Monday, September 30, 2019
Bean Trees Essay
Most authors convey an important message or idea throughout their noevls to give a greater understanding to their readers. In Barbara Kingsolvers novel, ‘The Bean Trees’, a strong idea that was developed was the possiublity of new beginnings. ‘The Bean Trees’ is the story of the protagonist Taylor Greer, who starts off on a journey from her home town of Kentucky to Arizona. Along the way she she is given an abandoned child which is the start to her learning about motherhood, becoming a women, the power of friendships and also learns to be capable. The idea of new beginnings is the ability for characters to start over and leave their past behind them. It was mainly developed through Taylor, Turtle, and also a Guatamalan couple Estevan and Esperanza. The first person who helped develop this idea is Taylor. At the beginning of the story Taylor was called Marietta before she decided that she wanted to have a clean break because she had never been crazy about the names which she had been called previously. I didn’t have any special name in mind, but just wanted a change’ this fitted into the theme of new beginnings because she was capable of leaving behind her old life and things that surrounded her name and had the opportunity to have the chance to create a new destiny for herself. As well as giving herself another chance to start her life and live it the way that she wanted through the changing of her name she also left her home town, house, friends, and mother all in search of somewhere new to live her life. She used chance to decide where she was going to stop with the use of her car. Wherever it ran out of fuel or something happened to it, she would stop there. With the ambition of leaving her old Kentucky life behind her, she started a journey which led her to Oklahoma. this just happened to be the place where she was given an abandoned child. This was another new beginning for Taylor. ‘Can you talk?†¦ What am I supposed to do with you tonight?†¦ What do you eat?†¦ ‘ This series of questions that Taylor asked the abandoned child showed that she had absolutely no idea what she was doing and still had to learn the first steps of becoming a mother. It was a new beginning for her to take on responsibility for someone else. She had to grow, learn and understand in order to take care of the child that she had suddenly gained to take on her journey. She may not have understood what to do or how to do it, or even truly wanted this new beginning, but all in all she was given the chance. Kingsolver suggests through the use of Taylor that often life presents us with unexpected occurances, but if grasped correctly can lead to a possible great change, and therefore future. Through the use of Taylor as a character Kingsolver helps to show us that around the corner, in every situation, if something as small as a car journey, can lead to amazing opportunities to start afresh in our lives. Turtle is another character that helps develop Kingsolver’s idea of new beginnings. Turtle is an abandoned 3 year old Indian child, who was abused when she was younger. After her mother died she was left to an unexpected Taylor who was just someone passing through the town, but turned into the receiver of a child who she had no clue what to do with. On later inspection of the child which she named Turtle she noticed that her body was covered in ‘bruises and worse’ as Taylor said. When Taylor realised that turtle was a girl she said ‘that fact already burdened her short life with a kind of misery that she could not imagine’. Through this you can picture just how horrible the life this young child must have had. However this was the end of her bad story and the beginning to a new one. Just like Taylor she is given a new name, but also a new mother, new friends, and a new chance. With the opportunity Turtle is now able to grow. ‘Turtle had managed to get through her whole life without a book, I suppose, and then she had two of them bought for her in one day. ‘ This quote shows the beginning if Turtles chance of recovery. She was a 3 year old stuck in an 18 month old body. She was a child with a horrible past, but a chance to start over. The development of Turtle made you understand that the majority of people are at some point given the ability to have a new beginning, no matter how terrible their life was before hand. Estevan and Esperanza are a Guatamalan couple who are also given the opportunity to have a new beginning and therefore helped develop the idea of new beginnings. Estevan and Esperanza are people who are illegally living in Tucson. Esperanza and Estevan live in Mattie’s sanctuary that she has set up for people like them. After becoming good friends with Taylor they decide that they need to move on from Tucson and constantly running from the law. With Taylor and Turtle they set off to go to a safe house in Oklahoma. They were considered ‘illegals’ and needed to be taken out of the country. however there should not be people judged as legal or illegal. There is only a difference between people who are good or bad. Because of this they are taken to a safe house where they are unlikely to be taken away. Instead of focusing on the negative once at the church Estevan says ‘don’t think of us stuck here forever. Think of us back in Guatemala with our families’. His optimism in their new ability to have a clean break and go back to their home country showed the idea of new beginnings in a different light. It'[s not always physically being somewhere that gives people their new beginnings. Sometimes it is just a chance that makes believing in what was, or what could be, possible again. This is how Estevan and Esperanza helped deleop new beginnings as an idea in the novel. In conclusion, everyone has a chance at a new beginning, whther big or small. Three different sets of characters showed this throughout the novel ‘The Bean Trees’. Taylor helped the idea become present in the story as well as develop in as not only the physical actions that allow the new beginning to happen, but also a state of mind. Turtle developed the idea so that it showed the readers that just because someone’s life starts out badly, it doesn’t mean their opportunity to have a new beginning wont come along. Estevan and Esperanza developed the idea so that you realised sometimes all that you need is faith to have the chance at a new beginning. In the end new beginnings was an idea that many characters showed their their own stories and therefore developed into their own way of showing the idea and allowing readers to understand it.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Economic Growth And Standard Of Living Essay
To understand any topic it is always important to take note of the key words. In this case I am going to first pin point the key words. Economy in a lay man’s language is the management of finances or care in the use of resources. Others may say it is a system of producing and managing resources. This then puts everyone in light that economic growth as the increment of management and use of resources like finances, wealth and so on. Standard of living can measured by types of living styles that is quality (living in high standards and able to afford especially the basic needs) or of no quality that is (poor quality most especially not being able to afford the basics in life and probably living below the poverty line) (Elkington J. , 1974); Economic growth is seen on both extremes by different individuals that is the best or worst and the sides of it depending on how it has affected their standards of living. The way it affects the standards of living in the present and how it affected in the past is very different from the way it will be tomorrow. Its further expansion today has also affected different individuals differently. Others have seen it to have caused more harm than good while others see it to have caused more than more good than harm and this second group appears to be the majority hence increasing the gap between these two groups of people (The World Business Council for sustainable). Nevertheless economic growth to a larger extent is seen as a valuable vehicle for raising standards of living in aspects like social life, political aspects and even psychological aspects. Since time immemorial, everyone valued a high standard of living and every member of the family and society worked toward achieving more and more resources so as to live a better life. Men, women and children for instance did farming and cultivated food crops for home consumption. This was in the past before the innovation of cash economy. In that era, the three fundamental processes used in economic growth were identification, cooperation and imitation Aragon-Correa and Sharma S. , 2003 and Dunphy D, Griffiths A, and Benn S. , 2000). Today or presently it is true that further economic expansion has been seen. This is why the world today bases on the mechanism of â€Å"survival for the fittest†. This mechanism is mainly trying to see that everyone actively participates towards economic growth and hence improving their standards of living. So people have just deliberately decided to be lazy and they are the same people complaining of economic growth as unnecessary. They have given others the opportunity to even grow richer as they (the lazy ones) become poorer. It is important to note that as the world economy grows, the standard of living also grows. It does not remain stagnant hence the capacity of manpower in the society should also increase so as to match the economic growth and avoid lagging behind. It is done in this manner, and then the difficulty of economic growth affecting the standards of living presently will not be felt (World Economic Forum). It is seen clearly that as world’s life proceeds, very many aspects change. For instance, the population of South Africa in early 1930’s cannot match or be the same as the population today. Today’s population has definitely outgrown the one of 1930’s hence the economic growth will remain a valuable vehicle for raising and not degrading the standards of living if we check into issues like education, population control, employment especially skilled manpower in professional fields, etc. good example here is population control. In the past population was not as big and huge as today hence the issue of poor standard of living was not intensely felt. Today the population has double even tripled in specific places. This then has led to shortage of land, food, employment, schools hence giving the first priorities to the rich who can scramble. This then has led to high illiteracy, creation of slums, high crime rates. So if population standards are controlled by example introducing and sensitizing people on the issue of using contraceptives, keeping people in schools especially women who can go up to high institutions of learning hence making them concentrate in books and by the time they think of marriage, they are old enough not to give birth to too many children as compared to when they are out of school making them marry early and bearing many children. The issue of education, population control will improve both the economic growth and standards of living in the long run (World Economic Forum). Another very crucial thing is and that we in the world today cannot do without is the fact that of the machineries invention and innovation. This was not in the past, but today it has actually improved our majority standards of living. It is a fact that even the poor man at least can afford some kind of machinery for instance he or she may not afford a television set but may afford a small radio of about three dollars. This is because it is extremely important to listen to and know what is going on in the world through that small radio an issue that was not there in the past though people at that time were still comfortable because these machineries were not there. This hence is seen that economic growth is vats and can accommodate everyone. This means that despite the economic growth, there are still some cheap commodities that can be afforded by the low level people so as to enjoy their lives. The economic growth is also seen to incorporate the non professional activities for example engaging in vegetable sales, shoe shining, house helps and so on. Not everyone has a professional duty like teaching; nursing, etc yet even the non professional people must live and enjoy their lives. By doing their non-professional duties, they also actively participate in economic growth. For instance, a person doing the shoe shine job will have to buy the shoe polish hence contributing to the economic growth of the shoe polish company. On the other side of the economic growth, which is also to a lesser extent, I see its further expansions to be unnecessary and especially when its undesirable effects are considered from a true – cost perspective rather than form a true – benefit perspective (World Economic Forum). As I have discussed in the previous paragraphs, everyone cannot be the same in terms of gifts and talents, in brain, strength, authority and understanding. There must be both low and high level people. This also applies in the standard of living which is determined by the economic growth. For sure it is true that it affects people differently. In the real world, today, this economic growth has made the rich richer and the poor poorer. This hence has made the poor group to look at economic growth as an enemy. This is mainly because the poor have not been given a chance to enjoy the changes that come with economic growth. For instance, most of the poor people are not computer literates hence when employment opportunities come up, the first requirement is computer literacy which completely excludes them from the race even when one had the potential of doing that job. These computer courses are mainly provided in the schools of the rich (International Chamber of Commerce, Business charter for sustainable Development, 1990). Economic growth has been accompanied by a lot of bureaucracy. The rich people have taken the top levels and the poor people the low levels. It becomes very difficult for the one at the bottom to reach the one at the top. Before one reaches to the top from the bottom he or she must have used a lot of time, some little finances so as to get favours fro above. Those favours mainly may not be there because the ones at the top always are interested in doing things that favour and benefit them especially when it comes to finances thus rendering the poor back to or get stuck in poor living standards (World commission for Environment and development, 1987). When it comes to distribution of resources, it is clearly seen that some regions in countries are not considered or given priorities. This then instead of improving their standards of living through economic growth, they continue to deteriorate. A good example is usually when the politicians especially the presidents in the third world countries who give priorities to their regions of origin neglecting the other regions. This is even worse when a certain region has got no representative in the government hence making them curse the economic growth (World Economic Forum). In summary, I have discussed that economic growth is for raising the living standards to a larger extent in that †¢ It helps improve the capacity of manpower thus encouraging participation to improve the living standards Because everyone wants to olive in a good standard population will be controlled and hence more savings for more economic growth. †¢ Education is seen as an important factor leading to both economic growth and standard of living though in the long run †¢ Employment opportunities which leads to earnings and savings hence considering both the economic growth and living standards as valuable †¢ Economic growth being vats tha t is accommodating both the rich and the poor through machinery. An example is if one cannot afford a television then he r she can buy a radio which he or she can afford to listen to hence seen as improved his or her standards of living. †¢ it has too much bureaucracy making low level people not reach the top people †¢ Top people are seen as selfish and just for issues that benefit them especially finances. †¢ Poor people not given a chance to enjoy changes that come with economic growth for example computer literacy which is mainly taught in schools for the rich. In conclusion, economic growth is important to our living standards but can be disastrous especially when others are deprived of it. This ends up creating gaps between people hence leading to other social problems. There is a low level of economic growth rate. Economists’ researchers have maintained that in order for economy to realize good standard of living 10% increase in her economy is necessary, she must invest 10 % of her national income. Reduce consumption, increase investments or savings at same time reduce the family size children or they end up in vicious cycle of poverty. There is a lot of pressure in terms of provision of social services in un developed world. This leads to difficulty in distributing resources equally. It is also costly because of the large numbers thus social service provision becomes inadequate. It is seen to be affecting the nature of social services for example leading to poor housing and low quality of education.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Support Immigrants are the Best Way to Strengthen a Country Essay
Support Immigrants are the Best Way to Strengthen a Country - Essay Example The entrepreneurial activities are always important due to the taxation levied on such businesses by the government (Fleegler, 32). Big entrepreneurial ventures always give the government large amounts of money through taxation. This is important in strengthening the country in many ways. The government can always use such money collected from taxation to pay its laborers. This leads to a very strong nation. In addition, the entrepreneurial activities also contribute greatly towards strengthening of the economy of a nation. It is of crucial significance to note that entrepreneurial ventures initiated by the immigrants always create job opportunities to a large number of populations in the country. This is important in strengthening the economy of such a nation. This makes the government become strong. In addition, the government also taxes the employees thereby contributing to the government’s economic growth, thus strengthening the nation.It is of crucial significance to note that most immigrants contribute to several key government sectors involving technological sector, industrial as well as infrastructure. This leads to strengthening of the government. Most immigrants are always very innovative and inventive (Fleegler, 37). As such, they always come up with several technologies that aid in ensuring effective and efficient sectoral operations. It is important to note that the role of technology in ensuring a strong government is inevitable. One of the major causes behind such exploitation of professional influence.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Literature Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 6
Literature Review - Essay Example The process design of a manufacturing system is critical and may need minimal errors for proper execution. Simulation plays a significant role in the manufacturing that would ensure that production flow is well facilitated. Simulations are usually conducted using lesser expenses, resources and time rather than just experimenting to develop uncontrolled designs. This is essential in avoiding carrying out experiments with the real system that can lead to substantial wastage. The results that are obtained from the model can be used as guidance after thorough analysis. The results obtained from the modelling are also significant in informing the changes that are seen in various manufacturing processes. The capital expenditures and system constraints can also be controlled as a result of the implementation of the simulation process (Nutaro et al. 2008, p.98). Simulation models address various issues concerning the manufacturing industry. Some of the most basic issues that are addressed through the use of models include the need to have the appropriate quantity, the right number of employees, performance evaluation, operation procedures and equipment usage. All competitive organisations need to work hard to ensure that they maintain their customers and win the hearts of new customers. They need to understand their product designs and how to make the products to their customers. This is because the products are found in the real world and the customers need the best experience they can get to enjoy the products they acquire from firms. There are a number of challenges and barriers that are associated with the implementation of simulation in firms (Nutaro 2013, p.38). Lack of experts to develop simulation models is a challenge for most firms. It is so because the development of models is always associated with experts who are well trained in simulation and modelling. It is only very large organisations that are capable of paying the services
Thursday, September 26, 2019
What Would The World Be Like If Water Were Denser As A Solid Than As A Essay
What Would The World Be Like If Water Were Denser As A Solid Than As A Liquid - Essay Example Water exists in three states: liquid, solid, and invisible vapour. Water posses' unusual and exceptional physical properties. These unique properties are vital for survival of all living things and one of utmost importance is the density of water and ice. Most substances are denser in the solid state than the liquid state. Unlike most materials that shrink on solidifies water expands as it freezes and become less dense in its solid state than in its liquid state, so that ice floats instead of sinking. This property permits life to develop in polar and sub Polar Regions where ice floats and allows life to continue living below the surface. Thus arises an interesting question: If ice were heavier than water, it would sink, and more ice would form on top of it. As a result, all life in the waters would be trapped in the ice in the many areas of the world where it gets cold enough to freeze water Earth's waters are filled with life. The coexistence of the solid, liquid, and gaseous phases of water is vital to existence of life on Earth. If ice were denser than liquid water, it would sink. Most of the water on the planet is in the form of ice, would freeze solid from top to bottom including oceans, lakes and rivers and would immediately sink. Sun's rays could not penetrate into the depths of ocean bed and therefore unable to melt the frozen ice. The warm surface layer would be less dense than the solid frozen layer below; there would be no significant convection to mix the oceans. The coldest water would remain near the surface, and the necessary warming phenomenon could not occur in summer. About 70% of the Earth's surface is covered by water. Oceans and seas act as heat reservoirs helps to moderate our global climate. It wouldn't take long until most of the earth's water was frozen with only a thin layer of melt water on top that would mean a drastically different climate on earth. The temperature of the entire earth would decrease; the animal and plant life would reduce. The density of ice is less than the density of water due to the characteristics of hydrogen bonding in liquid and solid water. The water molecule forms an angle, with hydrogen atoms at the tips and oxygen at the vertex. Since oxygen has higher electro negativity than hydrogen, the side of the molecule with the oxygen atom has a partial Page 3 Negative charge. The water molecules are attracted to each other due to opposite attraction. This attraction is known as hydrogen bonding. Hydrogen bonding also gives water an unusual behavior when freezing. Water expands as it freezes and molecules are more distant from one another in ice than they are in the liquid water. Therefore, ice is not as dense as liquid water at standard conditions Fresh water has its greatest density under normal atmospheric pressure at 4 C, then becoming less dense as it freezes or heats up. As a stable, polar molecule prevalent in the atmosphere, it plays an important role as a greenhouse gas absorbing infrared radiation, without which, Earth's average surface temperature would be -18 C. Water is the most resourceful of our natural resources. It uniquely structured to provide the heat source for the global weather engine,
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Mitochandria Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Mitochandria - Dissertation Example Mitochondria are structured in a way that they contain two membranes. The first membrane being the inner membrane contains numerous folds that create a layer known as cristae. The outer membrane, on the other hand, acts as a protective layer that covers the mitochondria. Mitochondria also contain a fluid known as matrix. Inside the matrix are DNA and ribosomes. Ribosomes are protein builders of the cell. Other structures known as granules are also contained in the matrix.The main function of mitochondria is to generate energy for the cell through breaking down nutrients. Through the help of proteins or enzymes found in the matrix, organic molecules are digested. Consequently, oxygen and glucose are released to aid in the production of water and carbon dioxide hence controlling the amount of oxygen. It is also through the mitochondria that the cell can store and control the concentration of calcium ions. It also aids in the transportation of electrons throughout the cell. The processe s of hormonal signaling, as well as the synthesis of steroids, are also made possible through the mitochondria. The endosymbiotic theory explains the presence of mitochondria in cells. According to the theory, mitochondria gained a survival advantage through a symbiotic relationship between bacteria and other cells. With time, the cells lost their cell walls, and the flexible membranes began folding to form membranes. Eventually, the relationship became permanent leading to the formation of mitochondria.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
How to set off a roadside bomb (IED) using radio, mobile phones etc Essay
How to set off a roadside bomb (IED) using radio, mobile phones etc - Essay Example Considering the attacks on the troops of U.S. in Iraq with these bombs as well as increasing reports of IED attacks in Afghanistan, have led to the rising need to find counter measures to act against IEDs (Freudenrich 2013). Previously the IEDs were like basic pipe bombs. However with advancements in the field, artillery shells in multiple numbers, explosives and rocket propellants are used for the detonation of the IEDs. The wires that are used in the roadside bombs in the present times are not easy to detect and set off. Uses of cell phones or devices like garage door opener are often used for the purpose of detonation as well. The size of the IEDs used for explosions are varying in sizes where large IEDs are capable of exploding large vehicles and areas. Reports are mostly obtained for the destruction of the U.S. troops and in Afghanistan for the use of these bombs. Since these bombs are mostly detonated in a remote manner, it has been observed that jammers are essential in the bu siness of IEDs. It has also been reported that many times the detonators are used where the wires are connected for the purpose of detonating the bombs. Remote detonation is also possible with the use of roadside bombs (Congress 2006). Setting off such roadside bombs or IEDs also makes use of different ways and devices. This is the way the bombs are triggered. Pressure-switches, trip wires, and devices like photo detectors can be used for setting off the bombs. Heavy military vehicles are generally required to set off bombs through use of pressure switches. Radios, cell phones, walkie-talkies are some of the other devices, the signal transmissions of which are used effectively in the setting off the IEDs. The control of such remote devices is generally placed under the responsibility of some man who stands at a distance to trigger the bombs at the correct time. Use of devices like the radio and mobile phones has been found to be more effective than using wired controls over the bomb s (IED Defeat n.d.). Aim and Objectives of the Study: The aim of the study is to learn about the process of detonating or setting off roadside bombs or IEDs using devices like radio and mobile phones. Considering the above mentioned aim, the following objectives have been set for the study: The study will discuss about the GSM mobile phones that are used and their technical standards. Discuss about the standards of the 3G phones that are available. Discuss about the standards of the 4G LTE phones. Learn about the UHF and VHF modes of communication including cordless phones, DECT, 2.4 GHz WiFi, 5GHz WiFi Have an overview on the commercial devices that can detect and locate these forms of communication. Discuss how roadside bombs or IEDs can be set off using mobile phones and radio like devices. GSM Mobile Phones: Technical Standards: GSM or Global System for Mobile Communications can identify the account of the user using this particular system. It is a wireless network technology ba sed on TDMA (What is â€Å"GSM†? 2013). TDMA refers to the technology Time Division Multiple Access used in mobile devices that allows increasing the amount of data that can be passed and communicated by dividing the channel of communication into different slots (Rouse 2006). The use of GSM has allowed users to easily change their mobile devices by simply taking out the SIM (or Subscriber Identification Module) card from one device and inserting it into
Monday, September 23, 2019
Discuss whether producing and selling private labels could be a viable Essay
Discuss whether producing and selling private labels could be a viable strategy for manufacturers of branded products - Essay Example There has been a considerable debate in the management literature regarding the fact that whether manufacturing and selling of private brands is a viable marketing strategy or not. This paper tries to present a balanced view regarding the topic by understanding the reasons for each of the stance. The concept of private label branding has often been criticized by researchers as it is essentially copying of the original brand. The research conducted by Kumar and Steenkamp (2007) has shown that the private labels mainly copy the packaging and content of the manufacturer brands that involves minimal research and developmental costs. The research conducted by Mitchell and Kearney (2002) had shown that following the private branding strategy can create a number of legal hassles for the companies because of incidents like trademark infringement, misappropriation of profits of original brand owners. The research conducted by J. Fernie, S. Fernie and Moore (2003) has shown that national brand manufacturers often decides to produce private labels because they can accrue efficiency gain from the process and eventually the manufacturers are able to produce products of superior quality at a lower cost or similar quality products at the same cost of production. The market strategy often t urns viable because the negotiation power of the retailers increase dusring the process. The research conducted by Bergà ¨s-Sennou, Bontems and Rà ©quillart (2004) has shown that national brand manufacturers often consider the strategy of producing the private labels beneficial if they find the concentration of the retail market share favourable. The synthesis of the current literature shows that the viability of production of private label depends on difference between the national brand produced by the manufacturers and the private brands produced by them. Producing private brands by national brand manufacturers will not be a
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Social Pedagogy Essay Example for Free
Social Pedagogy Essay What is social pedagogy? Social pedagogy is concerned with well-being, learning and growth. This is underpinned by humanistic values and principles which view people as active and resourceful agents highlight the importance of including them into the wider community, and aim to tackle or prevent social problems and inequality. Social pedagogy uses the holistic approach to education in the broadest sense, the centrality of relationships, and the use of observation and reflection as a tool for continuous development of all that are included in the pedagogic process. It uses various predominant elements that form part of social pedagogy, and each of them is underpinned in its significance by theory and research. This makes it helpful to apply theory to practice. Social pedagogy aims to provide nurturing conditions that support childrens growth in both directions, towards independence and interdependence. In Goethes words children need two things from their parents: roots and wings When did it begin/originate? As an idea ‘sozial pà ¤dagogik’ first started being used around the middle of the nineteenth century in Germany as a way of describing alternatives to the dominant models of schooling. parents have the shared responsibility same as practitioners as they aim to provide a nurturing condition that support natural growth this is for children and young people until they reach adolescence in every setting. The term social pedagogy has been used in countries such as Germany, Holland and Hungary to embrace the activities of youth workers, residential or day care workers work with offenders, and play and occupational therapists. It has also been used to describe aspects of church work and some community development activity. How does it benefit children? Social pedagogy is about the holistic wellbeing and education and this is a shared responsibility between parents and the society as a whole. It also develops children and young people’s knowledge of what is expected of them as an individual. This helps them gain skills that they want to achieve, coping with emotions and also physical skills. This is put in to place to learn children and young people on how to become a valued member of society. How can it support children’s development? Social Pedagogy can support children’s development by helping children and young people to take more risks in life as this is a way of helping them to develop their judgement and also how to test boundaries. Social Pedagogy also helps to remove any barriers in stopping the child’s development to decrease, or not be as developed as other children, helping the child to understand more complex things. Social Pedagogy also helps to increase social interactions and communication, giving the child confidence within themselves.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Argument Paper on Exercise Essay Example for Free
Argument Paper on Exercise Essay 1-The Benefits of Exercise and Sports Participation for Kids- e Diet Star This article focuses how benefitical it is for young kids to participate in sports and to exercise regularly. It talks about how exercise and sports offer social relationships, physical challenges and honest competition. Also, exercise and sports can increase a child’s self-esteem and academic performance while preventing the chances of disease or drug use. All these things can help the development of children by not only making them healthy but giving them life experience. 2-Fitness Benefits For Teens- This article list the specifics on the benefits for teens to be fit. It says that physical activity doesn’t have to be time consuming but it is necessary for everyone. Some of the facts about teen exercise given by this article are that nearly half of American children ages twelve through twenty-one are not regularly active. About fourteen percent of young people report no physical activity at all. Also, only nineteen percent of all high school students are active for twenty minutes or more, five days a week. The main focuses point of the article are the physical activity helps build healthy bones, muscles and joints. It helps control weight, build lean muscle, and reduce fat. 3-Find Mind-Blowing Benefits of Exercise- This article tries to get a point across, it starts by saying that exercise isn’t all about getting toned abs and losing weight but that it makes you feel happy. There are five main points that this article talks about. The first once talks about how exercise reverses the detrimental effects of stress. Second, it talks about how exercise can help get rid of depression. Next, it is discussed how exercise can improve learning by increasing brain chemicals called growth factors. Furthermore, exercise builds self-esteem and improves your body image. Lastly, it leaves you feeling euphoric which means that the push and intensity of a workout makes you feel happy and excited.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Mentoring in Practice
Mentoring in Practice Thembelani Dube Mentoring is described by Kinnell and Hughes(2010) as the transferring of knowledge ,skills and attitudes from health professionals to the students that they are working with. The royal college of nursing states that the role of the mentor is to enable the student to make sense of their practice through the application of theory, assessing, evaluating and giving constructive feedback and facilitating reflection on practice, performance and experiences. the NMC(2008) adds that a mentor is a nurse ,midwife or specialist public health nurse who facilitates learning, supervises and assesses students in a practice setting. The Nursing and Midwifery council (NMC,2006) have set standards for Nursing and Midwifery practice education, the standards to support learning and assessment in practice(SLAIP). The eight standards are a mandatory requirement for both students and mentors. The standards clearly outline the mentor’s responsibility for developing and ensuring the practice competence of students and provide a more defined statement regarding accountability for decisions that lead to entry to the professional register. These domains are going to be discussed individually in depth. Establishing effective working relationships Mentorship is the process that allows transference of knowledge, skills and attitudes from health professionals to the students that they are working with (kinnell and Hughes 2010). Wilson (2014) in his study concluded that mentoring involves modelling nursing practice, selecting learning opportunities for students, articulating one’s own practical and theoretical knowledge and assessing student’s competence in practice. By being role models, mentors provide an observable image of imitation, demonstrating skills and qualities for the student to emulate, Ness (2010). Wilkes(2006) points out that it is important to establish an effective working relationship where a mentor offers support but can also be objective and analytical. The student mentor relationship is crucial to the student’s learning experience particularly because the mentor’s role includes assessment of practice. Gopee (2011) listed some of the qualities of a mentor as nurturing, role modellin g, focusing on the professional development of the student, sustaining a caring relationship over time and functioning as teacher, sponsor, encourager and friend, Beskine (2009) suggests that orientation is the gateway to a successful placement. Starting off well promotes the quality of the placement. To establish an effective working relationship with the student a mentor should start by orientating a student to the placement, this provides an opportunity for the student to express any concerns. However the RCN (2007) recommends that in preparation of the placement a checklist should be discussed on the first day of working and this should include an up to date orientation pack. Walsh (2010) adds that there are two major facets to establishing effective working relationships, managing the student’s first day and week in a productive and welcoming way and mentor’s good use of communication skills and active listening. Gopee (2011) states that skills and techniques of communication are some of the most important tools the person undertaking the mentor’s role has to utilise. Facilitation of learning The major role of the mentor is to assist and encourage students to link theory and practice in a practical setting (Botma et-al,2013) the author adds that the student should be passionate, eager to learn, participate and be committed to make the relationship work. A study done by Jokelainen et-al(2010) identifies that facilitation of learning includes advance planning of training and placement learning , which includes ensuring planning and organising learning opportunities and being aware of details of the student and their training documents. Naming mentors and organising the student’s first day at work and ensuring that the student has the same shifts as the mentor. The NMC(2008) code of practice specifies that the registered nurse must be willing to share skills and experience for the benefit of others and has a duty to facilitate students and others to develop their competence. Wilson (2013) recommends that in order to facilitate learning, nurses should include students in their daily work, teaching clinical skills, giving written and verbal feedback. Aston and Hallam (2011) agrees that facilitation of learning includes planning relevant experiences for students, providing support and assessing clinical performance. However Kinnell and Hughes(2010) argues that finding out how a person learns is the key, this area should not be underestimated as it requires thought, insight and clinical background. The authors confirms that it is worth spending some time to think the student, the level they are at and what the best strategy would be to ensure their learning and development is facilitated appropriately depending on where they are at on their cou rse. Walsh(2010) identifies that there are many different theories and models of learning , but the three major ones are behaviourist, humanistic and cognitive. Gopee(2011) states that the humanistic learning theories have been developed with regards to how learning occurs. Carl Rogers’ student centred approach to learning reveals that a learning environment where a learner feels able to speak their mind and give their views is a healthy one. Thus mentors provides a safe, encouraging environment, guides the student to resources and opportunities and facilitates the student’s exploration of them. Marslow’ s humanistic hierarchy of needs model(1943) identifies that student mentor relationship and the learning environment are important elements of learning as this would ease anxieties and give the student a sense of belonging therefore enabling the student to achieve their learning needs. Malcolm knowles’s andragogy learning theory(1990) highlights that it is important to acknowledge students as adult describes adult learners as being more self directive, motivated and having a wealth of experience. Therefore it is important how mentors relate to and teach their students most of whom are readily regarded as adult learners. Assessment and accountability Kinnell and Hughes(2010) believes that it is a statutory requirement to assess healthcare students, it is necessary to assess student nurses during their training in order to licence them as competent practitioners and subsequently protect the public. Assessments highlight weaknesses and strengths and provides a baseline for future learning needs Nicklin and Kenworthy(1995).There are many methods of assessment including testimonies, reflective writing or discussions, direct observation and feedback from colleagues. Gopee(2011) points out that there are a number of other essential facets of assessment, this part is going to discuss formative and summative. The primary aim of the formative assessment is to promote learning so that the learner can do the skill safely and effectively and knows the rationale for each step of the intervention. Summative are conducted to determine whether the learner is now competent to work without direct supervision. it is summative that constitute a peri odic record of the student’s achievement of the aims and outcomes of a course or module. The NMC(2008) requires that most assessment of competence are to be undertaken through direct observation in practice and therefore registered nurses have a duty to facilitate students to develop their competence, they are accountable for ensuring that the individual who undertakes the work is able to do so and they are given appropriate support and supervision. Andrews et-al (2010)comments that assessment has become a major element of the mentor’s role. Many take on the role willingly but when faced with the notions of continuing assessment process become overwhelmed by the responsibility. Many nurses have difficulty taking responsibility for the student learning, especially making decisions about competency required while Lauder et-al (2008) argues that while mentors are crucial to developing students ’achievement of fitness to practice, they are hampered by lack of time to undertake the role. Walsh(2010) identifies that because the assessment process is for a whole host of good reasons it must be very robust. lt should accurately enable mentors to make realistic judgements about the students’ level of competence and thus whether to pass them or not. For the student a good assessment process also gives them valuable feedback, it helps them to identify what they need to do and enables them to set realistic future goals. NMC (2008) validity for assessment ensures that assessments measures what it’s designed to measure, there are two important key issues, how to measure and what to measure. The code of conduct points out that as professionals, nurses are personally accountable for their actions and omissions in practice areas and must always be able to justify decisions therefore it is important that weak students are identified early and given the right encouragement and support, and concerns are dealt with in a timely manner. Sharples et-al(2007)points out that it is wrong to assume that all students entering clinical placement will have the knowledge, skills and attitude to be successful. They will always be students who struggle to achieve competence and mentors who fail to evaluate a learner’s unsatisfactory performance accurately are said to be guilty of misleading the learner, and potentially putting the patient care at risk and thus failing in their accountability to the NMC (2006). The Duffy report of (2004) ‘failing to fail’ concluded that there are several reasons why some mentors are failing to fail students like not identifying problems early to the student therefore not giving the student sufficient time to improve, leaving it too late and that mentors may give students the benefit of the doubt when it comes to a final judgement regarding their clinical competence. Failing to fail creates poor standards, it leads to having practitioners entering the profession that are not fit for practice (Wells and McLoughin,2014) Evaluation of learning Mentors have the responsibility of developing the practice learning experience they are providing for students, evaluating how effective or ineffective the practice environment helps to fulfil this role (Aston and Hallam,2011).NMC(2008b)requires that registered nurses participate in self- and peer evaluation to facilitate personal development and contribute towards the development of others. In a mentor’s role the term evaluation is used in the context of the student’s practice learning experience. Evaluation assist in identifying areas that need to be improved as well as what is working well, it enables mentors to improve their mentorship skills and the learning experience for future students. NMC (2010) points out that feedback from students and mentors is used to inform the programme and enhance the practice learning experience. Elcock and Sharpes (2011) adds that just as evaluation is the key for improvement, without it there is a risk of making the same mistake ove r and over again. Aston and Hallam(2011) comments that evaluation is not to be confused with assessing as this is to measure the overall value of the learning experience or how worthwhile the practice learning opportunity has been. The process of evaluation involves obtaining feedback from relevant people, reviewing and discussing the feedback and planning action to implement change, and this can either be formal or informal Price (2006). Kinnell and Hughes states that mentors and students are exposed to a variety of evaluation approaches, from patient care to facilitation of learning. Students are required by the universities to evaluate their experiences in practice at the end of each placement and this contributes to the university quality assurance process Elcock and Sharples(2011). Students are asked to reflect on their practice placement and comment on the experience that they have gained based on four dimensions, the mentorship process, the available learning resources, their mentor and the qua lity of the practice will be at this stage that action of plan is developed if there are issues to be addressed. Creating an environment for learning. Walsh (2010) states that this domain entails helping a student identify their learning needs. Students develop their attitudes, competence, interpersonal communication skills, critical thinking and clinical problem solving abilities in the clinical learning environment (Dunn and Hansford,1997)feeling part of the team is the key factor in student’s feeling that they fit in and they are then able to learn. Aston and Hallam (2011) have identified that another way in which mentors can provide consistency in an approach to providing good learning opportunities for students is to identify what experiences you can provide that will enable students to achieve their competencies. A rapidly embraced and welcomed student is one who will be able to take advantage of the learning opportunities early on in their placement, in contrary a student that feels excluded and unwelcomed will likely shy away, withdraw and have raised anxieties regarding their chances of achieving learning outcomes. kinnell and Hughes(2010) points out that mentors need to appreciate the importance of understanding the healthcare students and the potential individual needs that they have as this will influence the student mentor relationship. Nicklin and Kenworthy(1995) identified some issues that characterise a good learning environment and they included a supportive mentor, that is able to identify learning opportunities for the student and is able to respond to differing learning styles of individual students. Finding out what stage the student is at in their training and what their particular needs and interests are aids in creating an environment for learning for the student. Walsh (2010) states that consistency, a patient and understanding mentor, protecting student supernumerary status and giving a student a time to reflect creates a good learning environment. Hand(2006) indicated that factors that are important for the creation of a positive learning environment are said to be a humanistic approach, where all staff are kind, genuine, approachable and promote self-esteem and confidence to students, good team spirits with respect and trust, high standards of care being provided using efficient but flexible approaches as well as teaching students as a key feature. Context of practice and evidence based practice The slaip document cements that mentors need to contribute to the development of an environment in which effective practice is fostered, implemented, evaluated and disseminated. Being a mentor does not only mean direct involvement in facilitation learning and assessment but it also challenges them to consider their own evidence base and standards of practice Elcock and Sharples (2011). Kinnell and Hughes suggests that mentors must therefore remember that the end result of evidence based practice is the ability to offer research- based findings in order to justify aspects of care delivery and rationale experiences encountered by patients throughout their healthcare journey. Walsh (2010) says that by adhering to the local policies and procedures and mandatory training is another way for mentors to achieve their use of evidence based practice. In context of practice, mentors are required by the Nursing and midwifery council to demonstrate their ongoing knowledge, skills and competence and that this should be reviewed and assessed at annual updates and triennial reviews. Duffy (2012) suggests that nurses should have a portfolio of evidence to demonstrate updating and maintenance of competence as a mentor. The aim of annual updating is to ensure that all mentors and practice teachers continue to understand issues relating to supporting students, understand the implications of changes to NMC requirements, have current knowledge of NMC approved programmes and make valid and reliable assessments of competence and fitness for safe and effective practice Elcock and Sharples(2011)and NMC(2008). Leadership Leadership is an integral role that mentors have to undertake. Kinnell and Hughes(2011) identify that the mentor’s role is forever changing as they are expected to be co-ordinaters of patient care, a care manager, an expert in their own clinical field and they are also expected to teach and assess healthcare students within their commitment to mentorship. Gopee(2011) establishes that mentors leadership role is crucial in practice at facilitating student’s learning.One of the NMC(2008) outcomes of leardership domain requires that mentors provide feedback about the effectiveness of learning and assessment in practice. Anderson (2011)adds that helpfull feedback should be based on a recognised model of assessment feedback such as ‘praise sandwich’ and Duffy(2013) confirms that mentors need to provide students with regular feedback on their performance, this is integral to the assessment process. Kinnell and Hughes(2011) identified a number of leadership styles such as autocratic, consultative, democratic and laissez-faire, a mentor should have an insight into different leadership ship styles and evaluate the one that appears to be dominant within their practice placement and how that style could influence the student’s experience. This assignment has highlighted the impotence of the SLAIP domains as a guidance for mentors. It has explored the qualities and the skills that mentors need to fullful their roles in order to capitalize on the student’s learning experience whilst working towards developing a competent practitioner. 2700(words)Page 1
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Julius Caesar Essay -- essays research papers
Cassius If there were to be a villain in the Tragedy of Julius Caesar Cassius would be it. Cassius is the character who first thought up of the conspiracy against Julius Caesar. His motives weren’t as noble as Brutus’ but he made Brutus believe they were. Cassius did whatever it took to get Brutus to join in the conspiracy. We can clearly see Cassius’ true nature by what he does and says in the play. Cassius is a sly, deceitful and an untrustworthy character. Caesar described him best. He said (act1, scene 2, line 195), â€Å"Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look; He thinks too much. Such men are dangerous†. Cassius is very superstitious. This is shown when he says (act 5, scene 1, line 75) â€Å" you know I held Epicurus strong, and his opinion. Now I change my mind, and partly credit things that do presage†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . He believes in omen and signs that foretell events to come. Cassius is conceded. This is shown when he says to Brutus (act1, scene 2, line 116), â€Å" And this man is now become a god, and Cassius is now a wretched creature, and must bend his body if Caesar careless but nod on him†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Cassius continues on saying about times when he saved Caesar from drowning and when he saw Caesar with a fever and he started to shake. All this tells us that Cassius thinks he is just as good or even better than Caesar. Cassius first shows his character of deceit when he put false notes from people in the window of Brutus. This was so Brutus would think a lot of people would be with him if he ...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Informative Speech on Teenage Suicide -- Teenage Suicide Essays
Look around at your peers in the school. How many of them wish they were dead? When 13.7% of males and 30.1% of females in 10th grade say they seriously consider committing suicide, we need think about what is wrong. What makes these 15 and 16 year olds that have so much of their life left to live want to die? 14% of teens said they tried to kill themselves. That’s like having 3 people in our class who have tried to commit suicide. The pressures of life at our age are difficult but they’re not so difficult that 4,135 teenagers a year should be killing themselves. The rate of teenage suicide has tripled since 1950, but why?      Is it because movies and video games have become more violent? Is it because they make death seem to be heroic, romantic, and glamorous? A 16-year-old boy who attempted suicide because of teasing at school said that before he tried to commit suicide he imagined his funeral with all the people who teased him feeling horrible about what they had done. He didn’t seem to think that when he died it would be over. All he cared about was that dieing would just get him revenge. So is it because teenagers are less realistic about death that caused the suicide rate to triple?      Or is it because of the breakdown of the family? In 1980 there were only 411 cases of divorces for youths under 25 and in 1999 there were 824. The amount of divorces has more then doubled. More and more families are getting divorced an...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Summary Response of the Earth Is Full
In his article, The Earth Is Full, Friedman (2011) begins by stating that in recent years, first decade of 21st century, humanity encounters dangers that threaten humanity and the nature because of their unconcerned behaviors. Economic problems, high growing population rate and natural disasters compel humans to question about those recent years. The writer then moves on to the veteran Australian environmentalist-entrepreneur Paul Gilding and his book, Gilding, P. (2011) The Great Disruption: Why the climate crisis will bring on the end of shopping and the birth of a new world. More Summary of Devil at My HeelsNew York: Bloomsbury Press. Gilding (2011) discusses how much land and water area humanity needs to produce the resources they consume and absorb their waste. According to Gilding (2011), earth is growing at a dangerous rate and points out that over-used resources and worsening ecologic environment damage to social and economic system. Friedman reports the current growth rate is 150 percent of earth’s sustainable capacity and states that excessive use of resources and too much waste that creates the problem, â€Å"The Earth Is Full. He mentions about two loops; first, population growth and global warming push up food prices, which leads to political instability, which leads to higher oil prices, which leads to higher food prices, and so on in a insurmountable circle. Second, higher productivity means fewer jobs, which requires humans to produce more sources to create jobs. The more sources create global warming. Afterwards, the writer turns hi s attention to possible solutions. The solutions are discussed by giving Gilding’s eco-optimist view. In the article, also it is stated that economic systems are not changed without a crisis.Friedman (2011) states that â€Å"But don’t worry, we’re getting there. †Finally, Friedman prefers to use quotations from Gilding who say nations are heading for a crisis-driven choice and develop a new sustainable economic model slowly. Global warming, starvation, worsening ecological environment, exhaustion of resources, too much waste and the conflict between humanity and nature are very current and serious problems of the entire world. In the article these problems are discussed based on the fundamental source of the problems, high population rate. Also, based on Sullivan, M. 1999) Population control: How many are too many? , she states â€Å" Global warming, the thinning of the ozone layer, increasing crime rates, toxic chemicals in our food, and starvation in developing nations, each of which is at least partially due to growing world population†(Sullivan, 1999). According to that paper, there are now 5. 8 billion human beings on the planet now, and according to the United Nations, the population of earth is expected to grow to around 7. 9 billion by 2050. According to statistics, it is clear that growth rate is too much for the earth and causes a huge instability.In the article, Friedman, T. (2011) The Earth Is Full, some economic models are taken in hand as a basis for the solution. However, the damages that high population brings cannot be dispelled only with economic systems. Also, political systems must be developed and humans must be made conscious about all of those problems. †¢Friedman, T. (2011) The earth is full. NYT †¢Gilding, P. (2011) The Great Disruption: Why the climate crisis will bring on the end of shopping and the birth of a new world. New York: Bloomsbury Press. †¢Sullivan, M. (1999) Population c ontrol: How many are
Monday, September 16, 2019
Physics LabShc of Water
The result I will get as the SSH of water will not be exactly the same as the literature value, but ill be a very close figure to the literature value of the SSH of water as there will be some limitations to our experiment. The experimental result I acquired was 4119. 54 Jag-1 K-1, lower than I expected, while the literature value is 4200 Jag-K-1 this shows that the experiment was carried out correctly, but not perfectly. There is a 2% error in my result when compared to the literature value. The errors can be due to the fact that the experiment wasn't orchestrated under professional conditions in a top-notch lab. Thus, one can without a doubt conclude by saying that the experiment faced mom errors while it was being conducted, but still arrived at the area of the expected result.Evaluation The experiment was conducted well, despite the random and systematic errors that I came across. The main errors I identified were the following: When transferring the iron block into the calorimet er some heat was lost to the surroundings as the block was out in the open. The simple calorimeter we used was made from a copper can, and when the water and iron block were boiling the can was nearby, and since it's a metal and metals are conductors of heat it possibly has gained heat from the Bunsen burner. Therefore, the temperature difference of the mixture, as a result, could have been made smaller by reason of heat being gained by the calorimeter.The cover of the calorimeter wasn't fully closed, leaving the water inside exposed and vulnerable to evaporation, which could lead to the loss of mass of the water and also cause the water to lose or gain heat from the surroundings, which could have been the reason I got results lower than what I expected, even though it would result in a very minute difference Suggestions for Improvements Weakness – Improvement Calorimeter gaining heat from the Bunsen burner close by because of the material it's made from Introduce a calorimet er that is made from a substance that doesn't let outside intrusions affect it. The cover of the calorimeter not fully closing Use a lid that fits the copper can so that the water inside of it isn't exposed to outside air Heat lost to surroundings when transferring ten test material (metal Deadlock) Into ten calorimeter Put forward a scheme whereby less heat is lost to the surroundings or use a metal that has some characteristics of an insulator as the test material (metal block)
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Shoes with Soul: Two Friends Realize a Dream
Shoes With Soul: Two Friends Realize a Dream 1. Renee Albertelli and Richard Rodriguez had certain things about their personality characteristics that helped them navigate the struggles of starting any kind of business. One of these characteristics they demonstrated is something every owner needs in order to run any type of business, which is having passion, enthusiasm, and determination, with these characteristics are needed to launch their new business. The excessive interest and energy they had to start this business never failed them; it was the most essential fuel for their vision on how they want to fully build their business.Albertelli’s characteristics portrayed how unselfish she is because of her current job, it allowed her to travel to different parts of the world and opened her eyes and made her aware and realize how many people from these different parts of the world earned their money. Also, both Albertelli and Rodriguez were both risk takers, they enjoyed seeing the options that potentially fail, but keep it at something positive, aside from being risky, they were committed because they both cashed in their retirement plans in order to fund the production of the products they want to sell. 2.Rodriguez and Albertelli’s decision to focus their marketing efforts on the Artisans who made the shoes was a wise decision. Giving the credit to those who worked hard in creating these shoes creates a belief that would be appealing to their consumers. The belief and idea of their business becomes the trademark of the company, and they will be remembered for their honest ways of wanting others to know where their product is created. This could potentially be a huge hit to those who share the same beliefs and values in wanting to credit those who devote their lives to certain things.The women’s desire to make a living and provide for their families by preparing the leather, designing, and assembling each paid of sandals was very impressive, and without them the product could never have been made. Personally, anyone who has any share in any type of business deserves to be given credit throughout the company’s success. Because without them there would be no business to work with. I’m quite impressed with the way they took their cause and made it a business but stayed devoted to who worked hard completing it.This product could easily have the influenced consumers who share the same admiration Albertelli had and purchase the product because of the positive belief the product has. 3. The management challenges that might cause Shoes with Soul to stagger would probably be the lack of experience. Even though Albertelli and Rodriguez are indeed educated and are knowledgeable in their current arrangements of marketing and finance, they probably aren’t aware or familiar with certain tasks when it comes to being a new business entrepreneurs’.This could be a down fall because of having to seek different advice from different people who could potential help, or harm them. There is a huge possibility that they might face stiff competition from other firms that have been running in the business longer than they have. However, if this business begins to grow and develop, they will need to hire employees who will assist them in running their business because the work load may become too over bearing.Some ways to avoid these â€Å"stumbling blocks†and allow them to guide their new business to success is to develop a new distribution channel, create new products, and cost cutting measures. By doing so, this could open a new door for consumers to see the business developing and exploring to expand, yet doing it in a costly matter rather than having expensive products take control of their company. This allows the country to stick to its main morals, beliefs, and values.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Compare and Contrast Between Odipius the King and Doubt a Parable
Comparison Contrast between â€Å"Oedipus the King†and â€Å"Doubt: A parable†â€Å"Oedipus the King†and â€Å"Doubt a Parable†are two very well-known plays that have made themselves very popular throughout the world. These plays have touched the hearts of many and have brought out the inner most opinions and discussions of thousands of individuals. These two plays have been acted out many times since the time they were first released. Although these plays are both very popular and loved by many, they both have their similarities and differences.First and foremost the differences between â€Å"Oedipus the King†and â€Å"Doubt: A Parable†are very easily noticed. For example, â€Å"Oedipus the King’s†setting takes place outside of a palace, while on the other hand â€Å"Doubt: A parable’s’ setting is much more religious and takes place at a church, a school located in the Bronx of Manhattan. Another differenc e between the two plays is that â€Å"Doubt: A parable†was developed in modern theatre, while â€Å"Oedipus the King†was originated in the ancient Greek theatre. This Greek theatre was part of a religious ancient festival celebration.To attend a performance of one of these plays was an act of worship. It wasn’t intended for self-entertainment or as a hobby to pass time. Another way that this Greek theatre was different is that every citizen would attend these plays. Also, â€Å"Doubt: A Parable†was developed in 2004 while â€Å"Oedipus the King†was believed to first be developed in the year 430 B. C. Another example of a difference between â€Å"Oedipus the King†and â€Å"Doubt: A Parable†is that the plots of the two plays are totally different. For example, the plot for â€Å"Oedipus the King†is that a plague has stricken Thebes.All of the citizens of Thebes gather outside the palace of Oedipus, wanting him to take care of this horrid problem. In response, the King responds by sending Creon to the oracle at Delphi to learn of how he can help the city. When he returns, he tells Oedipus that the plague will end when the murderer of Laius is caught and exiled from the city. Oedipus then promises to solve all of this hysteria, vowing to drive the murderer out of the city. The irony is that Oedipus will eventually learn that he is actually the murderer and will soon be punished.The plot for â€Å"Doubt: A parable is that it opens with a sermon by Father Flynn, a very respectable priest, addressing the importance of doubt. The school’s principle, Sister Aloysius insists upon constant vigilance. During a meeting with a younger nun, Sister Aloysius learns that Father Flynn has been messing around with one of the altar boys. After this, Aloysius and father Flynn are into direct conflict. After this accusation has been made, Father Flynn threatens to remove Aloysius from her position, but Aloysius h as found a lot of dirt on Father Flynn and so he is finally forced to transfer somewhere else.There are also many other differences between these two famous plays. For example, in the movie version of â€Å"Doubt: A Parable, it actually takes the form of how modern day American movies are made, while â€Å"Oedipus the King†still takes the form of a play on film. Another difference between these two plays is that â€Å"Oedipus the King†deals with a more royal background, while â€Å"Doubt: A Parable†is a more strict, quiet and religious background. Also, â€Å"Oedipus the King†was not necessarily invented by Sophocles.In fact the plays most important affects often depend on the aspect that the audience already knows everything about the story. In contrast, â€Å"Doubt: A Parable†follows a more traditional type of story in which the audience learns as the plot of the story takes place. For example, in â€Å"Oedipus the King,†the audienc e must know what was already going on to understand the play. The words the actors would speak should normally do this, but some things must be seen in order to fully understand what is going on in the play.There were many times during this play when the hypocrites wouldn’t say anything at all, and it was completely up to their actions to tell the audience everything they needed to know. On the contrary, in â€Å"Doubt: A parable†the audience had to completely rely on the actors choice of words rather than the actions of the actors to fully understand what was going on in the play. Another major difference between these two plays would be the different stage directions.For instance, Oedipus the King originating from the ancient Greek theatre, so the way the actors would come onto stage was totally different from that of â€Å"Doubt: A Parable. †For example, in â€Å"Oedipus the King,†the way the actors would enter the stage would often help tell the au dience about what was going on in the play. An example of this is that in most Greek theatres were one or three entrances. There were normally two parodos, or entrances. If the actors came in from the parados, then they had just come from a city or port.If they came in from the left parody, then the actors just came from the fields or a mountainous area. â€Å"Doubt: A parody is different from this in that it uses modern theatre techniques. In modern theatre, entrances are just entrances. Also, â€Å"Doubt: A Parable†only lasted approximately 90 minutes, while â€Å"Oedipus the King†lasts much longer than this. Another big difference between these two plays is that â€Å"Doubt A Parable†has been nominated and awarded many awards since its first opening in 2004, while â€Å"Oedipus the King†has not.The awards for â€Å"Doubt: A Parable include: Drama Desk Award for best new play, Drama Desk Award best actor in a play, Drama Desk Award outstanding act ress in a play, Drama Desk Award outstanding featured actress in a play, Drama Desk Award outstanding director of a play, Lucille Lortell Award for outstanding play, New York Drama Critics Circle best play, Pulitzer Prize for drama, Tony Award for best featured actress in a play, Tony Award best direction of a play, and World Theatre. All of these awards were awarded to â€Å"Doubt: A Parable in 2005.Also in 2005 it had many nominations as well, such as Tony Award Best Actor in a play, Tony Award best featured actress in a play, Tony Award best scenic design of a play, and Tony Award best lighting of a play. Although â€Å"Doubt: A Parable†and â€Å"Oedipus the King†had many differences, they also shared many similarities as well. One example of a similarity is that both plays are tragedies. They both are literary works in which the main characters are brought to ruins or suffers extreme sorrows, especially as a consequence of a tragic flaw, moral weakness, or inabi lity to cope with unfavorable circumstances.Another similarity between these two popular plays is that they were both performed in one act. The cast of both plays agreed that the second act took place when the audience left the theatre and began to discuss their differing opinions of the events that have taken place. Both of these plays have been experienced by many and so there are tons of differing points that the audiences will argue about. Another similarity between these two plays is that â€Å"Doubt A Parable†and â€Å"Oedipus the King†are both very popular and well-known plays in not only the United States, but all around the world.Both of these plays have premiered all around the world and have become a very important part of setting the tone for all of the future plays to come. Another similarity between the two plays id that both of them deal with a priest and altar boys, although the priest and altar boys in â€Å"Doubt: A Parable†are more of the t raditional type that most modern day people are used to seeing in today’s world. These two plays are also similar in that they are both set in fictional places, and deal with fictional characters.An example of this is that ‘Doubt: A Parable†is set in the fictional St. Nicholas Church school located in the Bronx of Manhattan. â€Å"Oedipus the King†the king is fictional in in its characters that it uses. For instance, the sphinx which is the character that will not free the city of Thebes of the horrid plague unless her riddle is answered is a fictional character. Another similarity that both of these plays share is that the directors of both plays are very well-known for many of their other works in the arts.For example, Sophocles is well-known for many other for many of his other plays in ancient Athens, while Shanley is a much respected director for his newer modern day films. Also, there have been many versions of both of these plays come out since the y were first acted out on stage. Another example of a similarity is that both of these two plays are written in the present tense, and they both have an antagonist in the story that help contribute to the tragic end of each of the two playwrights.Though they have their differences and similarities, both of these plays are wonderful playwrights and will only get more popular as the time passes. These plays will continue to grow and will be acted out still for more generations to come. These plays will continue to greatly entertain their audiences and put on a wonderful show. ? Works Cited Shanley, John P. â€Å"Doubt: A Parable. †Literature to Go. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martins. 2011. 871-904. Sophocles. â€Å"Oedipus the King. †Literature to Go. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martins, 2011. 639-685.
A danger of a single story Essay
Literature is something that matters. It has the power to change and shape our minds and opinions. It has the power to change the perception of the world around us and to boost our imagination. Take us far away from the reality to the world of illusions and let our minds flourished with imagination. One might think how amazing it is, but fiction as it is here today may often matter much more than it is meant to. TED is a non-profit global community whose mission is to spread ideas usually in the form of short talks which last no more than 18 minutes. TED began in 1984 as a conference, and today covers wide range of topics – from science to philosophy to global issues – in more than 100 languages welcoming people from every discipline and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the world. Both of the presenters whose ideas I will mention are novelists and story tellers. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is a Nigerian anglophone writer who succeeded in attracting a new generation of readers to African literature. In her novels, she is inspired by the history of her nation and its tragedies that are forgotten by recent generation of westerners. Elif Shafak is a Turkish novelist born in Strasbourg, France who is the most widely read female writer in Turkey. Her books have been translated into more than twenty-five languages. Ch. N. Adichie in her talk warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding. Things are not usually just black and white and we have to make every effort to open our minds and explore what is real. Elif Shafak talks about the danger into which writers from different cultures are put at; the pressure-that-makes-them-feel-as-a-representatives-of-their-cultures. She makes a strong division between fiction and reality – fiction and daily politics. Although, both of the writers are of non-western origin which to some extend make them quite similar in terms of cultural stereotypes, it seems that they do not share the same view of function of a story in our lives. While talking about the cultural and social background of these two writers, there are many things in which they differ, although their life journeys have many in common. Ch. N. Adichie was born in Nigeria, Africa. She grew up in a conventional middle-class family, her father was a professor and her mother was an administrator. She had a very happy childhood in a very close-knit family. However, a kind of political fear invaded their lives on the place they live. However, Chimamanda was a happy child who was writing stories about white people, just like those who she was reading about in books. On the other hand, Elif Shafak; although, she has Turkish parents, was born in France, Europe and when her parents got separated she was bringing up by her mother and her grandmother in Turkey. Her position was quite dissimilar to Adichie’ as she was not living in a nuclear family. She grew up in a patriarchal environment where fathers were the heads of households. She was raised as a single child by a single mother, which was; at those times, a bit unusual. Elif Shafak was an introverted child talking to her imaginary friends. She had a vivid imagination and unlike Adichie, she was not inspired by stories that she had read, but she wrote about people she had never seen and things that never really happened. Nevertheless, their writing experience took place at the same time. They both started to write around the age of 7; though, their style was different. Moreover, the life journey of these two women seems to be quite similar. Just like Adichie, Shafak also studied abroad. They have travelled the world and this made these women who they are nowadays. It made them being experienced, open-minded and well-educated,-powerful-women. This leads me to the matter of stereotypes. As I mentioned, both writers have travelled a lot and during their lives they have experienced stereotypes on their own skin. Ch. N. Adichie mentions several personal stories from her life in which she pays attention to the stereotypes. She talks about how her roommate in the USA was surprised that she had learnt speak English so well, that she had not been raised in poverty, that music which Adichie was listening to was not different in any feature from mainstream one. Chimamanda focuses on African stereotypes that she experienced. As a result, she demonstrates that stereotypes are created by single stories, and the problem with the stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. At the same time, Elif uses her personal experience as well. Like Adichie, she attended a school abroad as well, and she experienced cultural stereotypes. She talks about the clusters based on cultural identity. The school, which she attended, was multicultural. The only problem was that each child was seen as a representative of his or her nation and every time something happened in connection to their nation they were ridiculed and bullied because of it. As Adichie experienced stereotypes concerning Africa, Elif Shafak came across some cultural stereotypes concerning her nationality as well and these were politics, smoking and veil. Doesn’t matter she had never been smoking before, or she had never been raised in a environment where a rule of wearing a veil was obligatory, she was expected to do so because it was a general image of her nation and her culture. In contrast, the notion of power is discussed from different points of view by these two writers. To clarify this, I will put down both of them in sequence. The most significant difference is in context they use. On one hand, Adichie talks about the power as the ability not just to tell the story, but also as the ability to chose which story is being told, how it is told, who tells it; therefore, the ability to make from one story the definite one, the single story. She appeals not that much to writers, but to readers and people in general. She demonstrates how important it is not to see things just black and white; thus, try to open our minds and explore. Without doubt, Elif’s viewpoint to the question of power is quite distinct. It seems to me like the other side of the coin when she; unlike Adichie, analyses the relation between power and writer not power and reader. Shafak puts into relation power with the notion of pressure. She demonstrates how writers are seen as the representatives of their cultures. In her talk, she manifests how world of politics affects the way stories are being written, reviewed and read. If you are a person with a particular cultural background you are expected to write informative and characteristic stories about your world and to show manifestation of your identity. As an illustration, Elif as a woman from a Muslim world is expected to write stories of Muslim women and preferably, the unhappy stories of unhappy Muslim women just because she happened to be one. And in connection to this, here comes the main distinction between their understanding of power. While Adichie sees a story and fiction as tools for shaping our minds by which we can understand people, nations and things what they really are, Shafak thinks that when stories are seen as more than stories, they lose their magic; in other words, she says fiction is just fiction, not daily politics. In both cases one must admit that thoughts which were brought up were relevant. It doesn’t matter what is your cultural background; what is important it is your personal growth. These two women have stepped over the shadows of their cultural stereotypes. They pointed at a serious problem of nowadays in a context of literature and the credibility of information itselves. They both; however, in a different way, open people’s minds and let us think. And this is when a story matters.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Paraphrasing Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Paraphrasing Assignment - Essay Example Absolutely, the natural course of things with behavior on both does not permit any further exertion that may not be anticipated to relate to the basic single knowledge intended to keep them in the original, constant association. The unchanging character proceeds to establish in definite position both the prayerful lady in black and the inseparable lovers who have been so disposed to godly matters and eternal bond respectively. Unlike them, Edna has not yet realized any depth of significant intimacy with God and with her personal desire that potentially detaches her from current restrictions to dissolve into natural freedom (Church & Havener, 2008, p.225). Summary: As the lovers and the lady in black offer a view of distinct characters well-defined by their favorable nature, Edna appears to be too huge a difference with here situation (Church & Havener, 2008, p.225). Second Paragraph: The linguistic strategy of economy of stereotype is prominent in Kate Chopin's The Awakening. Edna ha s a "quadroon nurse" (7) who is looked upon as a "huge encumbrance" (7) by Edna's children because it is the nurse who performs the duties of making sure the children look presentable.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
OSHA Legal Aspects of Safety and Health Research Paper - 1
OSHA Legal Aspects of Safety and Health - Research Paper Example Employers at this point if all the standards had been followed would stand to be offered citations unfairly. The other is impossibility of compliance defense whereby at that time of the hazard it was not functionally possible for the business to comply with OSHA standards or alternatives were unavailable. Greater hazard in compliance defense is the other whereby compliance will result in greater hazard than non-compliance. Lack of employer knowledge defense offers an avenue for employers in case they prove to have no prior knowledge of conditions that caused violation (Bitter, 1992). Equipment not in use defense acts to enable a vacation of a citation where the cited equipment was not being used. Marshall v. Barlow’s case went that OSHA searched Barlow’s business without a warrant with a claim that they had the power to do that. OSHA’s claim and conduct was ruled out by the Supreme Court but under that particular circumstance (OSHA, 2010). Atlas Roofing Co. v. OSHRC is the other case where OSHRC was given a green light by the Supreme Court to decide the instances of violations (OSHA,
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Operations Strategy Evaluation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Operations Strategy Evaluation - Research Paper Example Operational process of leading IT firms includes three different functions. Firstly, it has been observed that the operational managers are concerned to accomplish organizational goals. Secondly, managers focus a lot towards maintaining higher productivity along with high quality (Bratton and Gold, 2000). Finally, operational role of firms includes service provisions for their customers. Apple Inc, IBM, and Samsung are the leading computer hardware, computer software, consumer electronics and digital distributors dealing with a great amount of product and service line. All the firms are dealing internationally and therefore it is imperative for the managers of the respective firms to set unique operational techniques and performance to achieve more success and competency in the global market. Conventional operational model signifies three phases which are input, process, and output. Resources like materials, information and customers are transformed by the management to meet the devi ation of macro environmental factors. Figure 1 provides the conceptual operational systems that are adopted by the leading multinational corporations (Dolk, 2000). Apple Inc, Samsung, and IBM follow the general model and the resources like facilities and staffs are continuously developed as per changing criteria of operational management. Apple Inc and Samsung consistently emphasize on new and innovative designs, improvement of the existing service lines, and planning and control for optimal use of resources.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Rooms Division Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Rooms Division - Assignment Example The front office sells guestrooms, register guests, and assign guestrooms among other duties. Housekeeping department on the other hand is responsible for the cleanliness, appearance, and condition of the entire hotel. This includes the public areas. It is the largest department in terms of number of people employed. It is the goal of every business enterprise to maximize profits McDonald (1993). Revenue management encompasses the maximization of the total revenue of a hotel. Yield management concentrates on the revenue maximization of accommodation, such as guest rooms, meeting and convention rooms or restaurant space This is the process of understanding, anticipating and influencing the consumer behavior as a way of maximizing profits from fixed or perishable resources such as hotel reservations ( Hotels need to sell the right product to the right customer at the right time for the right price ( is three revenue management methods for measuring the yield management namely: This technique is used to estimate based on history, expectations, trends or experience of an activity over a certain period of time. Forecasting room availability is forecasting the number of rooms available for sale on any future date ( It helps manage the reservation process, guides the front office staff for an effective room’s management, and can be used as an occupancy forecast, which is further, useful in attempting to schedule the necessary number of employees for an expected volume of business. Models include; statistical and judgmental. Statistical models include; trend projection, seasonal and smoothing while judgmental include; expert opinion, market surveys and Delphi technique. Moving Average method-Similar to the â€Å"percentage growth method†, the moving average method assumes an increasing or decreasing trend. This technique is aimed at smoothing
Monday, September 9, 2019
Industrial Security Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Industrial Security Plan - Assignment Example A safety officer supervises workplace activities to make sure that workers comply with organizations government safety regulations and policies. On the formulation of a policy, a security officer would ensure that all employees are alerted and in addition monitor on the compliance. The officer may also find it necessary to ask each employee sign a statement accepting receipt of the information. Safety officers examine interior and exterior workplaces to establish if there are any possible safety hazards. In these inspections, a safety officer checks for broken and damaged equipment, slip and fall hazards and other likely hazards (Subramanian, 2006). The officer also views workers to make sure that they are wearing necessary personal protective gear and following organization safety policies. For instance in the construction business, safety officers verify the stability of scaffolding, make sure that workers use helmets and footwear, and check to certify employees operate constructio n apparatus in a safe manner. When a workplace accident happens, a safety officer does an investigation to determine causes of the accident. The officer may decide to question witnesses, take pictures of any property damage and inspect the scene. Once the safety officer determines the reason of the accident, he is required to write a report detailing the grounds for the accident and lists recommendations that can assist in future accidents prevention. The OSHA requires the management to provide training on all safety topics and the ever-changing safety routines. These include hazardous materials handling, machine guarding and fire prevention plans. Safety officer’s spot out training needs build up appropriate and proper training programs and convey training to workers. They may solicit feedback from employees and use the feedback to better the existing programs or craft new ones (Subramanian,
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Epistemology versus Ontology in Research Design Article
Epistemology versus Ontology in Research Design - Article Example These elements will provide the examples for the use of ontology instead of epistemology. Therefore, it may be said that this paper has been written on the assumption that ontology is better suited than epistemology for the research design. Finally, there will be a conclusion that will summarize the findings that have been acquired through this paper. The presentation of these findings or reasons as to why ontology is better suited than epistemology will be summarized in a systematic manner. Epistemology: This is a field of study that is closely related to philosophy. Epistemology, through the definition of theories and concepts, seeks to study a body of knowledge by applying the relevant definitions. It is a field of study that uses tools like analysis and interpretation. For the application of epistemology, it is important to have a body of ready to use or analyze factual data. This field combines the study of data with the application of philosophical tools, so as to garner broad generalizations. These generalizations adhere to various truths and beliefs, as may be depicted in the overall perception of the philosophical dimensions of the knowledge being studied. There is a strong scope for the use of logic and reasoning in this area. Justification of findings through various mathematical and statistical modes is also an important part of the field of epistemology. ( Ontology: Ontology is a vast field of study. Its scope is greater than that of epistemology. This can be demonstrated by the fact that epistemology simply seeks to derive various findings through a study of the facts. Ontology on the other, seeks to find all the relevant knowledge that can contribute to a more systematic study of facts for more accurate findings. In the field of ontology, there is a focus on the defining of various parameters from varied perspectives. This helps the researcher reach certain generalizations so as to arrive on the common features of the parameter being studied. These common features can be summarized to form an accurate depiction of the issue at hand. ( At this point, it is imperative to describe the research area. The research area is knowledge management. This part of the paper will contain the reasons throughout the conception of the area, as to why epistemology is less suitable than ontology for this particular research design. The title of the paper is 'Evaluating the Impact of Culture to Knowledge Management Designs, Tools and Implementations in Greece MNCs.' Research Problem This study seeks to investigate the impact of culture in the design, tools and the implementation of knowledge management in Greece. A cross-sectional study on five industries will be used as a sample in order to test the correlation of KM design, tools, and implementation and culture in Greece. At the end of the study, a proposed KM design, tools and implementation procedure will be recommended which can be used for other MNCs in Greece. This
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Business strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business strategy - Assignment Example Indian restaurant owners would already have a solid customer base from which to work from, and there is also the possibility of picking up some other ethnicities too. Cheap Indian food could be offered by encouraging Indian to be spoken within the restaurant, thus attracting the target market. c) The video rental firm market segment is not as attractive as it used to be. This is because more and more young people are using other means to watch their favorite movies. This type of business could possibly work if it was attached to some other kind of product, most likely televisions or DVD players. Special promotions could even be used to encourage people to rent a video along with another kind of purchase. 2) I do not agree that the appropriate positioning is obvious once you have identified the right segment. This is because once the right segment has been discovered further research must be done to narrow down the target customer market. This could be done through surveys of focus groups. Also, the market is always evolving and changing, so it is impossible to automatically know where to position a product in the market. 3) An organization’s competitive stance is the segment of the target market that a company chooses to pursue: low-cost supplier, differentiation, or niche marketing. The functional strategy of marketing activity depends on what the competitive stance is. For example, a company that chooses a low-cost strategy must produce its products for as cheaply as possible in order to offer low prices. Also, this company would need to produce far more products than its competitors in order to make any kind of profit. In a well-designed strategy, an organization’s competitive stance and marketing activity can work well together as long as when one changes, the other one changes to reflect that change. 6) Apple has a competitive advantage over its competitors
Friday, September 6, 2019
Fiji Water Analysis Essay Example for Free
Fiji Water Analysis Essay Introduction Corporations like FIJI Water are forced into having Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Corporate Social Responsibility is the idea that businesses need to give back to society as much as they take away. Although companies like FIJI Water produce some type of product for consumers, in this circumstance water, they are compelled to give back as much as they take away. The issue companies have to deal with is whether they really have CSR, or if they are just green washing to make people believe they are socially responsible. â€Å"The 10th Edition of the Concise Oxford English Dictionary recognizes the word â€Å"greenwash,†defining it as, â€Å"’Disinformation disseminated by an organization so as to present an environmentally responsible public image.†’ Environmentalist make it their job to eliminate any green washing by bringing to light companies negative impact on society and proving outrageous claims to be over exaggerated or completely false. Environmentalists compel companies to reduce, if not eliminate their carbon footprint on society through exposing how wasteful they are to society. Every company in order to be successful has to recognize this issue and do their best to resolve it, otherwise their company will tank. Companies like FIJI Water have to walk the fine line of CSR and green washing. FIJI Water LLC, has proved to be a tough competitor in the market of selling bottled water. They have overcome trials and set-backs and have kept their image of a premium quality brand of water. They have done their very best to become socially responsible over the years and had to use the idea of green washing to exploit their product. How FIJI Water Came to Be FIJI Water was started in 1996 by David Gilmour, one-time partner in Clairtone Sound Corporation Limited. FIJI Water is a U.S.-based business and brand of bottled water derived, bottled, and shipped from the Fiji Islands. It is available in 330ml, 500ml, 1 liter and 1.5 liter bottles. According to marketing materials, the water comes from an artesian aquifer in the Yaqara Valley of Viti Levu. A good way to identify what FIJI Water is all about is in their mission statement which reads, â€Å"FIJI Water, the world’s finest water, is committed to quality and excellence in our product, people, profitability, and strategic partners. We are dedicated to communicating the passion and unique properties of our brand to consumers worldwide and continuing to invest in the future while preserving and cherishing the pristine source.†They have marketed their product towards wealthy people who could afford to pay more to drink water. Their main marketing drive was that the product was far from pollution, acid rain, and industrial waste in the island nation of Fiji. The way their product differed from other water bottling companies is that the FIJI Water was drawn from an artesian aquifer that lies hundreds of feet below a primitive rainforest. The idea being that distance and isolation is part of what makes FIJI Water so much purer and richer in taste than other bottled waters. Corporate Social Responsibility FIJI Water has a few marketing and CSR campaigns to help address the issue of social responsibility and to give their product more attention. FIJI water was seen as being extremely wasteful. To take a naturally occurring product like water and use the resources to ship it half way across the world was thought to be â€Å"water insanity†. â€Å"In response to this protest, the company launched a new promotion campaign under a slogan â€Å"every drop is green,†only to be immediately accused by environmentalist groups of engaging in green washing activities.†At the same time that this was happening, FIJI focused on its contributions to the local communities in Fiji. As environmentalists’ criticism increased over the years, FIJI Water LLC launched a â€Å"carbon negative campaign, claiming that it was the first bottle water company to release carbon footprint of its products.†This was part of their push towards the slogan â€Å"every drop is green†. The Company estimated its total annual carbon footprint at 85,396 metric tons of CO2eq. They were also able to calculate their carbon emissions at each stage of the product from production to distribution. They started at the production of raw material to running the plant, to getting it to the markets, to even refrigerating the product. It did this to try and eliminate as much carbon footprints as possible. The VP of the company, Mooney, argued that, â€Å"the only way consumers can turn their environmental intentions into good decisions is to give them the information they need regarding the emissions with the products they buy.†This made customers aware that they were actively looking at their operations and doing something about it. To most people, it didn’t really matter what, as long as they were trying. Sustainability The results of their work were impressive. They were able to accomplish the following: reduction in packaging by 20 percent, supplying 50 percent of the energy used at its bottling plant with renewable energy, optimizing logistics to be more carbon-efficient in transportation, restoring grasslands in the Yaqara Valley by planting trees, and supporting recycling programs for plastic PET bottles. With their new image as a socially responsible company they were more sustainable in the fact that they were giving back. They summed up their operations in a PR pitch: a sale of every bottle of FIJI Water would result in a net reduction of carbon in the atmosphere! The question remains, are they giving back enough? To ship a naturally occurring product half way across the world seems pretty ridiculous to those who care about our earth’s resources being wasted. Green Washing Conservation group didn’t buy it. This absurd claim, along with â€Å"every drop is green†was green washing at its finest so they thought. In Section 53 of the Commonwealth Trade Practices Act 1974 it prohibits a corporation from representing that â€Å"goods or services have sponsorship, approval, performance characteristics, accessories, uses or benefits they do not have.†They were in direct violation of this. The Greenwash Brigade were some of the most professional environmentalist that were known for exposing this kind of behavior. In June 2008, they published an article titled â€Å"Fiji Water by the numbers,†which summarized the terrible environmental impact of the company. Some facts that came out of that were that there were 5,500 miles per trip from Fiji to Los Angeles, 46 million gallons of fossil fuel, 1.3 billion gallons of water used, 216 million pounds of greenhouse gases emitted. These were staggering amounts of energy, water, and fuel being used, especially for something that is naturally occurring! The Impact of the Nay-Sayers These conservationists had a big impact on the company in forming who they are today. Without bringing this information to light, nothing would be changed. They would just fly under the radar without being criticized. We need the nay-sayers to motivate companies to change so they won’t use up our limited resources. The fact of the matter is that every drop of FIJI Water is not green, every drop is imported! These environmentalist help prevent green washing and provide important research behind their accusations of companies. In 2007, Pablo Paster, an engineer and MBA, undertook a thorough and exhaustive study of the cost of bringing a liter of FIJI Water to America. His study found that, â€Å"In summary, the transport of that one kilogram bottle of Fiji water consumed 26.88 kilograms of water (7.1 gallons), .849 kilograms of fossil fuel (one liter or .26 gallons) and emitted 562 grams of Greenhouse Gases (1.2 pounds).†One can only imagine the effect that has on our en vironment. Conclusion Overall, Fiji was able to show flexibility in changing for the times. They established credibility among the community through addressing concerns of others. At first they tried to hide from the answers needed by consumers and conservationists and even used some green washing to help get their product through the tough, trying times. They used the idea of green washing to their benefit by making outrageous claims that had to be proven false initially, but in time they held to it as best they could. They had to be vague at first, but later specified their goal in operations. Comparatively to most companies, FIJI Water has a great Corporate Social Responsibility in that they have done significant things to try and eliminate their carbon footprint through efficiency and planting more trees. Going forward, the company will have a hard time living up to becoming a carbon negative company. They need to keep on their path of fulfilling promises made to invest in renewable energy equipment and to off-set that with continuing to plant trees abroad. FIJI Water has especially helped the local community surrounding Fiji. They have established good CSR with the five neighboring villages. They have supported children’s educations in helping them get a good start. In pre-schools they have provided equipment, educational material, teacher training and other support. In March 2002, the company voluntarily established an independently administrated community development trust fund and allocated FJ$275,000 to it. That is a great use of their resources. They also support village projects to improve hygiene and sanitation as well as provide portable drinking water. FIJI Water is a benefit to society as a whole. They have used their resources to give back to our planet and help others in need. More [ 1 ]. James McMaster and Jan Nowak, â€Å"FIJI Water and Corporate Social Responsibility – Green Makeover or â€Å"Greenwashing†?, May 2009, Ivey Management Services. [ 2 ]. N.A., â€Å"FIJI Water,†, 2012. [ 3 ]. N.A., â€Å"Mission Statement,†, N.D. [ 4 ]. Ibid. [ 5 ]. James McMaster and Jan Nowak, â€Å"FIJI Water and Corporate Social Responsibility – Green Makeover or â€Å"Greenwashing†?, May 2009, Ivey Management Services. [ 6 ]. â€Å"FIJI Water Becomes First Bottled Water Company to Release Carbon Footprint of Its Products,†April 9, 2008, [ 7 ]. Ibid. [ 8 ]. Ibid. [ 9 ]. â€Å"FIJI Water Becomes First Bottled Water Company to Release Carbon Footprint of Its Products,†FIJI Water Press Release, Los Angeles, April 9, 2008, [ 10 ]. James McMaster and Jan Nowak, â€Å"FIJI Water and Corporate Social Responsibility – Green Makeover or â€Å"Greenwashing†?, May 2009, Ivey Management Services. [ 11 ]. Heidi Sigelbaum, â€Å"Fiji Water by the numbers,†June 6, 2008. [ 12 ]. [ 13 ]. McMaster and Nowak, â€Å"Natural Waters of Viti Limited – Pioneering a New Industry in the Fiji Islands.â€
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