Saturday, September 28, 2019

Support Immigrants are the Best Way to Strengthen a Country Essay

Support Immigrants are the Best Way to Strengthen a Country - Essay Example The entrepreneurial activities are always important due to the taxation levied on such businesses by the government (Fleegler, 32). Big entrepreneurial ventures always give the government large amounts of money through taxation. This is important in strengthening the country in many ways. The government can always use such money collected from taxation to pay its laborers. This leads to a very strong nation. In addition, the entrepreneurial activities also contribute greatly towards strengthening of the economy of a nation. It is of crucial significance to note that entrepreneurial ventures initiated by the immigrants always create job opportunities to a large number of populations in the country. This is important in strengthening the economy of such a nation. This makes the government become strong. In addition, the government also taxes the employees thereby contributing to the government’s economic growth, thus strengthening the nation.It is of crucial significance to note that most immigrants contribute to several key government sectors involving technological sector, industrial as well as infrastructure. This leads to strengthening of the government. Most immigrants are always very innovative and inventive (Fleegler, 37). As such, they always come up with several technologies that aid in ensuring effective and efficient sectoral operations. It is important to note that the role of technology in ensuring a strong government is inevitable. One of the major causes behind such exploitation of professional influence.

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