Saturday, June 1, 2019

Scene Analysis of Alfred Hitchcock’s Film Shadow of a Doubt Essay examp

Scene Analysis of Alfred Hitchcocks Film Shadow of a DoubtAlfred Hitchcocks film Shadow of a Doubt is a true masterpiece. Hitchcock brings the perfect mix of horror, suspense, and drama to a small American town. One of the scenes that exemplifies his masterful mien takes place in a bar between the two main characters, Charlie Newton and her uncle Charlie. Hitchcock was quoted as saying that Shadow of a Doubt, brought murder and violence anchor in the home, where it righteousnessly belongs. This quote, although humorous, reaffirms the main theme of the film we find evil in the places we least expect it. Through careful analysis of the bar scene, we fall upon how Hitchcock underlies and reinforces this theme through the setting, camera angles, and lighting.One of the near important elements of this scene, which can be overlooked, is the setting. An unpleasant confrontation between the protagonist and antagonist takes place within a bar of all places. This scene is crucial because it is the first time we are completely taken into Uncle Charlies world. The bar acts as a liminal length for the audience to enter into his personality. It is in like manner the first time the two main characters have a confrontation about Uncle Charlies dark life. It should be noted that until this pointedness nigh of the scenes between the Charlies have been in domestic and safe places. The bar is a complete contrast to Santa Rosas all-American values and standards. The director most likely set this conversation in a bar because of the negative connotations that are associated with such a place, which perfectly match the personality of Uncle Charlie. The setting also underlies the menacing nature of the conversation between the Charlies. Just as the setting is importan... Charlies close-ups portrays a delicate glowing face, which appears frightened and angelic, an obvious contrast to the shadowy right side of her Uncles face. The lighting scheme on the Uncles face is a classic cinematic device revealing the duality of his personality. And again we are brought back to duality, wizard of the most popular themes among this directors films.Through his choice of setting, camera angles and lighting, Hitchcock makes the conversation at the bar a pivotal scene. The audience and young Charlie are finally brought into Uncle Charlies world. This scenes contrast to the stereotypical American town is what makes this scene so important. Even though Uncle Charlie was able to conceal his true self from most of Santa Rosa, a few people saw him for what he really was. Just like thither is a bar in every American town, there is evil as well.

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