Sunday, January 26, 2020
Creative Writing Piece on Friendship
Creative Writing Piece on Friendship ‘TIL THE END February 14th, 2014 As I filled my last luggage, I looked around my, now empty, room. My last hour here, in New York. I guess it didn’t matter anymore, since all my friends had left me; they all turned their backs on me when I needed them the most. On the bright side, my departure would be less painful, since there was no one to be missed. It was a bright sunny day of August and I was moving; to start a new life in California. We had been driving for four straight hours now, and there was no turning back. I was sitting in the passenger seat alongside my mother, who was driving silently. The last few months had been very dark, filled with sadness. Ever since the incident, we had barely said a word to each other, for the time had been too painful to even think. â€Å"This is it,†she smiled. â€Å"Our new home. The moving trucks will arrive soon, so go ahead, go take a look at your new room. I got the whole house painted a while ago, your room is a light cream color, just as you love.†â€Å"Thank you.†I gently hugged her, and entered the house to find my beloved room. Even if the house was a lot smaller than my older one, this room was bigger. Indeed, the color she chose was gorgeous. â€Å"This is the start of something new,†I thought. â€Å"Meet new people, make new memories, and forget the old ones that haunt me.†My thoughts disconnected when the doorbell rang. â€Å"Probably the moving trucks,†I thought, going downstairs to open the door. To my surprise, there stood a boy, probably my age, smiling. â€Å"Hey, I’m Scott, and I’m your new neighbour,†he smiled, warmly. â€Å"I’m Paige, nice to meet you,†I smiled back. He had crystal clear, blue eyes, lightly ruffled brown hair, and an irresistible smile. He was a little taller than me, which made me look up every time he spoke. â€Å"Do you want me to show you around?†He asked, politely. â€Å"I don’t-â€Å" â€Å"Sure she can!†My mother cut me off. â€Å"Paige, just be home by supper.†And out I was, with a guy I barely knew, wondering around the streets of a town I barely knew. â€Å"This is the park I often go to with my friends,†he pointed out to a cute little playground, with a vast area of grass. â€Å"Do you have a lot of friends?†â€Å"I have a few,†he laughed. â€Å"Oh, and, this is the school I go to, probably the one you’ll be attending, too, since it’s the only one around.†I looked up at him, and smiled. Why couldn’t we have more guys as sweet as him in my old town? Most of them were jerks. â€Å"By the way, how old are you?†He asked. â€Å"I’m fifteen, but I’ll be sixteen in a few days, but, you know, whatever,†I laughed. â€Å"You?†â€Å"I’m sixteen. I actually turned that age a few days ago!†â€Å"That’s great! Happy late birthday, I guess,†I giggled. â€Å"Thanks.†As we walked back home, I couldn’t have felt happier. I just hoped my mother wouldn’t ask too many questions. â€Å"Your mom told you to be home by supper, so here you are. See you around then?†He smiled. â€Å"See you around,†I smiled back. Luckily, my mother didn’t ask too many questions. The rest of the week went by very quickly, and I didn’t even get to see Scott again. The next thing I knew, it was my first day at a new school. As I stepped outside, I noticed him sitting on my porch. â€Å"You didn’t really think I was going to let you go to school alone on your first day?†He got up. â€Å"Actually, I did. But I’d definitely love to walk to school with you,†I smiled. During the whole walk, he spent most of the time asking me about my home town, but never asked about my friends. â€Å"So, what do your friends think about this whole moving thing?†The only question I didn’t want to answer. Crap. â€Å"Well, um, you see†¦ I don’t really have any friends. They all left me after, um, something happened.†â€Å"What happened?†He looked confused. â€Å"It’s a long story.†I barely knew him. Could I trust him? Yet, he was my only friend. He stopped. â€Å"We have time,†he smiled. â€Å"Classes don’t start until an hour from now. I checked my schedule, and we’re in most of the same classes, by the way,†He smiled. â€Å"Well, um†¦ Basically, my father left town for a week, for a business trip. Three days after his departure, someone he worked with called us, and told us that he, um†¦ He died. A heart attack.†Oh god, my eyes were already teary. Surprisingly, he wrapped me in his arms. â€Å"You’ve never told anyone before me, huh? It shows†¦ Your emotions. Don’t worry, I’ll never leave your side.†He squeezed me tighter. I felt secure in his arms. After wiping away my tears, and fixing my mascara using my phone as a mirror, we continued our walk to school. It was huge. The walls were tall and full of colourful designs; my old school was nothing compared to this. â€Å"What do you think?†he asked. â€Å"I think I think it’s amazing! I hope the people here are just as great,†I joked. â€Å"Um Depends who,†he laughed. I guessed that was reassuring. He showed me around, and then led me to my locker. It wasn’t far from his, so I at least knew someone nearby. During the two first periods, we didn’t do much in class. The teacher introduced me to everyone, and made me talk a bit about where I came from. A few people came to talk to me, which was really sweet. One girl, Angel, helped me to organize my locker according to my schedule, and helped me around when Scott wasn’t there. Scott. He was probably with his friends, which I haven’t met yet. They must be cool. â€Å"Paige, do you want to have lunch with me, today? Well, me and my friends,†Angel asked. â€Å"Um, sure! I’ll just go tell Scott to not look for me.†â€Å"Scott, huh? Yeah, he’s a really nice guy.†She smiled. â€Å"Indeed, he is,†I smiled back. Then I left to go find him. He was at his locker, and to my surprise, he was alone. â€Å"Scott! Hey!†I approached his locker. â€Å"Oh, hey. How were your first classes?†He asked. â€Å"They were cool. I met a girl, Angel Well, I’m actually going to have lunch with her!†â€Å"Oh, um, really?†He looked at me. â€Å"I I thought Um, anyway, just Her friends Be careful. She’s sweet, but the others†He stopped. â€Å"What about the others?†â€Å"I don’t like to judge. Have a nice lunch, though, see you soon.†Then, he left. What was wrong with him? Anyway, I left to go find Angel, who was sitting with four other girls. â€Å"Hey, Paige! Over here!†Angel shouted. I smiled, and walked to her table. As I sat next to her, one of her friends whispered to another. â€Å"That’s the new girl, right?†â€Å"Yeah I didn’t think Angel would actually go talk to her Urgh, that girl is too sweet And that wasn’t a compliment.†â€Å"Why is the new girl even eating with us?†â€Å"Well, I’m pretty sure she doesn’t have any friends here She probably won’t make any, either.†Then they laughed. They thought I couldn’t hear them, but I could. And it felt like my old high school all over again. â€Å"Paige Are you alright?†Angel looked at me. I couldn’t hold back the tears anymore, this was too much. â€Å"I I’m sorry, I have to go.†And with that, I left the cafeteria, my face dripping with soaked mascara, trying to find a place to hide. â€Å"Paige Paige! PAIGE, SLOW DOWN!†I heard someone scream. Then, someone grabbed my arm, and turned me around; It was Scott. â€Å"Don’t Scott†My breathing was uneven. â€Å"What happened? Wait Don’t answer that The girls, huh?†I was incapable of saying a single word. I just looked up at him, trying to wipe away the tears. â€Å"That’s what happens when you don’t listen to my warning†He giggled, and wrapped me in his arms. We stayed like that, until someone came. â€Å"Oh god, Paige! I’m so sorry about my friends They always do that to the new kids I should’ve just spent my lunch time with you, alone! I Wait, am I interrupting something?†She smirked. â€Å"No, oh, no, haha! It’s fine, I don’t blame you,†I smiled. She gave me a gentle squeeze. â€Å"Tomorrow. Just the three of us,†she winked, and then left. The rest of the day went perfectly fine, with my new friends. Actually, the six months that followed were probably the best six months I’ve ever lived. Scott and I become extremely close, to the point where I started to feel something for him. That feeling made me a little uncomfortable, since we were only friends. Yet, he didn’t seem to be himself, lately, either†¦. Today, a Saturday, we were going to spend the day together, Scott and I. He said he had something important to tell me†¦. I wonder what†¦ Just then, someone knocked on the door. â€Å"Hey!†He chirped. â€Å"Hey,†I smiled. I told my mother that I was leaving, then left with Scott to a park nearby. We sat on the bench, and stayed there, in an awkward silence, for about five minutes. â€Å"Scott, what was that important thing you needed to tell me?†I asked. â€Å"Um, well, um†¦ Listen†¦ I†¦ I just†¦ Would you†¦ I mean†¦Ã¢â‚¬ What? At that moment, I felt his hands turn my face against his, and gently pressing his lips against mine. It felt like an explosion of paradise†¦ And questioning. â€Å"Scott, I†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have. You see, I†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He was extremely nervous, but it was cute. â€Å"Yes, Scott, I’ll be your girlfriend,†I giggled. At that moment, his face lit up like I had never seen him before. â€Å"But, the thing is†¦ We’ve known each other for six months, only†¦ But I am willing to try, because I love you,†I smiled. I had never said these three last words to a guy in my life, and somehow it felt good. â€Å"I’m glad. And, I love you, too,†he blushed, then gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. Honestly, I had no idea how these relationship things worked, but I guessed that I’d just have to follow his lead. After a few weeks of being together, we finally went public. To my surprise, no one, or almost, judged us, not even Angel’s brat gang. Although, going public didn’t mean trying to make everyone jealous or uncomfortable. It meant not being shy or afraid to hold hands, or even kiss, around other people. When I talked about us to other people, it almost sounded like a perfect fairytale couple, even thought we weren’t. We fought a few times, nothing extravagant. I can’t imagine myself without him. Yet, another part of me knows we’re only sixteen, and I feel like that doesn’t really bother him†¦ â€Å"Hey, Paige,†said Scott, as he came over to me and kissed me. â€Å"Hey,†I smiled. â€Å"Listen, I have something to ask you, and I’ve been wanting to ask you for a very long time†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Yes?†What now? â€Å"Will†¦ Will you love me†¦ Forever?†Oh, god, what kind of a question was that? I can’t possibly†¦ â€Å"Scott,†I chuckled. â€Å"We’re only sixteen, remember? I love you, a lot, but you know†¦ Anything can change between now and later†¦Ã¢â‚¬ What else could I say? â€Å"I know, but still†¦ Please answer my question. Will you love me, forever?†Damn, he was determined. â€Å"I†¦ I don’t know, Scott. Please ask me some other time.†He looked down. â€Å"Alright. Well, I have to get going, I have, um, stuff to do.†With that, he left me, standing on my porch, alone, wondering about what just happened. Later that night, I tried to message him, but he never replied. Maybe he was really busy? I tried to concentrate on something else, to get my mind off things. As I took out a piece of blank paper and a pencil, I heard a loud gun shot, not far from where I was standing. â€Å"Mom? What’s going on?†I asked, rushing downstairs. â€Å"It’s nothing, honey. Probably just some loud thunder. Now, please, go back to your room.†I barely had the chance to speak, that I was already in my room. As I laid in my bed, I wondered†¦ What happened? Where did that gunshot come from? I hoped it didn’t come from Scott’s house†¦ Then, I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning with a disastrous call from Angel. â€Å"PAIGE! IT’S IMPORTANT!†Angel yelled. â€Å"What’s more important than my sleep?†I yawned. â€Å"Scott.†She answered. No way. That gunshot, it couldn’t be†¦ â€Å"What happened?†â€Å"He†¦ Last night, a robber barged in his house†¦ Scott tried to defend himself, and get the guy out†¦ And he was armed†¦ He†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She cut her breathing. â€Å"He got shot, Paige. Scott got shot, and he’s in the hospital.†â€Å"No, this can’t be possible! No, please, please tell me this is a lie!†I cried. â€Å"I’m so sorry, Paige†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She sniffed. â€Å"No. I have to go, sorry. I’ll talk to you later, okay?†I tried to keep myself from falling apart. â€Å"It’s fine, take all the time you need, I’ll be here.†â€Å"Thank you, I love you.†With that I hook up, and rushed out the house to the nearest bus that could take me to the General Hospital. â€Å"Scott†¦ Where is Scott Adams?†I shouted. There was no point in staying calm. I couldn’t. â€Å"You must me Paige. He’s right here, follow me. Beware though, he just came out of surgery so he won’t be looking so good.†This couldn’t be happening. 8 months of happiness, and this how it all crashes down. I can’t lose another person. As I walked into the room, I noticed his mother waiting outside the room, with a bunch of tissues filling her puffed face. â€Å"Scott! Oh, Scott, please be alright,†I said, worriedly. â€Å"Paige†¦ I’m fine†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He tried to smile. â€Å"Don’t†¦ You’ll be out in a week, right? Back home, smiling, talking long walks in the streets, holding hands†¦ All that fun stuff, in a week,†I tried to cheer him up. All he managed to do was smile. He was barely able to do anything. That gunshot hit him too hard, as hard I would want to hit the guy who did this. For the rest of the week, I visited him, everyday after school, until very late at night. I couldn’t stand seeing him like this, yet I didn’t want to leave his side, in case they were my last moments with him. Angel has been helping me a lot, trying to get my spirit back up, but it was useless. Everyday, I brought him a red flower, reminding him that my love stands by his side. He was strong, and I was sure he would be able to face this. On Friday, after school, I went to see him, like I did every other day. As I was about to enter the room, the nurse stopped me. â€Å"Miss Brooks, I just wanted to tell you that Scott will be fine, he’s weak, but he’s getting better,†she smiled. â€Å"Thank you, this makes me feel a lot less stressed,†I grinned. She smiled, and left. â€Å"Did you hear that, Scott? You’ll be alright! You’re getting better, and soon you’ll be out of here,†I said, cheerfully. â€Å"Paige, I†¦ No, I won’t make it†¦Ã¢â‚¬ His voice was fading. â€Å"What? No, you’ll be fine, please stay with me, okay? It’s going to be fine.†I took his hand, and gently squeezed it. â€Å"I love you, Paige†¦Ã¢â‚¬ His eyes were slowly shutting. â€Å"No, shut up, don’t say that, please. Don’t think like that, you’ll be fine, I†¦ The nurse said†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I was extremely worried. â€Å"The nurse came while I was sleeping, she couldn’t tell†¦Ã¢â‚¬ His eyes slowly shut, and his hand started to cool. â€Å"No, no, don’t†¦ Please, Scott,†I couldn’t take this. â€Å"I’m sorry†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He whispered. â€Å"Yes,†I slowly approached his ear. â€Å"Yes, I will love you forever.†He smiled slowly, as his heart rate slowed, too. At that moment, his chest stopped moving, his eyes shut, along with the rest of him. This couldn’t be. He couldn’t be gone. â€Å"Scott! Scott, please wake up! Someone, help, he just†¦ He just†¦ He’s dead,†I cried, loudly. Tears poured down my face, as I couldn’t control my emotions. The doctors came rushing in, checking his pulse, trying to get him going again, but it was no use. The doctor turned to me, shaking his head, as a sign he was gone, forever. The doctors took him away, and I was too shocked to even breathe. I couldn’t hear anything, except for my heart beating faster than ever. â€Å"Paige†¦ Paige! Paige, we have to go,†Angel shook me. â€Å"I came here as soon as I got the news. It’s very tragic, but you can’t stay here forever.†â€Å"No!†I protested. â€Å"I don’t want to leave! This is a dream, he’s not dead! He’s not! I’ll wake up tomorrow morning with a cute text from him telling me how much he loves me, and I’ll smile, just like every time he texts me. This is just a dream. Angel, please tell me that this is just a dream,†I sobbed. â€Å"It’s†¦ It’s not, Paige. I’m sorry,†she hugged me. I cried even louder. It’s over. He’s gone. I’ve lost two of the most important people in my life during the past year, and I just couldn’t bear it. Angel walked me to her car, and drove us to her house. Four days later, it was time for the funeral. I had to do a speech, and I wasn’t sure if I could make it. As they called my name, Angel gave me a quick hug, and helped me get up and go to the microphone. â€Å"Um†¦ Scott Adams was probably the best thing that has ever happened to me. He was the first person I met when I arrived here. He was also my only friend, at first. His smile was contagious, and he could make anyone smile, even during their darkest days. He was a special guy, someone I’ll never forget, someone I’ll never replace. At first, seeing him disappear in front of me was probably the worst thing ever. Yet, I now know that I was with him during his last moments, and that I loved him, very much. Someday, we’ll meet again, in another world. We had know each other for eight months, and been together for two. I will never forget the best times we had. To all of you who were also very close with Scott, I’m sure his spirit is with us, right now, smiling to the fact that we’re all here, for him. Scott was different, and I think we all know that. He will be missed, but someday, many years from now when we’ll also fade away, weâ€⠄¢ll all meet again, we’ll all be happy again. Scott isn’t in any pain, he left us peacefully, and I am grateful to have known him. Thank you very much.†I exited the stage, seeing everyone crying and clapping for my speech. Before going back to my seat, I approached the coffin where he laid, peacefully, saying my last words to him, â€Å"Forever and ever.â€
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Change: Discovering the Leader
Introduction:This paper seeks to prepare a book report for Deep Change: Discovering the Leader Within by Robert E. Quinn. The paper will discuss the perceived purpose of the author in writing the books and how he tried to support his claims. The paper hopes to either confirm or deny what the author tries to impart on the basis of the relevance of the author’s claims to reality and the personal experience of writer of this paper.The purpose of the authorThe purpose of the author (Quinn) in writing the book is to challenge the reader to recognize that everyone is a potential change agent. The author believes that people are capable of deep changes if they willing to take the difficult but essential steps to experience the same.  He built his thesis on a strong foundation by first contrasting  between deep change and incremental change. He argues that in general, most change that takes place in the life of an individual is incremental due to the fact that people are uncomfo rtable with major changes.  Incremental changes just involved movement in small steps that most people would like to take.The authors provided possible exception to the choice of incremental change and that this occurs when a person is faced with a major crisis.  To explain the author’s position, the case of a person who experienced a heart attack may be used as an example of major crises. It is common knowledge that people would like to survive and would do everything to prevent another attack after the first one. Under this scenario the person who suffered attack would be motivated to make deep lifestyle changes in habits.These changes could include changes such as stopping smoking and become choosy about dietary requirements. The same major crises may also be observed when a family marriage is on the brink of divorce. Under said situation, marriage partners will be forced to make comprehensive changes in these communicate or handle conflict. But, when there are n o major crises in the life of during periodic times many people will agree that people typically make changes in a slow and incremental manner instead of making needed deep change.The observable fact that was illustrated above on a personal level can also be could also be observed in the life of organizations. The tendency towards small incremental change rather deep change happens because people are normally resistant of change of big changes in their personal lives. It could be argued that such is observation is a natural phenomenon since people in their individual capacities are still the same people when they find themselves in organizations. It could also be argued that leadership needs to be mindful of bringing people along in the midst of change, but in the life of organizations there are really times that organizations need to experience deep change to survive.This could be observed in the case of joint ventures and mergers. These business combinations are someti me reactions to economic changes in the environment.  Managers need to have better returns and they find the expected synergy that would be created from mergers and joint ventures. If companies would stay as they are, there are possibilities that the they have reached their points of stagnancy. This could be observed in the case of cell phone companies.Sony are Ericsson are separate companies until they see the need to compete with other mobile companies there companies that dominate the market. Seeing the profitability of the industry, Sony and Ericsson combined in a joint venture (Steinbock, 2002) to product to produce Sony Ericsson cell phones. If one analyses however what happened, one could see that the cause was external to the organizations. Without the mergers, the separate companies might be just earning much to sustain operations and before they know it, they would have forgone the great opportunities that they are now enjoying after the merger. In this cont ext, author Quinn is correct in stating that without deep change, habitual patterns may just make organizations to move continuously toward decay and stagnation (Quinn, 1996).While it may be argued that organizations must react to changes in the environment, there seems to be more wisdom in the belief that organizations must anticipate changes by doing strategies that would help the company make use of is internal strengths to taking advantage of its opportunities. In other words organizations must have its plans for the future implemented by considering what it has internally and not just reacting to external events. The latter makes the company responsible and control of its purposes while in the first the companies by analogy just get swayed by waves of external changes.The logic of task pursuitWhat could be keeping organization to seek their chances for deep changes for growth without the external factors? In answer to this question, Quinn has discussion of the logic of task pursuit.  A good number of people, when under pressure for task completion, simply manifest lack of chance to consider routine maintenance. This could be illustrated by the fact that if a person does not take time to experience physical regeneration by resting and exercising, his or her body will experience exhaustion.This is applicable with the spiritual life of such person. People need to spend some time to detach themselves from the pursuit of tasks to spend time alone. Solitude could generate strength in character. If applied to an organization, it would appear that each person in management needs to set aside time to revisit its company’s mission and to ensure that the work of the company is in alignment with that mission. The failure to set aside the logic of pursuit to visit the company’s mission and vision provided the grounds for Quinn's observation that organizational change doesn't take place. He posits that that the leading coalition in an organi zation is rarely interested in considering deep changes of this logic of task pursuit.  He supported his theory by the fact of pressures within most organizations to conform to the prevailing structure (Quinn, 1996).Based on this, the author could be credited for a wonderful job of identifying the barriers of bureaucratic culture, ingrained conflict, and personal time restrictions. The author is therefore very much meaningful to suggest to management of companies to give time for managers to develop deeper relationships within themselves to prepare to be ready and willing to that deep change.   In opting for the need to reflect, it could be argued that in most cases people do not need new skills and competencies. What these people really need is a new perspective that permits them to act as empowered leaders in a changing organization. This new perspective must come from within the personal reflections of the organizational leaders who have renewed their commitment to t he company.There is therefore basis to agree with the author that that personal deep change must come before deep change within a system or organization. He argues while normally if not most of the time organizational change must come from the top as it flows down below, he strongly the author believes that it can also happen to start from the bottom towards the top. In subscribing to the fact that deep change requires a personal evaluation of the ideologies that under bind the organizational culture, the author saw that in the final analysis it is still the people who will make the decision. Thus Quinn believed that as people desire to see change in the lives of others, from many areas like in parenting, marriage or work relationships, these same people must examine first what changes need to happen in themselves. He observed that it is true that people do not easily recognize the part that they play in the problem; this it is really very hard to realize that one is part of the problem (Quinn, 1996). It is easier for people to blame others that to accept the responsibility for the error. If is easier to judge people by looking at the speck in one’s eye than to not one plank in is his or her own eye.ConclusionThe author believes in deep changes that people experience when under major crisis in their lives. His observation that people normally choose incremental change over deep is very much validated in the lives of people The fact that he also has observed deep changes in cases of major crises among people has helped him to discover that deep changes do happen the same way in organizations in case of external events. Such external events are normally challenges for survival for these organizations.In explaining the reason why changes could not happen with out the external changes to organizations, the author found the logic of task pursuit with out routine maintenance. In arguing therefore that the organizations need to go back to its mission and vision to redirect its efforts toward the proper direction, the author appears convincing in his position that personal deep change must precede deep change within a system or organization. Based on authors claims and supporting examples this paper humbly confirms the validity of the claims made as discussed in the text.Reference:Quinn, R. (1996) Deep Change: Discovering the leader within, Jossey-BassSteinbock, Dan (2002) Wireless Horizon: Strategy and Competition in the Worldwide Mobile Marketplace, AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn
Friday, January 10, 2020
Where to Find Ap Language 2002 B Essay Samples Caesar
Where to Find Ap Language 2002 B Essay Samples Caesar Ap Language 2002 B Essay Samples Caesar for Dummies Students receive a 15-minute reading period to accommodate the extra reading needed for the question. Therefore, many students and employees decide to purchase affordable essay rather than writing it themselves. Citations and extracts from assorted sources have to be formatted properly. This paper topics are based on the full play. Become acquainted with the kinds of topics and comfortable with writing in a number of modes. Staying on topic is vital to the free response questions. Don't forget to keep on topic. Organize your ideas logically, and take care to stay on the subject. Ap Language 2002 B Essay Samples Caesar Explained All of these have a different effect. In the instance of Barry's passage you'll need to analyze how he uses rhetorical strategies to be able to portray scientific research. Naturally, you also need to bear in mind a conclusion isn't absolutely necessary as a way to get a high score. Your aim is to persuade, and having convincing evidence is critical. The cost of an essay depends upon the total amount of effort the writer has to exert. When you read through your passage you wish to consider how the writer is utilizing language. This would persuade us to think he is a very good character. If you find a point that resonated, then keep this in mind while you score yourself. Prove that you're in touch by means of your society and the world around you. To have the ability to score yourself be a greater score, your support has to be thorough. There are a few elements to keep in mind as you are scoring your own paper. Ap Language 2002 B Essay Samples Caesar Can Be Fun for Everyone By doing so, you are not going to diverge from the provided requirements of the College Board. As soon as it's possible to review past test questions, you may never be certain of what is going to be addressed on each calendar year's AP Latin Exam. A number of the terms are review and a few are new. You've got an hour to finish the whole multiple-choice section. Act III, scene ii of Julius Caesar is among the most critical points of the full play. But this wasn't the conclusion of Caesar however. Convincing evidence goes together with supporting details. Julius Caesar demonstrates that folks respond to power and glory in various ways. The Dirty Facts on Ap Language 2002 B Essay Samples Caesar By using the text you permit yourself to obtain credibility for a writer and impress your examiners. You want to appear at the way in which the author organized their ideas within the passage to support their own argument. Your thesis statement needs to supply a crystal clear claim you will see and understand every single time you read the essay. Later in the argument you are able to cover the unstated principal to strengthen your enthymeme. So when constructing an argument you must grasp the audience and make certain they have acceptance of the unstated principle. This may not only show that you're intelligent and appreciate the intricacy of the sorts of issues you could be speaking about on the exam, but might really help strengthen your argument, in that it is possible to foresee prospective arguments against your support for your beliefs, then undermine them as you write about them. After organization you must consider the rhetoric appeals. It is possible to observe the way the student directly asserts what he or she is going to be proving within this statement. The Appeal of Ap Language 2002 B Essay Samples Caesar The Reading provides a rare chance to interact with college and higher school colleagues in a rigorous expert endeavor. Readers might not have heard of the most recent Comedy Central star, but they'll have known of these. They have sites that offer direct contacts between writers and customers and permit them to discuss details and get the very best result. In addition, a customer may ask the writer to submit part of the job for review and, if needed, ask her or him to make corrections. Consider a writting stlye the way that you'd think about an individual's individual fashion stlye. Everyone thought he was the ideal person for the job.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
What Can Be Done to Stop Homelessness in America Essay
Homelessness is across the world some places are better that other but every place on earth has homeless people. This paragraph is going to be why the issue is important how it affects people and what people and you can do to help. This is an issue that is important to me after this I hope you do something to help the homeless. This issue is important because there are between 750,000 and 1.3 million people that are homeless and that is just in America and that number is getting bigger due to economic times. People with children are becoming homeless about 36% of homeless people are families most people who are homeless have suffered a different tragedy some are wives fleeing for domestic violence. You might ask who the victims are of†¦show more content†¦In my opinoin we should focus on the united states first if we get ourselves up and running we will be a greater force to help others. when I say solve the issue I don’t mean we just give them money I mean we try to get them an education if they learn a field in which the work force need. Setting up schools can also help the childred of these poor people. This is just a dream of mine all those people rising up and could you imaging 100 million extra people making money and the economy. You can do many things to help homeless people like volunteering at a soup kitchen or just donating some of your old clothes there are also many charities around Kansas. You can be a part of a coat drive I take part in a coat drive at the end of December I would do it earlier but the list is always full and that makes me feel rather good that so many people know people are homeless and they want to do something. There are over 20 homeless shelters in Kansas (Northland Housing). All you have to do is two hours of your time it’s not a lot and it is fun to talk to some of the people. I do believe we can help the homeless but once again it will not just happen overnight it will take years maybe decades and then we probably won’t be able to help everyone but those thousand you do help over the years it will make a world of a difference. Two hours of your time once a year that’s all you would have to give and two hours for 100 seems like a good deal to me. Homelessness isShow MoreRelatedWhy Do People Become Homelss1750 Words  | 7 PagesHOMELESS AND WHY IT DOESN’T STOP LAVERNA MOORER ARGOSY UNIVERSITY Abstract This paper is going to present to you why people become homeless and why it does not stop Homelessness is a problem that have getting out of hands because of not addressing the situation on time. The focus is not so much the why but, if it will ever stop. 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