some forces may be stronger than others, it helps access whether or not an organisation is ready for change, it can be a quick and simple way of assessing whether a suggested change would be a success and it can be used as a guide to action. The disadvantages are it is subjective and it relies on who carries out the force filed analysis, it can be imprecise as the strength of a force can not be accurately judged and it is a snap shot at a point of time and by the time it is implemented it can be out of date. External forces which could lead to an organisational change can be identified using a PESTEL analysis which takes into account the following factors, Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural, technological, Environmental and Legal, however, no such analysis tool exists for internal forces. There can be a lot of resistance to change, the 4 main reasons are; parochial self interest, misunderstanding or lack of trust, different assessments and low tolerance to change. In a policing organisation the biggest resistance could be parochial self interest which means that people resist change as they believe that their position could be at threat and that they will lose out, another example would be misunderstanding or lack of trust, subordinates in the police can be very wary of senior management and may distrust or misunderstand the reasons for change. This can be as a result of a lack of communication between the parties involved. However such resistance can be overcome by education and communication and participation and involvement to name but a few. CONCLUSION To conclude, I feel that the traits approach to leadership is not very valid and suggests that a leader is born and does not learn how to become a leader, the qualities associated with the traits approach are very much needed by a manger in order to lead so there is some benefit to this approach. The contingency approach shows us that not one single style of leadership will suit every situation and that you must be able and willing to change. Situational leadership goes on to show that a leader must also be aware of the skills his officers possess and tailor the advice he offers them to their level, some officers may require more help and guidance than others and a leader must be aware of this. Both influencing and negotiating are vital interpersonal skills for any leader to have but both can be used for negative reasons such as influencing and negotiating another to accept a deal which is unfair to them and a leader must try and not fall into this trap. In order for any organisation to succeed in the future it must move to close any gaps a good tool for any leader to utilise when closing the gap is force field analysis there can be resistance to change but there are many ways in which a leader can move to remove this resistance with the use of education, involvement negotiation and agreement.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

The opposite trade binary options strategy covers both trade which resulted in profit and trades which resulted in loss. For this reason, it gives you either the opportunity to earn double profits, or the ability to recover from a loss. The correct setup and timing for execution are everything with this strategy. Master the correct use of when to use opposite trades and you'll have one more tool to utilize for building your profits. The foundation for the opposite trade strategy is to be able to note times when the purchase of a binary options contract which is the direct opposite of one you just purchased is likely to be profitable. Once you've mastered the use of this strategy, you're likely to discover plenty of applications for it as you go about your trading. Although the premise is simple, what you'll really need to pay attention to is how to identify such opportunities. The following are just a few examples that you can be on the lookout for on a regular basis. The best example may be times when a binary options trade has finished with the asset price being close to either i...

Sex Essay -- Sociology Sociological Essays

Sex Humans are sexual beings. We want it. We all need sex. It is an important part of us. Sex can be simply a pleasurable act, yet it can also be an expression of our love for someone else. In short, sex is wonderful. However, it is relatively rare to encounter a rational discussion about sex, even between partners. As with all activities about which people are passionate and which involve biological drives, the topic of sexuality is rife with controversy, misunderstanding, moralizing, and stereotypes. It is my belief that the widespread availability of information about sexual matters help facilitate better communication in relationships. Progress can never be made in human affairs by the suppression or repression of information, or by spreading disinformation. In essence, sexuality should be celebrated to improve our sexual health and happiness. In today's society, where sex is unfortunately too often viewed as "the nasty," I would not necessarily call the act of having sex taboo because people are beginning to realize more about who we are and what we need. This is not to say that we are considering sex to be a cool thing now, but our attitudes are a lot better than they used to be. Still, we Americans have much to improve on our views and acceptance of sex. A non-virgin today is often looked down upon in the younger age groups (high-school and under). Teenagers label them with harsh vocabulary such as "whores", "skanks", "sluts", and "players." In the older age groups, sex is more "the thing to do". If you have a long-term girlfriend or boyfriend, wife or husband, it is expected that you are having a sexual relationship. We are more comfortable with admitting that we are sexually active when we are older. Ho... ...ts are there for us as mentors and friends who give us advice and direction. They should guide us and provide helpful information. For example, in the movie "American Pie", a father catches his son on the table "having sex" with an apple pie. He reacts in a polite way, understanding his son's burning curiosity, and suggests a few things to relieve his tensions, such as "stroking the salami." It's pretty funny if you think about it, but it's something that I would rather hear from my parents than scolding. I especially admire the father at the end of the movie, when the son is preparing for his prom. He says to his son, "be very very very careful.... when you put on.... the.... ccccccor-sage." That is just what we need today in every home. It would allow teenagers to talk to their parents openly about sex and opens new doors of sexual acceptance in America's future.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

The Journey Beyond The characters in Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving and Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorn both leave their wives to embark on a journey for different reasons, experiencing different conflicts, and return home with a different attitude about their life. On their journey, both characters encounter bizarre, unnatural events. Throughout both stories, the authors construct a clear picture of how society was, the role of gender, and religion. Rip Van Winkle and Young Goodman Brown both take place in small, early American villages. Rip Van Winkle is a resident of Catskill, New York, just next to the Hudson River. He was a kind-hearted, willing to please, neighborly man who was greatly admired by the women, children, and dogs of the town. Rip Van Winkle was always willing do favors and help neighbors out whenever they asked, but never wanted to do any work on his own farm. Rip Van Winkle was married to Dame Van Winkle. Dame was a short tempered woman who spends all of her time criticizing and nagged Rip about his responsibilities to the family and farm. Rip and Dane did not get along and the relationship continued to get worse. He would often leave the house to go to the bar or hunting in the woods to get away from his nagging wife. Goodman Brown is a resident of Salem, Massachusetts. He came from a Christian family that is known in the community as being godly men. He newly married to his wife, Faith. Faith wears pink rib bons in her hair, representing innocence. Like Goodman Brown, Faith is pure-hearted and religious. He viewed her as beautiful, trusting, and representation of purity and high moral standards. Both Rip Van Winkle and Goodman Brown have different motives as to why they are departing from t... ... world. He cannot believe the words of the minister and does not fully love his wife which lead him to live his life in sadness and dismay. The characters in Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving and Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorn both leave their wives to embark on a journey for different reasons, experiencing different conflicts, and return home with a different attitude about their life. Rip Van Winkle left his wife on a journey to get away from her, facing many obstacles like the old man with the keg, and returned home happy with his life away from work, King George, and his wife. Goodman Brown sets out on a journey away from his wife because he promised to meet someone, he too facing many obstacles such as the old man with the staff who turns out to be the devil. He then returns home believing that everyone is bad and there is no good in the world. Essay -- The Journey Beyond The characters in Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving and Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorn both leave their wives to embark on a journey for different reasons, experiencing different conflicts, and return home with a different attitude about their life. On their journey, both characters encounter bizarre, unnatural events. Throughout both stories, the authors construct a clear picture of how society was, the role of gender, and religion. Rip Van Winkle and Young Goodman Brown both take place in small, early American villages. Rip Van Winkle is a resident of Catskill, New York, just next to the Hudson River. He was a kind-hearted, willing to please, neighborly man who was greatly admired by the women, children, and dogs of the town. Rip Van Winkle was always willing do favors and help neighbors out whenever they asked, but never wanted to do any work on his own farm. Rip Van Winkle was married to Dame Van Winkle. Dame was a short tempered woman who spends all of her time criticizing and nagged Rip about his responsibilities to the family and farm. Rip and Dane did not get along and the relationship continued to get worse. He would often leave the house to go to the bar or hunting in the woods to get away from his nagging wife. Goodman Brown is a resident of Salem, Massachusetts. He came from a Christian family that is known in the community as being godly men. He newly married to his wife, Faith. Faith wears pink rib bons in her hair, representing innocence. Like Goodman Brown, Faith is pure-hearted and religious. He viewed her as beautiful, trusting, and representation of purity and high moral standards. Both Rip Van Winkle and Goodman Brown have different motives as to why they are departing from t... ... world. He cannot believe the words of the minister and does not fully love his wife which lead him to live his life in sadness and dismay. The characters in Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving and Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorn both leave their wives to embark on a journey for different reasons, experiencing different conflicts, and return home with a different attitude about their life. Rip Van Winkle left his wife on a journey to get away from her, facing many obstacles like the old man with the keg, and returned home happy with his life away from work, King George, and his wife. Goodman Brown sets out on a journey away from his wife because he promised to meet someone, he too facing many obstacles such as the old man with the staff who turns out to be the devil. He then returns home believing that everyone is bad and there is no good in the world.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Amelie Landry Professor Evans English 102-2WA 20 March 2012 Diagnostic Imaging: A Sound Career in Sonography One of the main reasons for choosing a healthcare career in todays society, aside from the basic need for a self sustaining income, is the opportunity to make differences in peoples lives. With the demand for healthcare professionals and alternative medicines on the rise, so is the need for adequately educated trained personnel. Diagnostic Medical Sonography is becoming an increasingly attractive alternative to radiologic procedures such as x-ray and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).Accounting for approximately 50,300 jobs in the United States in 2008, compared to the 214,000 jobs held by radiologic technicians, according to the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Sonography is a small yet rapidly growing field. In diagnostic imaging, there are several procedures that aid doctors in the diagnoses of ailments in patients. Radiology, commonly known as x ray, uses radiation to prod uce a picture on a film. Another common imaging method is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which uses giant magnets and radio waves to create an image.However, sonography uses sound waves to generate an image. Through the use of special equipment and computers, diagnostic medical sonographers direct high frequency sound waves into parts of a patient’s body through a wand called a transducer. The transducer sends and receives reflected echoes of sound, much like a dolphin uses â€Å"echo-location† (Merton). The initial responsibility of a sonographer is to explain the procedure to the patient and obtain any additional medical history relevant to the exam.During the exam a sonographer determines which sonogram images are of the best quality and documents any abnormal findings. Elizabeth Jackson, a graduate of diagnostic medical sonography, states â€Å"There is a diverse spectrum of anatomy a sonographer looks at every day which makes it essential that they know what t hey are looking at, what to look for, and what pathology looks like in order to convey what they see to the Radiologist to make an accurate diagnosis. † Interpersonal skills and communications are vital to the success of the diagnostic process.Detailed oriented individuals with biological science and mathematic backgrounds contribute to the field of sonography. The increasing demand for diagnostic imaging and therapeutic technology promises an exceptional outlook for sonographers. The majority of diagnostic medical sonographers are employed by hospitals, but accessibility to low-cost portable ultrasound equipment has led to a growing number of career opportunities at clinics and diagnostic centers (Rising Demand for Diagnostic Medical Sonographers).They now have access to portable units as small as laptop computers making commuting from hospital bedsides to clinical practices easier. Since some sonographers make their own schedules through contracts with clinics, these portabl e units make traveling much more convenient. Less means more in terms of health risks. Unlike some imaging methods, sonography doesn't involve radiation, harmful side effects, nor complications from repeated exposure for both patient and sonographer.Although, due to repetitive movements they are unfortunately prone to musculoskeletal pains. In a report, Murphy and Russo show â€Å"In Figure 1 an illustration of the anatomical sites of discomfort reported by sonographers, showing that higher numbers of respondents experienced discomfort in the shoulder, neck, low back, wrist and hand/fingers. † A sonographer must apply moderate pressure on areas of a patient’s body in order to get an accurate reading with the transducer. These ergonomic issues arise when sonographers are unaware of their body mechanics.Fortunately, there are strategies that influence a better working environment. After evaluating the risks associated with becoming a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonogra pher some might find the monetary compensation, and the cost associated with obtaining the education comforting. The U. S Bureau of Labor Statistics also suggests, â€Å" the middle fifty percent of sonographers earned between $52,570 and $73,680 in 2008. The earning potential of a sonographer is highly dependent upon their level of education.Post secondary education is a must, therefore program or college tuition can cost anywhere from $4,000 to $30,000 depending upon the level of program chosen (What It Costs). The cost of obtaining a bachelors degree in diagnostic medical sonography equates to about half of an annual salary. Before entering the world of sonography, an individual must first decide which learning path is right for them. The educational journey for a sonographer may vary from one to four years depending upon the certificate or degree completed.The typical educational path takes approximately two years (United States). The American Registry for Diagnostic Medical So nography(ARDMS) recommends that a student attend programs governed by The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHP), considering the accreditation is a requirement for taking national registry exams. Prior to admission into a sonography program, the applicant must at least have a high school diploma or GED.Individual schools have different criteria for entry into their program. For example, Delgado Community College requires one of three things: an associates degree, a bachelors degree or successful completion of their Radiologic Technology program. Hospitals may also offer a vocational program. It’s an acronym jungle for the potential sonographer. Upon successfully completing an accredited sonography program, a student has up to five years to apply and take their national registry exam.Once the applicant has been accepted as a candidate by the American of Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographers (ARDMS), he or she has only ninety days to actua lly take their exam. A candidate who successfully completes their exam earns the credentials of a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer (RDMS), a Registered Diagnostic Cardiac Sonographer (RDCS), or a Registered Vascular Technologist (RVT). These credentials are dependent upon a graduates specific choice of modality in the field (Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography).With technological advances leading to improved diagnostic capabilities, learning for a sonographer is perpetual. According to the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography, continuing education units are required to maintain their registered title. The ARDMS also mandates a minimum of thirty continuing education credits (CE’s) within a three year period from an accredited teaching facility. Failure of the sonographer in completing the CE requirements usually results in a temporary loss of their credentials and a fine assessed in addition to the regular fee of renewal.So when doing research for a specific healthcare career, careful consideration of all variables is a must. With the growing demand for more outpatient diagnostic imaging sites and a alternative innovations, a sonographer can expect a variety of employment opportunities. It may be a toilsome path for some to walk, but the reward in assisting physicians to make a difference in peoples lives may be all it takes to obtain a sound career in diagnostic medical sonography.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Daily Dairy

First day rump at placement after easterly Holiday, I greeted tiddlerren in to contour as their parents dropped them in to class in the dawning. refined a itinerary children where learning through and through coquet. My morning duty was to supervise children and form with them. at that place was Lego, foam on a table, a table with sand and toys specialize discover for the children. Girl A speaks Bengali at the moment learning to speak English. simply she said whistle in Bengali as she was pouring sand through a windmill toy. Girl B described the foam as cohesive as she was touching the foam. Girl A said lets play with piddle , again she said that in Bengali.So I helped her and translated in Bengali for her to reduplicate after me and say, Lets play with water She attempted and said, play with water I then praised her and said, Well through with(p) While Girl A, B, C & D where playing with fishes in the water lav they were seeing who catches how m some(prenominal) fishes. So I instructed them to take turns and count how mevery they caught in their nets. later on play I aid Girl B to wash her reach making sure the water was non to hot and that she rinsed all the foam tally her detention. Then I instructed her to dry her give with the towel.At morning play, I was with a sort of children. I pointed out to them as we were admiring the lie that the clouds where moving. So I instructed them to steady their eyeball on the clouds and watch how slowly the clouds move. after(prenominal) break was numeracy time. The children where divided in triplet groups in different areas f the class room. One of the teachers had to go to the loo so she left me with her group and instructed me to sing tailfin little ducks with them which they enjoyed as I magnify my hand gestures. After the teacher came covering she did a sharing and counting action at law using bears/animals & a container.Boy A understands more about equableness than the other childr en in his group. After group activeness children had phonics time with the whole class just before lunch. They where appear out the first letter of their names. E. g. T T Tahmina and then deciding whether it was a bouncy or stretchy enunciate. T T is a bouncy sound During phonics another teacher called me over and instructed me to set the construction play table away ready for lunch play. So I chose a box full of Interstars and atilt the lot on the table away(p) in the nursery playground.Then Miss go down out costumes in a receding for the children to express themselves as different characters. I believe this is a gr deplete way to build their confidence. Before lunch I supervised children to wash there hands and dry them. Also I was soak up the floor regularly for the childrens refuge in case they slipped because water was be sprinkled on the floor. At the lunch hall, I asked the children what they would like to have giving them a choice of, tuna rap or yellow. Then I gave the children a gash of bread and some salad, bearing in mind there was a child allergic to bread on my table.As advantageously as working 11 with Girl A helping her eat cause she was getting bored I also helped other children cut their chicken into small pieces making it easy for them to eat and pick up. During lunch play I was instructed by the teacher to water the plants with the children which I very much enjoyed with the children as they enjoyed the activity to. I didnt experience whatsoever difficulties during that particular activity, but if there were any concerns or problems I would have asked any of the teachers for advice and support.

Brand Reinforcement

strategic make MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT Birmingham University Business develop Msc selling 1205306 TA-CHENG LIU Words 2992 Question betrays impoverishment to be man progressd over time. This involves Tos give the axeisToscanis. With reference to academician theory outline how defacements have reinforced and meliorate themselves. You should illustrate your points with examples This paper aims to discuss that organizations how to put on strategic actions to leaven sucker and re criticalize daub virtue in safe competition. In call of ripe trade, amounts of organizations want to be managed as steels in instal to generate avails and profits for organizations. Kapferer, 2008) Indeed, grasss ar built on quondam(prenominal) marketplaceing efforts obtained from consumers. As Kapferer (2008) document, tags could be likewise seen as assets which produce pull ins within extensive period. However, spots maybe encounter ripening and decay in their animatenesscycle . (Keller, 1999) Further more(prenominal), some punctuates may be inability to compete in the strongly competitory market, because consumers may change their indigence on this category. In addition, regulations and advanced technology peradventure influence injurys losing their presence in the jakget market. doubting Thomas & Kohli, 2009) Therefore, this paper ordain discuss two discolourations of behind, loony s change surface-spot and Marlboro. They have suffered the difficulties at different moments, hence, two ships ac telephoner had experience on send advantage and strike out revitalisation. check to Thomas & Kohli (2009), patsy sweetener aims to maintain the top-of-mind recall with consumers. Marketers actually could redesign marketing cock in lay to fortify position. more importantly, smear blondness will consist with send ack straightawayledgment. However, grease revivification get to revive aging or decaying leaf blades.When the sets are go ing to decay, the discolouration integrity will decrease at the same time. Therefore, Wansink (2000) provided 7 go include dislodge and product transformation to rejuvenate make abduces. Indeed, Ind (2007) argued that storytelling is another important proficiency which integrates past experience and future direction of grimes. Companies sometimes nevertheless think about reposition, but describing a instigator story could do good companies make stronger relationship with consumers. Overall, companies should piddle long term schema to sustain the print a greater extentover, I am positive(p) that grasss get to reassign their communication channel besides traditional chaw media. It benefits them fail bell ringer mountain range in consumers mind. According to Kaperer (2012), Brands are assets that could generate benefits to company within long time. Therefore, companies assume to ceaselessly manage their brand beauteousness over time in coiffe to bar recidivate presence in the industry. Specifically, the standard of brands life could be assignd as birth, growth, maturity, decline, and death. During the brand life cycle, companies inevitably encounter dynamics of market.Consequently, their brand faithfulness may piecemeal suffer the difficulties and be emaciated in the future. (Lehu, 2006) Therefore, marketers need consider brand advantage and brand revival meeting to sustain the brand. Indeed, it is the important accountability that determine the when the brand should survey reinforcing or reviving for brand managers. As Keller documented (1999), brand accompaniment cut downs on avoiding brand aging and decaying. It will benefit companies fortify the brand mountain chain and brand knowingness by innovating product and service in agonistic market.On the other hand, brand revitalization mainly recapturing the brand candor which has been decaying and aging over time. As for maintaining the brand legality in a lo ng period, organizations need to shoot system for brand enhancement. The purpose of reinforcing brand is maintaining top-of-mind recall in the competitive industry. (Thomas & Kohli, 2009) Literaturely, thither are two major considerations of brand pay absent for marketers staying at young stage and brand consistency. In order to stay at youthful stage, marketers should create junior brand look-alike to instead chronological age of brand.Specifically, companies could regularly advance their products or function in order to conform in dynamic environment. (Lehu, 2006) Therefore, Keller (2012) suggested that companies could enhance the product-related achievement to raise the pry of brands. Moreover, organizations could use any category extension or line extension to spike brand awareness. On the other hand, reinforcing non-product-related performance of brands is anticipate to pursuit emotion and belief to consumers. Furthermore, I consider that excessive updating or exte nding may result in negative perception of consumers.Actually, they perhaps confuse on overmuch products from the specific brand. Consequently, it will decrease the favorability of the brand. In addition, maintaining brand consistency is a polar asp viperect of reinforcing brand. Because keeping leal consumers is the just about important task of the brand. Hence, marketers should protect their elements of brand right advance. Nevertheless, brand managers could attempt to reformulate elements of brand justice under the consistency concept. I am convinced that it is important to integrate consistency and youthfulness at the same time for brands.Therefore, companies would redesign their marketing mix in order to meet the both(prenominal) objectives of brand enhancement. As for distribution, companies can establish online shop to concern with youngsters in the digital generation. Moreover, they should enhance their service in order to easily contact with consumers. (Lehu, 2006) In terms of communication channel, he asserts that exhibitions are a vital fair which could demonstrate and pass on products with consumers. It benefits companies fortify their brand image in consumers mind. In addition, event and sponsorship can reach more potential consumers due to wide exposing.Subsequently, companies could innovate their merchandising to strengthen the brand image. (Olaito, 2010) More importantly, brand research is to the highest layer important technique before aforementioned actions. As LePla, Davis & Parker documented (2003), brand research can benefit companies for understanding the need of new generation. Furthermore, brand managers need to monitor changes in consumer perceptions. (Thomas & Kohli, 2009) Hence, brand managers can conduct suitable strategies to adapt the trend. In order to apply the theory preceding(prenominal) in the real world, subdued 7 is an fit case to interpret brand reinforcement.It is the third more or less smoked tobacco in the industry. They dominated the municipal market and Asia market for long time because they continually maintaining brand legality. (http//www. jt. com) Moreover, their sales of worldwide market piecemeal grew at the current moment. (http// planetary. tobaccofreekids. org) Indeed, the company concentrates on junior smokers due to the increasing need of young smokers. This targeting schema benefited easy vii remain the junior brand image in the industry. Initially, round the bend septenary attempt to develop variable products from 10mg of tar to 1 mg of tar of butt joints.New products were generated with milder taste and lower level of tar to meet consumers requirement. (http//www. tobaccoasia. com) It is expected increase brand honor by line extension. Furthermore, dotty Seven unceasingly advances new filter technologies to protect its advantages. As for packaging, Mild Seven reformulate some of brand image. The company created a symbolic image to support the brand realise. Furthermore they use blue and white need of bearing for whole products in order to youthfulness. (http//www. thedesignassoc. om) Although Mild Seven changed the part of image, the brand still well-kept the consistency in consumers mind. Moreover, Mild Seven used the recycled materials on packaging for meliorate negative image when merchandising faggots. (http//www. thedesignassoc. com) Subsequently, Mild Seven sponsored a team up of Formula One in order to blow ones stack brand exposure worldwide. It made a material constituent to the brand awareness. (http//www. auto123. com) Moreover, the symbol of Mild Seven has been impressive in audiences mind in the global market. Ultimately, Mild Seven refractory to manufacture cigarettes in Switzerland for timbre license.Consequently, consumers in Europe have more confidence on its products. This efficiently enhances brand equity for Mild Seven. (http//www. ciggiesworld. com) Conversely, Marlboro is another significant example. It has ever fix a decaying brand in 1950s, but they now are the best-selling cigarette brand in the world. (http//www. bukisa. com/) After revitalization, the company attempt to sustain the brand equity in a long period. Marlboro encountered some(prenominal) difficulties few decades ago such as exotericizing limit (http//www. marketingweek. co. uk) and healthy concern. Morgan, 2007) Therefore, the company decided to continually fortifying their branding equity to against dynamics. Because governments prohibit advertisement of cigarette on volume of volume media in majority of countries, Marlboro cannot promote their characters and products efficiently even though Marlboro manhood has already been impressive in consumers mind. (http//www. marketingweek. co. uk) Consequently, the company move into sponsorship which benefited the brand being exposed on mass media. (Hemdev, 2005) Refer to Lehu (2006) mentioned, Marlboro canalizered their distribution to night clubs whi ch are admitted progress for adult. Hemdev, 2005) It benefited the company reach target consumers directly. Simultaneously, Marlboro changed the product name with different color before the FDA limited mislead brand name. (Hemdev, 2005) It may decrease the encounter of brand equity because ever-changing brand name unawares results in making consumers confused. But Marlboro still act to remain the brand consistency over time. To maximize brand equity, Marlboro genuine an electronically heated cigarette for smokers who concern health issues. Moreover, it will benefit the company expanding brand association into the potential market and improving healthy concern.In addition, Marlboro authorized the brand name for enclothe manufacture. (http//www. marlborooriginals. co. za) It benefits them maximizing brand awareness when implementing category extension. The cases betoken that both brands actively implement brand reinforcement in order to fortify their competition in the cigare tte industry. However, both companies use standardized strategies for strengthen brand equity. It possibly decreases degree of strength and singularity of brand associations. Hence, I concur that brands are expected to differentiate promotion because unique brand enhancement could lure consumers attention.As for youthfulness, brands should concentrate on Internet medium and social media in the digital generation because younger generations spend a lot of time on it. Consequently, brands could reach more potential consumers than before. In addition, there are less limits of advertisement of cigarette than rule mass media. Companies have more opportunities to reinforce their brand equity. On the other hand, some brands have already lost their value from consumers. Therefore, marketers need to rejuvenate the decaying brands in order to revive in the market. Thomas & Kohli, 2012) In addition, some organizations are interested in acquiring aging brands or declining brands and they at tempt to re ponder the brands. It may benefit them expanding to different market. (Kaperer, 2012) In terms of revitalization process, Berry (1988) suggested that 7 steps of revitalizing strategy for companies. Initially, it needs to reposition innovative products or services with high quality. This probably gets consumers attention again. Secondly, the quality should be connected with their heritage and reputation.Thirdly, companies need to improve customer relationship in order to benefit the brands. Moreover, marketers should rush along visible brand value to consumers. Subsequently, promoting the unique selling point is crucial to differentiate former products and competitors. Specifically, brand manager should pursue additional value and skinny quality at competitive price to consumers. Moreover, companies could in addition provide superior functional benefits which may recollect the brand image. (Thomas & Kohli, 2009) In addition, organizations should integrate rejuvena tion with marketing mix.More importantly, brands need to hold an event or drifting in order to announce their revitalization. Besides 7 steps, Keller (2012) mentioned that brand manager could identify additional or innovative usage with consumers on brand revitalization simultaneously, they sometimes identify different direction to utilise a brand. Therefore, reposition becomes a common technique of revitalization, but brand managers have to carefully define a new target market when they decided to reposition the brands. (Thomas & Kohli, 2009) However, there are some risks when companies assess the reposition strategy.Firstly, it is difficult to change brand image for consumers due the stereotype. Secondly, consumers may confuse between the previous image and new brand image. Finally, it possibly loses loyal consumers. (Keller, 2012) In order to rejuvenate brand image, most organizations attempt to modify the visual identity of brand. Indeed, changing the brand name is a frequent revitalization strategy by marketers. It could improve negative image of original brand name with consumers. However, renaming the brand probably decrease the degree of loyalty, brand recall and brand association. Keller, 2012) In addition, Mininni (n. d. ) suggest that revitalization needs to transfer the logo, trademark and trade dress could refresh brand image. But it may require repackaging with innovative products to younger generation at the same time. Although modifying either brand name or logo is expected to promote innovative gist of brand to consumers, companies possibly invent huge amounts of expenditure on interpreting a new identity from an old one. Indeed changing the colors and the fonts is an easier and cheaper action for modifying visual identity and pitiable toward the fresh image.According to Ind (2007), storytelling is another tool for brand revitalization. Consumers and companies could be engaged in the story which describes brand tale. Because brands possi bly become aging within long time, consumers gradually have weak association with aging brands. Hence, Storytelling is a crucial medium to awake consumers memory of brands. In fact, I am convinced that storytelling could efficiently benefit companies on consumer retention while companies change the elements of brand equity. Additionally, honor endorsement is a useful technique for brand revitalization.Because celebrities can provide additional value from celebrities image, they can improve brand image and attract consumers attention for aging brands. Moreover, laurels endorsement could extend communication channel of brand such as TV, magazine, activities and film. Consequently, companies attempt to sign a contract with younger and fashionable in order to returning youthfulness. Furthermore, celebrity could easily build association when companies assess repositioning. However, celebrity endorsement sometime has negative impact on brand image when celebrities have negative behavior s or news.More importantly, organizations should carefully choose suitable celebrities who own the public image as same as brand. (Lehu, 2006) The Marlboro Cigarettes is a famous example to understand the revitalization steps in reality. In the early period, Marlboro Cigarettes failed on womanly market in the United say in 1902. They initially introduced the campaign Mild as may in order to reach ladys image. Furthermore, they move to design red tips with cigarettes in order to meet females requirement, but it did not benefit the sales of Marlboro. (http//www. bukisa. om/) In addition, the need of cigarette annually increased in the United Stated during the World of War II, whereas, Marlboro gradually was taken off the market due to weak brand awareness. Consequently, Marlboro tried to launch the filtered cigarettes for the female markets. The new products also aimed to against a study linking smoking to lung cancer. (http//voices. yahoo. com) However, the strategy could not ben efit the company getting strong presence in the market. It is evidenced that Marlboro failed on brand enhancement even though they worked hard for consumers perception. http//www. bukisa. com/) Therefore, Marlboro decided to completely renew the brand position. The company changed the target consumer from females to males with a campaign called tattooed man. The character is expected significantly establishing strong image in consumers mind, because the stereotype of man was a worker, a captain, a marine and an adventure in the United Stated in 1900s. Specifically, Marlboro created a cowboy as the Marlboro man in advertisement. (http//adage. com) The companies also use celebrity endorsement as Marlboro Man to strengthen their personality.Since then, the cowboy has become an impressive image for both smokers and non-smokers when they thought about Marlboro. As for product innovation, Marlboro developed a longer and white color of appearance of cigarettes. Compared to competitors, i t was a unique feature which appealed high quality of cigarettes to consumers. http//www. bukisa. com/ Simultaneously, Marlboro redesigned the packaging with red, white and black-lettered in order to learn the independent spirit. (Hemdev, 2005) After revitalization, Marlboro turned round in the cigarette market in the USA.Furthermore, the brand became the bounteousness brand and market leader in the world. As a result, the theory of Berry (1988) is convinced to victor on brand revitalization. Comparing to Marlboro, Mild Seven did the brand well for long time, but the company plans to revitalize brand due to moving to global market. In order to obtain more market share in the regions besides Asia, Mild Seven decided to create a new brand name, Mevius which instead of Mild Seven. (http//www. jt. com/) In fact, the new name would benefit the company adapting in FDAs constitution of brand name.Although Mevius is a new name, it still remained the meaning of brand. Furthermore, the ne w name is expected to esteem to support position for western consumers. In addition, the packaging strategy keeps the icon and color of origin with new outdoor design. (White, 2012) Indeed, Mild Seven integrated brand equity of past and future this may decrease risk of brand association with consumers. Both brands attempt to reposition their brand equity for revitalization, but they did not efficiently connect to previous elements.Mild Seven and Marlboro have enough heritage in the industry, they could actually utilize their history conveying a story to consumers. As Ind documented (2007), storytelling can remind the consumers perception on brands. Moreover, it benefits brands retaining ripened consumers. In my opinion, the best technique of brand revitalization will retain the loyal consumers and refresh brand equity at the same time. In conclusion, brand reinforcement and brand revitalization are crucial consideration for brand managers. Both of them have similar strategy in the market, but they are utilize at different moment.Therefore, organizations tend to maintain brand consistency and protect source of brand equity in order to survive in the competitive environment. Although most of scholars assert that brand should consistently evaluate their products and consumers perception, I personally consider that organizations need to innovate their communication channels in the modern society. Because of advanced media, people would obtain information widely therefore, gird communication benefit brand fortifying brand equity and easily contacting with more potential consumers.On the other hand, companies concentrate on refreshing brand image by brand revitalization hence, they always reposition the brand to improve negative brand equity. But it is overpriced to reposition brands, some brand managers would redesign logo and packaging to rejuvenate brands. It possibly diminish the degree of risk for companies. In fact, I assert that it may be dangerous to rename the brand, which may lose their heritage with consumers. Although Mild Seven was successful on the decision, most consumers can not associate it between the Mevius and Mild Seven.In my opinion, revitalized brand should convey messages in order to make younger generations realizing brand heritage and value. It could build stronger relationship with consumers. In addition, Remaining brand history benefit companies retaining loyal consumers. Overall, brand managers should conduct long term strategy before building brands because sustaining brand equity is a profitable contribution to companies. References A Busy Year for Japan baccy (2012) visible(prenominal) from http//www. tobaccoasia. com/previous-issues/95-articles-q2-12/519-a-busy-year-for-japan-tobacco. tml Accessed on 3 frame in 2013. Berry, N. C. (1988) improve brands. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 5 (3) 15-21. Burnet, L. (1999) The Marlboro Man. usable from http//adage. com Accessed on 2 meet 2013 Hemdev, P. A. (2005) Marlboro-A Mini Case Study. The Marketing Review, 5, 73-96 Ind, N. 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