Thursday, September 19, 2019

Julius Caesar Essay -- essays research papers

Cassius If there were to be a villain in the Tragedy of Julius Caesar Cassius would be it. Cassius is the character who first thought up of the conspiracy against Julius Caesar. His motives weren’t as noble as Brutus’ but he made Brutus believe they were. Cassius did whatever it took to get Brutus to join in the conspiracy. We can clearly see Cassius’ true nature by what he does and says in the play. Cassius is a sly, deceitful and an untrustworthy character. Caesar described him best. He said (act1, scene 2, line 195), â€Å"Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look; He thinks too much. Such men are dangerous†. Cassius is very superstitious. This is shown when he says (act 5, scene 1, line 75) â€Å" you know I held Epicurus strong, and his opinion. Now I change my mind, and partly credit things that do presage†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . He believes in omen and signs that foretell events to come. Cassius is conceded. This is shown when he says to Brutus (act1, scene 2, line 116), â€Å" And this man is now become a god, and Cassius is now a wretched creature, and must bend his body if Caesar careless but nod on him†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Cassius continues on saying about times when he saved Caesar from drowning and when he saw Caesar with a fever and he started to shake. All this tells us that Cassius thinks he is just as good or even better than Caesar. Cassius first shows his character of deceit when he put false notes from people in the window of Brutus. This was so Brutus would think a lot of people would be with him if he ...

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