Wednesday, August 14, 2019

English - Gay Marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

English - Gay Marriage - Essay Example (Douthat). Though gay marriages are not recognized at the Federal Government Level, some States have allowed same sex marriages. The recent debate also seems to coincide with the campaign for upcoming elections. Recent comments by President Obama that same sex marriages should be allowed and that the final say in the matter should rest with the individual states therefore outline a general mood which might prevail in the campaign for upcoming elections. The overall arguments are based upon whether to keep the marriage as an institution intact or tear it apart by allowing same sex marriages. There is strong debate upon creating a new constitutional right and overthrowing a currently held constitutional right of marriage with opposite sex. ( Associated Press) What implications the debate on the same sex marriages will have for the next elections and how the presidential candidates in the next election should address this issue is what this paper will discuss and explore. Gay Marriages Gay marriage is a multi-dimensional issue with religious, political, social as well as moral consequences. Since the beginning of human history, men have always married women and that is considered a religious duty because marriage has been considered as a mechanism to legally reproduce. Reproduction therefore was one of the key reasons as to why marriages took place and the overall system of family built. Family is considered as the basic unit of a society and therefore marriage with opposite sex is considered as the only way through which family can be raised. (Taylor) Gay marriages are largely opposed based upon the concerns for raising the family, the religious issues, parenting as well as traditions of the societies. (Olsen). These social elements therefore may be shattered if same sex marriages are allowed and the very fabric of the society itself can crumble if same sex marriages are common. Further, it is also argued that the rights of the children being raised by their biol ogical parents could be hampered if same sex marriages take place. As such it is considered that the overall benefit of same marriages goes to the couple involved in it and other elements of the society may not benefit from the same sex marriages. (Goodstein) However, it is also critical to note that those who advocate for same sex marriages indicate that denying an individual to marry with a same sex partner is actually a discrimination based upon the sexual orientation of the individual. Gay Marriages in US Same Sex Marriages are not federally allowed in US however, some individual States have allowed gay marriages. Massachusetts was the first State which allowed same sex marriages in 2004 and was followed by other States too to allow the same sex marriages. Some other States are also lined up for allowing the same sex marriages and hence the overall legal support for gay and same sex marriages is increasing at the State level. (Press) One of the biggest hurdles towards allowing g ay marriages, legally at the Federal level is the Defense of Marriage Act 1996. Under this act marriage was defined at the Federal level and thus a legal cover was provided to the institution of marriage and family. It is critical to note however, that before 1996 State laws defined marriage and Federal Government accepted that definition though such marriages were not accepted by some other States. The overall public support for gay marriages is on the rise since 1980s and public opinion is divided on this issue. The recent surveys

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