Saturday, May 23, 2020

How Cultural Differences Impact On Advertising - 1055 Words

How cultural differences impact on advertising in multi-national companies? (Case study of Coca-Cola Company) Introduction A multinational company (MNC) can be defined as a company which operating in several countries but managed by its home country. These companies play a major role in present globalized business market. By moving forward beyond geographical barriers, helps multinational companies to expand market share and maximize companies’ profit margins. In comparison with its home country, operating in foreign country is not an easy task for any company. Due to different factors such as currency different, legal barriers, government regulations and cultural barriers multinational companies need to adjust their policies and marketing strategies according to the country. In order to survive in the competitive market, every company needs to adopt significant marketing tools in order to sell their products and services. Advertising is among the top marketing tools which used multinational companies in order to attract more customers towards their products. But, can a multinational company use same advertising campaign in all around the world? The simplest answer for that question is â€Å"No†. If so, what is the reason for that? The main reason for that is due to cultural barriers and different any company cannot adopt same advertising tools or methods among every country. Therefore, multinational companies advertise different in according to the cultural norms of the countryShow MoreRelatedInfluence Of Cultural Values On Advertising Essay1124 Words   |  5 Pages Influence of Cultural Values in Advertising Name: Institution: Introduction Commercial products of multinational companies are being marketed to people from different cultures owing to an increased growth in the world economy (Lin, 2012). 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