Thursday, October 31, 2019
Small Business Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Small Business Management - Essay Example If the company decided to open another online store it would not impact the cash position of the company. The firm will be able to absorb the additional cost of opening a new store without hurting the liquidity of the firm. 2. Is My Friend Bookstore a good candidate for franchising? I do not think that My Friend Bookstore is a good candidate for franchising. The firm is currently operating under special circumstances which may not be able to be replicated. The company has no fixed cost because it operates out of a dorm. The dorm location allows the firm to deliver books to the university students free of charge. The prime location also gives the company an advantage as far as having a great supply of used books since college students have so many books. The used book market is also very risky. Since publishers changed editions almost every year the used textbooks become obsolete very fast. Another disadvantage of franchising the business concept is that it is very easy to duplicate a n online bookstore. It might become hard to sell franchises of a product that has such a low barrier of entry. 3. Describe what the owners would have to do to prepare to franchise their business? There are different steps that must be taken to move a company from a single operation to a franchise. The first step is to determine whether the company is ready to take this huge step. The business concept must be evaluated to determine if the offering is unique and if there is a market for the product or service being offered. The company must be in a good financial condition to absorb the initial cost of the expansion plan such as added infrastructure and marketing expenses. Prior to making the step of choosing the franchise model management must evaluate all other expansion strategies such as joint venture, strategic alliances, licensing, and subsidiaries. The second big step in forming a franchise is to comply with legal requirements. A business prior to selling franchises in the Unit ed States must register a franchise disclosure document with the Federal Trade Commission (Tice, 2011). The firm has to create a plan on how to advertise to sell franchises either domestically or internationally. Once the franchises are sold the firm has to serve the franchises. This includes giving training, selling inventory, and providing advertising. 4. The three partners own the bookstore equally. What are some of the difficulties they may encounter in sharing management duties equally? It is not uncommon for a business venture to have more than one owner. In this case there are three partners in charge of My Friends Bookstore. The partners might face difficulties dividing the managerial work because there is not a clear division of labor among the partners. It is more ideal to have only one manager in charge of the operation. This way the employees will know exactly which instructions to follow. When there are several people serving the managerial role the employees might get mixed messages from the managerial staff. Another problem is that the partners might face conflict regarding how to divide the managerial functions. It is possible that under this scenario that one partner might want to take advantage of the other as far as passing on the managerial work to the next person. 5. What processes might the owners put in place to clarify their duties as equal partners? A way that the partners can divide work duties in a more orderly manner is to create
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Eport that outlines why sustainable development is part of the Essay
Eport that outlines why sustainable development is part of the solution to man-made global warming - Essay Example Wind energy appears to be feasible sustainable energy option, which can fulfil power needs, even while countering global warming. Table of Contents Introduction 3 Aims and Objectives 3 Global Warming and how sustainable development is the way forward 4 Sustainable options 5 Conclusion 7 References 8 Sustainable development is part of the solution to man-made global warming Introduction Man-made global warming subjects the environment to various forms of ‘assaults’ and that is having a extreme effect on the human lives as well, as both coexist. Loss of human supporting biodiversity, shortage of fresh water, drastic changes in climate, etc are having negative effect on the health of the humans. Unless this negative impact of global warming is stopped or paused or even minimized, it will continue to endanger many human lives not only in the present but also in the future. Thus, before formulating any strategies against global warming, it is necessary to understand how actio ns taken by people of current generation could have an impact or consequence for them as well as for the future generations. This aspect of understanding and caring for the people of present times as well as future, and thereby acting accordingly only constitutes sustainable development. As defined by Kates, Parris and Leiserowitz (2005) sustainable development is the â€Å"†¦ability to make development sustainable to ensure that it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs†Aims and Objectives Development is carried out mainly focusing on economic and materialistic aspects, without thinking about sustainability. That is, as pointed out above, sustainable development focuses on the wellbeing of not only the present generation of people but also the future, but this focus on economic aspects and materialism is destroying the environment and the people dependent on it. Thus, it is very crucial to carry out these developmental activities in a sustainable way. Sustainable development is a major part of the solution to global warming, as it eliminates the catalytic factors of global warming. After focusing on how sustainable development is the way forward for the human race, the next part of the paper will discuss the various sustainable options, particularly focusing on Wind power. The paper will end with a personal conclusion on how to stop or pause or even minimize global warming and its effects. Global Warming and how sustainable development is the way forward Global Warming is mainly caused by the GHG, particularly Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and their activities in the atmosphere. This increased CO2 emissions and the resultant global warming hots up the earth abnormally, leading to various negative effects on the environment as well as the human lives. CO2 emissions are visible in various human developmental activities starting from constructing new infrastructure to the process of elect rification. For example, Coal, used to generate electrical power in many countries around the world, is also high emitter of CO2. â€Å"With Coal having the highest carbon intensity among fossil fuels, coal-fired plants have the highest output rate of CO2 per kilowatthour.†( As there is increasing emission of CO2, earth gets hotted up very quickly melting the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Umbilical Cord Care Very Important Health And Social Care Essay
Umbilical Cord Care Very Important Health And Social Care Essay Health is the most important, sought-after thing in the world by all, no matter who we are, when well- cared for their earliest years, children are more likely to survive grow up the first month is crucial importance, in terms of health care. The health of women and children is the basis of a healthy family and a healthy nation. This is particularly true of children whose healthy future depends on proper care during the first year life (UNICEF, 2002).Newborns are the blessings for today and tomorrow. The newborns body is most supersensitive, delicate, immature and susceptible from which can easily harmed if not taken care of newborn. The birth of a baby is an event a moment which creates a great joy and wonder of gods gift, a gift of god in the life of parents. From the moment of birth, many parents are loved to involve in the care of the newborn. The first care given to a neonate include placing him/her in a warm environment , suctioning the oropharynx and nose , cleaning the eyes , clamping and cutting the cord ,checking the weight , tying the identification tag and mummifying the baby. First time the mother smiles when the newborn is cry and she forgets the pain. The newborn, once separated from the mother in the process of delivery, undergoes certain fundamental changes in which he/ she leaves the sterile environment of the uterus and moves into the outside environment .This separation occurs through the severing of the umbilical cord. After birth, the cord is no longer needed, and is cut, leaving a short stump Behind on-pathogenic bacteria such as coagulate -negative staphylococci, e-coli, and streptococci, clostrium tetani may also be present on the skin and can track up the umbilical stump causing infection (ZUPAN et a l à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦, 2005). The UNICEF report released at the National conference on child survival and development in New Delhi, claims that out of nearly 26 million children born in India each year, 1.2 million die during the first 4 weeks .This is the 30% of the 3.9 million global neonatal deaths. According to current report (neonatal mortality) of 44/1000 live birth accounts for nearly 2/3rd of all infant deaths (death before the age of one) and nearly half of under five children deaths in India. Indias NMR significantly from 69/1000 live births in 1980-50/1000 -live births in 1990 .In recent years NMR has remained static only dropping four points from 48-44/1000 live birth in 1995 and 2000. The main causes of neonatal deaths are low birth weight and infections (Indian express, 2004). One million newborn infants die every day by multiple of organisms which often enter in to the body via the umbilicus. The other contributing causes of umbilical cord infection includes maternal factors like maternal infections e.g. amionitis, repeated vaginal examinations during labour, duration of rupture of membrane, unhygienic practice of delivery, delivery conducted by untrained dais, environment factors like cleanliness of the ward and caregiver with severe infection, upper respiratory infection and neonatal factors like small for gestational age, preterm newborns ,birth condition during labor like me conium stained liquor, umbilical cord infection had caused many neonatal death before aseptic technique were used .In developing countries umbilical cord infections constitute a major cause of Neonatal morbidity and pose significant risk for mortality, in the environment as the umbilical outbreaks of cord infection continue to occur even in developed nurseries (Zupan et al 2000). The hospitalized neonates may get infection from various sources like tube feeding, unhygienic cloth, avoidance of baby bath, using many cosmetics, etc. Environment as the umbilical cord is a means of entry for systemic infective agents that colonize the skin of the newborn. Umbilical cord is the only route of entry for microbes, because it has opening in the umbilicus, even though the cord clamp was there in the cord It is therefore essential to keep the cord clean to prevent infection and promote a normal healing until the stump dries up and falls off by giving umbilical cord care during the transition period. SIGNIFICANCE OF AND NEED FOR THE STUDY In midwifery practices, the newborn care is an important aspect and the kind of care and attention given immediately after birth and later is greatly valued. Umbilical cord care is very important since infections of the cord can be so fatal that it may even lead to the death of the neonate. Despite the importance of umbilical cord care, both traditionally and medically, there have been few randomized trials investigating the impact of different cord care regimen on rates of local or systemic infections, particularly in developing countries (Mullany et al 2003) Also, nursing studies and literature pertaining to the care of umbilical care relatively limited and the procedures adopted for umbilical cord care is varied. The present study intends to investigate the effectiveness of lukewarm water application on the umbilical cord of newborns in terms of occurrence of umbilical cord infection. Bain (1994) undertook a study to find the effect of four different cord care regimens in preterm babies. The evidence of the trail suggested that cleaning the cord with alcohol, wiping and dusting with sterzac powder resulted in less cord related infection and a shorter time for cord separation compared to any other cord care regimen. All these conclusive evidences prove that the policy of leaving umbilical cords untreated is not a safe practice. In many studies reported clean the umbilical cord with warm water compare than antiseptic solution. Antiseptic solution may cause delay in healing and form the pus (NNT 2010). Zupan and Garner (1998) carried out a study on the effectiveness of topical agents for umbilical cord care to prevent cord care infection, illness and death in newborn infants in developed countries. They have included newborns of any gestation, using any of the following interventions topical antiseptic applications. Clean with warm water, Including the newborns who were born outsides well as inside the hospital, the incidence of umbilical sepsis was2001-10 cases,2002-24case,2003- 19 cases.,2004( Jan out) -15 cases. Early onset of neonatal sepsis is clinically apparent within 72 hours of life , with an overall mortality rate of 15-50% .Late onset neonatal sepsis is usually present after 72hours of life and includes nosocomially acquired infections .The overall mortality rate of late onset sepsis is 10-20% Bobak et al (1995).The UNICEF report released at the National conference on child survival and development in New Delhi, claims that out of nearly 26 million children born in Indi a each ye1.2 million die during the first 4 weeks .This is the 30% of the 3.9 million global neonatal deaths. According to the current report (neonatal mortality) of 44/1000 live birth accounts for nearly 2/3rd of all infant deaths (death before the age of one) and nearly half of under five children deaths in India. Indias NMR significantly from 69/1000 live births in 1980-50/1000 -live births in 1990 .In recent years NMR has remained static only dropping four points from 48-44/1000 live birth in 1995 and 2000.India contributes to 20% global birth and highest number of neonatal death within a country, each year, 26 million infants are born in India of these 1.2 million die during the neonatal death period before completing the first four weeks of life. Two newborns deaths occur every minute in this vast country. The current neonatal mortality rate (NMR) is around 40/1000 live birth of less than five mortality rate. Between 1995and 2000, there was only a legible decrease 4 points in NMR from 48-44/ 1000 live birth. The tapering off the rate decline is a cause of concern requiring serious pl anning and newer strategies. The main causes of neonatal deaths are low birth weight and neonatal infections; maternal infections (Indian express, 2004). One million newborn infants die every day by bacterial infection which often enters the body via the umbilicus. The other contributing causes of umbilical cord infection includes maternal factors like maternal infections e.g. amionitis , repeated vaginal examinations during labour, duration of rupture of membrane, place of delivery, environment factors like cleanliness of the ward and caretaker with URI , technical factors like method of cord care , hand washing technique, and transfer of infant and neonatal factors like gestational age, birth condition during labor , umbilical cord infection had caused many neonatal death before aseptic technique were used. In developing countries umbilical cord infections constitute a major cause of Neonatal morbidity and pose significant risk for mortality, in the environment as the umbilical outbreaks of cord infections continue to occur even in developed nurseries (Zupan et al 2000). The traditional practices of cord care in this area include application of hot fermentation (31.5%), use of rag and latern(19.5%), use of Vaseline (9,5%), ash/charcoal(9.3%), groundnut/palm oil (8.3%), use of powder (6.5%),and red sand (3.5%), These practices are harmful because these substances are often contaminated with bacteria and spores, thus increasing the risk of infection.(Konduga local government area of born state-2005) Traditional nursing procedures are being gradually substituted by more modern Practices. As technologic advance, Nursing practices also change. As many routine procedures like predelivery perineal shave, predelivery enema are questioned, the efficacy of the antiseptic solution usage for umbilical cord care has also become a question and a study is necessitated through comparing the existing practices with the key outcomes .Therefore, the investigator strongly felt need to do study, comparing the use of antiseptic solution with lukewarm water for umbilical c ord care in order to find out the effectiveness of lukewarm water. STATEMENT OF PROBLEM An experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness of umbilical cord care using lukewarm water among newborns in selected hospital at Madurai district. OBJECTIVES To assess the umbilical cord after cord care experimental group and control group. To compare the effectiveness of cord care experimental group and control group. To find the association between experimental group with selected demographic variables To find the association between control group with selected demographic variables. HYPOTHESIS There will be significant difference between experimental group and control group after cord care. There will be significant association between experimental group with selected demographic variables. There will be significant association between control group with selected demographic variables OPERATIONAL DEFINITION Effectiveness In this study it refers to the outcome of an experimental study indentified with help of significant difference between tests among newborns. Newborn In this study it refers to the period from birth to28 days of life is called period and the infant in this period is termed as neonate or newborn baby. Umbilical cord care with lukewarm water In this study it refers to warm water with a degree of 70-97à ¢- ¦f or 26-36à ¢- ¦c to clean the umbilical cord and the cord is left dry and open. ASSUMPTION Application of lukewarm water will prevent infection of the umbilical cord. Application of lukewarm water it promotes early healing of umbilical cord. DELIMITATIONS `The study is limited to the newborn of the mothers who had LSCS. The study is confined to selected hospitals. PROJECTED OUTCOME The result of the study would help the investigator to identify the effectiveness of cord care using lukewarm water among newborns. The study will help to promote a early healing of the umbilical cord and to reduce the infections. The findings on demographic variables would help to identify the factors which affect the newborns with infection CHAPTER-II REVIEW OF LITERATURE Review of literature is an important, essential aspect of scientific treatment .It involves the systematic identification, location scrutiny and summarization of the written material that contains information on a research problem. It broadens the understanding and provides the insight necessary for the development of a broad conceptual context into which the problem fits (polit hungler, 1995). A review of related research and non- research literature was undertaken and an attempt was made to organize the materials. This includes Umbilical cord care Review on studies related to umbilical cord care using lukewarm water Review on studies related to cord care. UMBILICAL CORD CARE Umbilical cord Inspect the Umbilical cord area for the correct amount of blood vessels, two arteries and one vein. The umbilical vein is larger than the umbilical arteries. A yellow brown or green tinge to the cord indicates the me conium was released. The umbilical cord should be checked for bleeding or oozing during the early hours after birth. The clamp must be securely fastened with no skin caught and tissue injury. Pathophysiological background The umbilical cord is a tissue, which of consisting of two arteries and one vein covered by a mucoid connective tissue called Whartons jelly and a thin mucous membrane. During pregnancy, the placenta supplies all nutrients for fetal growth and development and removes waste products. Blood flowing through the cord brings nutrients and oxygen to the fetus and carries away carbon dioxide and metabolic wastes. After birth, until the placenta separates and while the cord is still pulsating, a small volume of blood may be transfused from the placenta to the newborn. The amount transfused depends on when the cord is cut and the level at which the baby is held in relation to the mother at the time of cord clamping Umbilical cord healing process The cord darkens and shrivels as it dries and falls off within 7-14 days. The cord should be dry and not have any drainage. After the cord falls, a small pink, granulating area about a quarter of an inch in diameter may remain. This should also be left clean and dry until it has healed (about 24- 48 more hours). umbcord Umbilical cord infection In umbilical cord if the ulcerous area has remained as long as one week it indicates of sign of infection. Source of infection Unhygienic environment of delivery Contaminated cord cutting instrument Infected hands of care giver or infected clothing Causative organisms Staphylococcus E-coli Clostridium tetani Signs and symptoms Swollen and moist per umbilical tissue with redness Foul smelling Serous or purulent discharge Delayed falling of umbilical cord Fever Management Umbilical cord should leave uncovered rather than application of dressing. Systemic antibiotic is given in complicated cases. Complication Jaundice Hepatitis Peritonitis Umbilical granuloma Prevention Aseptic technique and clean practices at birth. Administration of tetanus toxoid to antenatal mothers. Prognosis Prognosis depends upon the nature of infection, intiation of management and nursing care. Prevention of umbilical cord infection is more easy and important in neonates. Cord care DOs and DONTS Dos Cut the cord with a clean instrument. Tie the cord tightly with clean or sterile thread or clamp. Tie napkin or diaper below the umbilical cord. Donts Bandages are unnecessary and may delay in cord healing and introduce infection to the newborn. Alcohol cleaning may delay in healing and cause pus. Apply traditional remedies to the cord may cause infection World Health Organization, (1999) Current standards of cord care is based on the principles of aseptic techniques. The aim of WHO to prevent the cord infections. However, the introduction of infection in neonatal care unit and well baby clinic for newborns in hospitals in the 1940s increased the risk of staphylococcal skin and cord infections by facilitating the spread of bacteria among infants in hospital. Clean the cord at birth and in the days following birth is effective in preventing cord infections and tetanus neonatrum. Clean cord care practices at birth include washing hands with clean water and soap before delivery and again before cutting and tying the cord, laying the newborn on a clean surface and cutting the cord with a sterile instrument and sterile clamp. Clean cord care in the postnatal period includes washing hands with clean water and soap before and after care and keeping the cord stump dry and exposed to air or loosely covered with clean clothes. If soiled, the cord should be washed with clean warm water (cleaning with alcohol seems to delay healing). The napkin should be folded below the umbilicus. REVIEW RELATED TO CORD CARE USING LUKEWARM WATER Kimberly Dow,(2010 ) reported news about the umbilical cord, After the umbilical cord is cut at birth, a stump of tissue remains attached to the umbilical cord. The cord will dry and shrinks. It is important to keep the umbilical cord stump and surrounding skin clean and dry. This cord care helps to prevent infection. It may also help the umbilical cord stump to fall off and the cord to heal 90% more quickly; gently clean the umbilical cord once a day. Soak a cotton swab in warm water. Squeeze out the excess water. Gently wipe around the sides of the cord and around it. Wipe away any wet, sticky, or dirty substances. Gently pat dry the area with a soft cloth. The stump usually falls off in a week or two but sometimes it takes longer. Continue to clean around the umbilical cord at least once a day until the cord has completely healed. Keeping the area Wyeth (2010) reported news about the umbilical cord. Keep the stump of the umbilical cord clean and dry until it falls off, which usually happens within a few weeks Clean the cord at each napkin change to help to dry out and to prevent entry of infection Wipe gently around the cord with a damp cotton swab .Keep the napkin folded below the navel area to keep the cord from being soaked with urine. Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines(2010) was reported about umbilical cord Sometime between five and 15 days after birth, the cord will dry up, turn black and drop off, leaving a small wound that may take a few days to heal. It must be kept clean and dry to prevent infection. Harmful bacteria that live naturally on the skin can enter in to the cord causing infection. Avoid the traditional practice of taping a coin to retract the belly button as it may encourage infection and delay the healing process. Avoid the cord stump getting urine by folding the napkin down away from it, leaving the cord exposed to the air. If the cord gets urine, wash it off using clean warm water or just water alone. When the stump falls off, it may shows of signs of little blood on the umbilical cord which is normal. In the past, cord stumps have been cleaned with antiseptic tissues or sprinkled with an antiseptic powder. Studies of the healing process have found no advantage to using antiseptics ove r simply keeping the cord clean, unless the baby is premature or in intensive care. Antiseptics also cause the cord to take longer to fall off, which causes anxiety to parents and increases the number of postnatal consultations with doctors. Satish Chandra. V.Naik etal (2009) in pune, study was to conduct impact of training of traditional birth attendants on the newborn care. The setting of the study was PHC, 45 TBAs attended 2 days training programme. Different AV- aids were used to interact the sessions by LCD, flipcharts, videoclipings. Pretest evaluation showed that there was a difference in the depth of knowledge regarding newborn care between previously trained tai and untrained tai .this difference was statistically difference p( Luke C Mullany.g.etal (2009) reported a study was to conduct cluster-randomized, community-based trial to assess the impact of three cord care regimens either A large community-based trial in rural southern Nepal conducted between 2002 and 2006 randomized babies within clusters to receive one of three cord care regimens: (1) 4.0% chlorhexidine cleansing for 7 of the first 10 days after birth or (2) soap and warm water cleansing for 7 of the first 10 days after birth, or (3) dry cord care. Overall, mortality among enrolled infants was 24% lower in the chlorhexidine group compared to dry cord care. Clinical evidence of a protective of warm water cleansing among this newborns subset was increased. Warm water cleansing reduced severe infection by 87% and mortality by 34% among those enrolled within 24 hours. Alam .M. Ali .etal (2008) in Bangladesh, the study conducted by cluster- randomized. Unstructured interview (n-60), structured interview (n=20), rating and ranking exercises (n=40),83% of umbilical cord care revolved around the bathing. Over all 40% of newborns are clean with warm water during newborn age of period only 9% of reported of infections and other application of cord care (83%) of reported of infections. Jane heiza in health and safety (2008) reported news about the umbilical cord is cut at birth, a stump of tissue remains attached umbilical cord. The stump gradually dries and shrivels until it falls off, usually between 1 and 2 weeks after birth. Gently clean umbilical the cord stump and the surrounding skin at least once a day and as needed during diaper changes or baths. Soak a cotton swab in warm water. Squeeze out the excess water. Gently wipe around the sides of the stump and the skin around it. Wipe away any wet, sticky, or dirty substances. Gently pat dry the area with a soft cloth. The stump usually falls off in a week or two but sometimes it takes longer. Continue to clean around the cord at least once a day until the cord has completely healed Medves JM, OBrien BA.etal (2008) reported study was to identify differences in time to cord separation and bacterial colonization when using alcohol or warm water to clean the cord area in healthy newborn infants. Randomized controlled trial designed was selected. 148 newborn infants who were enrolled within 3 hours of birth. Gestational age was >36.7 weeks and all infants had an Apgar score of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¥7 at 5 minutes. Follow up was 92%. Parents were shown a video on cord care that was developed for the study. Parents applied warm water. Cleaning with 95% alcohol did not reduce umbilical cord separation time. 95% of warm water groups had reduces the infection and early healing of cord. Khatry .C.Mullany .etal (2005) in Nepal, conducted a study on the impact of umbilical cord care. The selected sample is 15123 infants were assigned randomly selected within communities, the following 3- cord regimens: cleansing with 4.0%, cleansing with warm water. The mean separation time was shorter in warm water (4.25days) and in chlorhexidine (5.23days). Janssen PA, Dobson. R.etal (2003) reported study was to compare cord bacterial colonization and morbidity among newborns whose cords were treated with triple dye and alcohol versus warm water. The investigator was randomly allocated 766 newborns to either 2 applications of triple dye to the umbilical cord stump on the day of birth with alcohol swabbing twice daily until the cord fell off (n = 384) or warm water cord care (n = 382). hemolytic streptococcus and coagulase-negative staphylococcus. Infants in the dry care group were significantly more likely to be colonized with Escherichia coli (34.2% vs. 22.1%), coagulase-negative staphylococci (69.5% vs. 50.5%), Staphylococcus aurous (31.3% vs. 2.8%), and group B streptococci (11.7% vs. 6.0%). Community health nurses were significantly more likely to observe exudates (7.4% vs. 0.3%) and foul odor (2.9% vs. 0.7%) among infants allocated to the dry care group during the home visit. Patricia A. Barbara L .etal (2003) reported study was to compare cord bacterial colonization and morbidity among newborns whose cords were treated with triple dye and alcohol versus warm water cord care. The sample was randomly selected 766 newborns to either 2 applications of triple dye to the umbilical cord stump on the day of birth with alcohol swabbing twice daily until the cord fell off (n = 384) or dry care (n = 382). The umbilical stump was colonized with {alpha}-hemolytic streptococcus and coagulase-negative staphylococcus. Infants in the warm water group were significantly more likely to be colonized with Escherichia coli (34.2% vs. 22.1%), coagulase-negative staphylococci (69.5% vs. 50.5%), Staphylococcus aurous (31.3% vs. 2.8%), and group B streptococci (11.7% vs. 6.0%). Community health nurses were significantly more likely to observe exudates (7.4% vs. 0.3%) and foul odor (2.9% vs. 0.7%). M. Bello .j.p Ambe etal (2005) in Kondugal, the study was conducted, the survey which was cross-sectional was conducted over eighth period. Systemic random sampling method was used to select the newborns. 400 samples was selected, majority of the mothers 74.3% delivered at home have same results for other groups. Warm water 2.0% results of infection. This will go reduce in mortality and morbidity in the newborns. Andrea guala (2003) study was reported about the time of cord separation, a controlled clinical trial was carried out of healthy full- term neonates. The study was to evaluate the cord separation. According to the hospital protocol, umbilical cord cleaned with cotton soaked warm water. This was statistically difference (p Luke C Mullany.g.etal (2002 ) study was conducted to assess cord care the Within a community-based, cluster-randomized study of the effects of 4.0% chlorhexidine on omphalitis and mortality risk, we aimed to describe the distribution of times to separation and the impact of topical chlorhexidine treatment on cord-separation times infants were assigned randomly within communities in southern Nepal to receive 1 of the following 3 cord-care regimens: cleansing with 4.0% chlorhexidine, cleansing warm water, or dry cord care. In intervention clusters, field workers cleansed the cord in the home on days 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 10 after birth. The mean separation time was shorter in dry cord care (4.24 days) and warm water (4.25 days) clusters than in chlorhexidine clusters (5.32 days; mean difference: 1.08 days). Cords of infants who received chlorhexidine were 3.6 times more likely to separate after 7 days. Facility-based birth and birth attendant hand-washing were associated with cord sepa ration after 7 days of age. REVIEW RELATED TO CORD CARE. Mullany .Katz. etal (2007) reported study was to assess to umbilical cord care trial in Nepal during (2002-2005). Newborns were evaluated in the home for signs of cord infection (pus, redness, and swelling) omphalitis was identified in 954 of 17.198 newborns (5.5%) infection risk was 29%- 62% higher in infants receiving topical application , skin-skin contact (relative risk (RR) = 0.64, 95% confidence interval (CI) =o.43,0.95) and hand washing (RR=0.73, 95% CI 0.64, 0.84). In this community, unhygienic newborn care practices lead to continued high risk for omphalitis. Ahmadpour -kacho.z.etal (2006) reported study was to compare the effect topical application of human milk, ethyl alcohol 96% and silver sulfadiazine on umbilical cord separation time in infants. This study was undertaken place at a primary- level newborn nursery at a university teaching hospital and a private hospital. Samples are randomly selected. Mothers milk, ethyl alcohol, silver sulfadiazine ointment for group 3 were applied to the days after umbilical cord separation. It was observed a significant difference in the mean cord separation time along the four groups. No significant complications were observed in any group. Breast milk could be substituted for topical agents for umbilical cord care. Gilson .k .etal (2006) reported large urban university hospital in Turkey and participant homes after discharge Umbilical cord care consisted of one of three methods: topical application of povidine-iodine twice daily, topical application of mothers milk twice daily, or dry care (keeping the cord dry and clean).Outcome was measured in terms of the presence or absence of omphalitis and the number of days elapsed before cord separation. An ongoing questionnaire was administered by telephone every other day after the participants left the hospital. There were no significant differences between the three groups in terms of omphalitis occurrence. The cultural practice of applying human milk to the umbilical cord stump appears to have no adverse effects and is associated with shorter cord separation times than are seen with the use of antiseptics. Kelley Evens .j.etal (2006)reported study was to compare alcohol versus natural drying for umbilical cord care in preterm infants and to examine its effects on bacterial colonization and cord detachment randomized to receive either umbilical cleansing with 70% isopropyl alcohol at each diaper change or natural drying. Umbilical stump cultures were performed at 12 to 24 hours, 72 hours, 7 days, and 14 days of age. A total of 109 infants were enrolled; 102 completed the study. There was significantly shorter in the natural drying group compared to the alcohol group (13.0 versus 16.0 days; p=0.003). There were no cases of local umbilical infection in either group. It appears that natural drying is a safe and effective means of umbilical cord care in preterm infants. Chamnanvanaki.S.etal (2005) conducted a randomized controlled trial was to compare time of cord separation, among 3 regimens of cord care at home1) triple dye, 2) alcohol, 3) no antiseptic solution.185 infants were recruited. Time to cord separation in infants of group1 was significantly longer than in group 2(p=0.036) and group 3 (p=0.003).The satisfaction score of group1 were significantly lower than group 2 and group 3.Triple dye delayed time to cord separation and was less satisfactory. The authors conclude that using alcohol or dry clean could be alternative ways of cord care at home Sezer.G (2005) conducted a quasi-experimental study to comparing topical human milk, Povidine iodine, and dry care.150 sample was selected, convenience sampling used, results there was no significant difference between the three groups in terms of omphalitis occurrence in the Povidine-iodine group, cord separation occurred of 9.9days. in the dry care and topical human milk groups, cord separation occurred at a mean of 7.7 days, respectively.Therewas a statistical relationship between the groups in terms of cord separation time (f=13.24, p Shoaeib Barrawy .J.etal (2005) conducted a quasi-experimental study that aimed to compare the
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Chasm between France and the United States Essays -- Foriegn Polic
The Chasm between France and the United States France and the United States have a long history of alliance. In the recent past cooperation has been limited, if not reluctant on both parts, and the relationship is evolving. On some levels, the two are not called to deal directly with each other, instead, there is an American identity versus a European identity, as well as an American identity versus a French identity. However, the special relationship between France and the United States is far from being over, and good relations between the two are vital to both countries in order to pursue the national interests of each. This research will consider the differences in foreign policy perspective between the US and France during the Bosnian crisis, the war in Afghanistan, and the International Criminal Court issue, attempting to illustrate the awkwardness of the synchronization of policy between France and the United States. The important changes that have taken place in each nation’s government over the last 200 years have been the driving cause of the evolution of the relationship between the Americans and the French in their passage from two infant democracies conceived in the idealism of the late 18th century to the current world powers that each currently has become. From the beginning of its independence from Great Britain, the United States has had a sort of marriage with France, if for the wrong reasons, which lasted until perhaps WW2, before France’s post WW2 humiliation and De Gaulle’s attempts to restore national power. The separation came during the cold war, during what could be called a mid-century crisis, in which France sought to prove their independence from the increasing... ... Alliance Since World War II. Maxwell MacMillan Canada Inc., 1992. 4. Dempsey, Judy. â€Å"Europe’s Divided Self.†Financial Times 09 July 2002. 5. Hagund, David G.â€Å"The France-US Leadership Race,Closely Watched Allies,†Queens Quarterly Press (Kingston,Ontario: 2000). 6. Holmes, Stephen. â€Å"Liberalism in the Mirror of Transnational Terror†The Tocqueville Review Vol. XXII No: 2-2001Philippe Roger, quoted in John Vincour, â€Å"Why France Disdains America,†The International Herald Tribune 9 Oct. 2002 7. Kagan, Robert. â€Å"Power and Weakness.†Policy Review, No. 113. 8. Rà ©my, Daniel. Qui Veut Tuer la France? (Paris: Jaques Grancher Editeur, 1999) 9.Shapiro, Jeremy, et al. â€Å"The Role of France in the War on Terrorism.†(The Brookings Institution, 2002). 10. Vincour, John. â€Å"Why France Disdains America.†The International Herald Tribune 9 October 2002.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Benefit Type
I would have to say that at the Health Home Program there are many benefit types and services available to the clients who receive treatment there, it is a residential treatment facility that provides individual and group counseling to drug addicted mothers or soon to be mothers. One of the main goals of the program is to ensure that women deliver drug free babies.The program is funded through many government grants to keep children with their mothers who are suffering from substance abuse, children are placed with their mothers once they are enrolled for treatment. Drug addiction is a major social problem with many dire consequences that follow, the home program works closely with DHS (department of homeless services) to ensure that the women receiving services are able to become caring and nurchuring parents to their children.The intensive treatment phase is completed while the women is a resident in the program, this is the time that she will detox off of the drugs and begin her r ecovery. I have learned that during residential treatment the women will be learning parenting basics, receiving mental health evaluations, going to dental and medical appointments, receive family counseling, and receive any other types of services that they specifically need.The services provided defiantly address the social problem of drug addiction and the affects that it can have on a family, the home program manages to nurture the bond between mother and child while repairing the damage that the addiction has caused. Some other services provided include: out-patient treatment, GED assistance, daycare, transitional housing after successful completion of the residential phase of treatment.Any woman who has a unique medical or emotional problems will receive special accommodations to ensure that she is comfortable and safe. I would have to say that at the Detox is offered at the program thus allowing the woman to â€Å"come down†off their drug of choice while their child i s being cared for by program staff. The benefits of this program are less children born addicted to drugs the better chance they have to be less addicted to drugs or live with the reaction of moms on drugs.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Poliomyelitis An Acute Viral Infection Health And Social Care Essay
Childs are the hereafter and hope of world. Health is wealth. Today ‘s kids will be the Masterss of future universe. If kids are healthy, future coevals will be healthy, ensuing in a healthy state. The physical wellness of a kid is really of import because of its association with good mental and societal development. The crippled are made and non born. â€Å" Crippled †means deformed in any portion of the organic structure other than legs and square agencies deformed in either or both of the legs. ( Malhotra.s,1994 ) Poliomyelitis is an acute viral infection caused by a RNA virus. It is chiefly an infection of the human alimental piece of land but the virus may infect the cardinal nervous system in a vary little per centum of instances ensuing in changing grades of palsy, and perchance decease. As a consequence of disablement, the individual experiences certain jobs in his life and is non able to dispatch the duties required and play the function expected by him in society. Physically handicapped people find themselves profoundly enfeebling and oppressive. Since the creative activity of vaccinum in 1988, the Global infantile paralysis obliteration enterprise has helped out the planetary toll of polio palsy from an estimated 3, 50,000 to fewer than 500 in 200 An incidence of infantile paralysis in the whole universe during 1980 was about 52,552 and in 1990 the rate declined to about 23,484 and in the twelvemonth 2000 the figure of instances recorded were about 2979 and statistic of WHO reports ins tances of lesser than 500 in the twelvemonth 2002. During the twelvemonth 2008 ( Nov ) a sum of 532 instances of infantile paralysis were reported in India, as against 874 instances in the twelvemonth 2007. ( Park J, 2009 ) The feeling of parents and other members of the household at the birth of a kid will be in utmost delectation. Children here get an of import topographic point in the human lives. They are loved and cared for by everyone in the household. But sometimes they may go the cause for their sorrow because of their disablement ( Malhotra.s, 1994 ) Health is a province of complete physical, mental, societal well-being and non simply absence of disease or frailty ( WHO, 1948 ) . This is the cosmopolitan definition of wellness. The person who has any major unwellness will be affected mentally, physically and socially. The individual will hold troubles in all facets of his life state of affairss and environing environment. The kids who are affected by any unwellness will necessitate the support from his household members, parents, friends, instructors and other important members. Coping successfully with emphasis require version, or procedure of the individuals attempt to pull off internal and external demands. Coping is normally described as a job work outing procedure or scheme by which the individual manages the out-of-the ordinary events or state of affairss with which he or she is presented. Although header may be wholly cognitive it is more likely to be a psycho physiologic activity affecting an integrating of the head and o rganic structure. So it is major procedure in the successful response to emphasis and crucial to the individuals growing and development. SIGNIFICANCE AND NEED FOR THE STUDY: Harmonizing to a conservative estimation, 10 % of India ‘s population is physically challenged in one manner or the other. Therefore, there are about 40 million physically challenged people in the state at present. World broad, there are about 400 million physically challenged kids. Each kid with a physical disablement has single attention demands. Routines that are taken for granted can be hard or even impossible. Particular exercisings, particular equipment, apprehension and forbearance are the keys to assisting kids with physical disablements and be every bit independent as possible. Independence is indispensable, non merely for future life but besides for the development of the kid ‘s future life but besides for the development of the kid ‘s positive ego construct. Self-care accomplishments such as feeding, dressing, bathing, and utilizing lavatory are cardinal to this independency. Whatever the restrictions a kid with a disablement must cover with, he or she sh ould be encouraged to manage as much of the modus operandi as possible. ( Girdle rock, 1996 ) In south East Asia part, India is the lone state describing polio instances. During the twelvemonth 2008 a sum of 532 instances of infantile paralysis were reported in India as against 374 instances in the twelvemonth 2007. Poliomyelitis was made in temperate conditions. Most of the surveies in infantile paralysis found in sub-continent part are of endemic type of childish palsy. Merely 2 % of kids with infantile paralysis dice in the ague unwellness and about 95 % of all instances have palsy of one or both the legs. In south India there are about 3.5/1000 population connoting an one-year incidence in the whole population of around 15/10,000. Now what that means is that in every category of about 100 pupils we can see at least one kid who is paralyzed due to polio. ( Ravindran.N, 1997 ) ( Wyatt.H.V, .1988 ) Coping schemes are the specific ways in kids with infantile paralysis. Header with stressors, as distinguished from get bying manners, which comparatively unchanging personality features or results of get bying. ( Ryan.Wenger1992 ) Research indicates that as kids age they tend toward a more internal venue of control and utilize more argus-eyed manners of get bying. Children as with grownups, respond to mundane emphasis by seeking to alter the fortunes or seeking to set fortunes the manner they are. ( LaMontagne & A ; others,1996 ) Ohlinc ( 1991 ) stated that, as a consequence of disability, whether it is mild or terrible, the disabled kids are confronting a figure of jobs. He besides stated that the jobs may be emotional, societal or adjust mental. Thus it is emotional and societal accommodation to the job. The end of nursing is the publicity of adequate responses which positively affect the wellness nursing seeks to diminish uneffective responses and advance adaptative responses. During the clinical poster where giving attention to kids with infantile paralysis, the research worker identified that these kids are with different psychosocial jobs. It was felt by the research worker to measure their header schemes and therefore this surveyStatement of the jobA descriptive survey to measure the psychosocial jobs and get bying degrees among kids with infantile paralysis go toing particular school at Madurai 2010.AimsTo measure the psychosocial jobs of kids with infantile paralysis To measure the header degrees of kids with infantile paralysis To happen out the association between the psychosocial jobs and selected demographic variables of kids with infantile paralysis To happen out the association between the header degrees and selected demographic variables of kids with infantile paralysis To correlate the psychosocial jobs and get bying degrees of kids with infantile paralysisHypothesissH1 There will be a important relation between the degree of psychosocial and get bying degree among kids with infantile paralysis H2 There will be a important association between the degree of psychosocial and selected demographic variables among kids with infantile paralysis H3 There will be a important association between the degree of get bying and selected demographic variables among kids with infantile paralysisOPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS.Psychosocial jobsIn this survey psychosocial job of kids with infantile paralysis include trouble in go toing societal maps, taking leading in the category, take parting in school athletic meet every bit good as in recreational activities and experiencing neglected by others.Coping degreeIn this survey get bying degrees of adjusting, and to the independent life every bit far as possible agencies get the better ofing the physical shortage.Children with infantile paralysisIn this survey children13-18 old ages of age who are all kids diagnosed with infantile paralysis at changing grades of palsy. These kids are lower limb defects of the nervous system.PremisesThe kids with infantile paralysis will hold certain jobs due to their status. The kids with infantile paralysis will utilize assorted get bying schemes to get the better of their job.Boundary linesStudy is delimited merely to verbal response of the kids in particular school their societal life was non observed.Projected resultFindingss of this survey will assist to place assess the psychosocial jobs among kids with infantile paralysis. Assess the get bying schemes of kids with infantile paralysis. Find out the association between the psychosocial jobs and get bying degrees in relation to selected demographic variablesCHAPTER-IIREVIEW OF LITERATUREThis chapter deals with the literature reappraisal relevant to the present survey. It is presented under the undermentioned headers.The reappraisal of literature for the present survey is arranged under the undermentioned subdivisionsReview related to polio Surveies related to polio Surveies related to psychosocial jobs of kids with infantile paralysis Surveies related to get bying degrees of kids with infantile paralysisReview related to polioPoliomyelitis, frequently called infantile paralysis or childish palsy, is an acute viral infective disease spread from individual to individual, chiefly via the fecal-oral path. The term derives from the Grecian infantile paralysiss intending â€Å" Grey †, myelos, mentioning to the â€Å" spinal cord †, and the postfix -itis, which denotes rednessDefinition of infantile paralysisPoliomyelitis, frequently called infantile paralysis or childish palsy, is an acute viral infective disease spread from individual to individual, chiefly via the fecal-oral pathTypes of PoliomyelitisThe disease can be classified into some classs. One of them is Paralytic infantile paralysis. The skeletal musculus tissue of the affected individual is infected by the infantile paralysis virus and it may ensue in palsy Spinal infantile paralysis is seen in most of the victims of Paralytic infantile paralysis. When the motor nerve cells shacking in the anterior horn cells are invaded by the infantile paralysis virus this disease takes topographic point. These cells regulate the motion of musculuss in human organic structure. The Bulbar infantile paralysis happens when the bulbar part nervousnesss are wrecked by the poliovirus. This part links the encephalon root with the intellectual cerebral mantle. When the nervousnesss in this tract are killed the individual faces adversity in external respiration, eating and talking. The nervousnesss that are chiefly affected include glossopharyngeal nervus, trigeminal nervus etc. The Bulbospinal infantile paralysis is caused when the infantile paralysis virus attacks the cervical spinal cord ‘s upper part. It leads to the palsy of stop. The phrenic nervus is affected by this discrepancy of infantile paralysis Incubation period: 3-6 yearss for stillborn infantile paralysis, 7-21 yearss for paralytic infantile paralysis Causative beings: poliovirus ( enterovirus ) Infectious period: shortly before and after the oncoming of clinical unwellness when the virus is in the pharynx and in high, concentration in fecal matters, the virus is shd in the throat for one hebdomad after oncoming and in the fecal matters for several hebdomads to months. Mode of Transmission: fecal- unwritten, oral-oral ( respiratory )Season: SummerSymptomsThere are three basic forms of polio infection: subclinical infections, nonparalytic, and paralytic. Approximately 95 % of infections are subclinical infections, which may non hold symptoms.Subclinical INFECTIONGeneral uncomfortableness or edginess ( unease ) Concern Red pharynx Slight febrility Sore pharynx Vomiting Peoples with subclinical infantile paralysis infection might non hold symptoms, or their symptoms may last 72 hours or less. Clinical infantile paralysis affects the cardinal nervous system ( encephalon and spinal cord ) , and is divided into nonparalytic and paralytic signifiers. It may happen after recovery from a subclinical infection.NONPARALYTIC POLIOMYELITISBack hurting or backache Diarrhea Excessive fatigue, weariness Concern Irritability Leg hurting ( calf musculuss ) Moderate febrility Muscle stiffness Muscle tenderness and cramp in any country of the organic structure Neck hurting and stiffness Pain in front portion of cervix Pain or stiffness of the dorsum, weaponries, legs, venters Skin roseola or lesion with hurting Vomiting Symptoms normally last 1 – 2 hebdomads.PARALYTIC POLIOMYELITISFever 5 – 7 yearss before other symptoms Abnormal esthesiss ( but non loss of esthesis ) in an country Bloated feeling in venters Breathing trouble Constipation Trouble get downing to urinate Salivating Concern Irritability or hapless temper control Muscle contractions or musculus cramps in the calf, cervix, or back Muscle hurting Muscle failing, asymmetrical ( merely on one side or worse on one side ) Semens on rapidly Location depends on where the spinal cord is affected Worsens into palsy Sensitivity to touch ; mild touch may be painful Stiff cervix and dorsum Swallowing trouble Diagnostic rating: Poliomyelitis is diagnosed by a blood trial or civilization. A Hazard for infantile paralysis: Polio is most common in babies and immature kids, but complications occur most frequently in older individuals.Treatment for infantile paralysisThe end of intervention is to command symptoms while the infection runs its class. Peoples with terrible instances may necessitate lifesaving steps, particularly take a breathing aid. Symptoms are treated based on how terrible they are. Treatments include: Antibiotics for urinary piece of land infections Medicines ( such as bethanechol ) for urinary keeping Moist heat ( heating tablets, warm towels ) to cut down musculus hurting and cramp Pain slayers to cut down concern, musculus hurting, and cramps ( narcotics are non normally given because they increase the hazard of take a breathing trouble ) Physical therapy, braces or disciplinary places, or orthopaedic surgery to assist retrieve musculus strength and mapSurgical CareEntire hip arthroplasty is a surgical curative option for patients with paralytic sequelae of poliomyelitisA who developA of hip dysplasia and degenerative disease. Prevention: Two types of infantile paralysis vaccinum are available: unwritten infantile paralysis vaccinum ( OPV ) and inactivated infantile paralysis vaccinum ( IPV ) . IPV can be given at 2, 4, and 12-18 months, and 4-6 Old ages. OPV can be given at 2, 4, and 6-18 months, and 4-6 old ages. Parents and physicians can take among the three agendas.Surveies related to polioSancheti, K.H 2007, et. , Al, conducted a clinical survey of 3005 instances of infantile paralysis in kids from rural countries. Below 5 old ages of age kids affected 92.69 % . The consequence of the kids 64.69 % were found to be enduring an mean period of 7.27years of age. Harmon ( 2006 ) conducted a survey on â€Å" low strength alternate – twenty-four hours exercising improves musculus public presentation with out evident inauspicious effects in station infantile paralysis patients. The purpose of the survey was to analyze the consequence of low intensity.Result revealed that no grounds was found to demo that this plan adversely affected the motor units. Grimsby et Al. ( 2002 ) conducted a survey on â€Å" endurance preparation consequence on persons with station infantile paralysis †. The aim of the survey was to find the effects of an endurance preparation plan on the exercising capacity and musculus construction and map in persons with station infantile paralysis syndrome. The topics selected were 17 station infantile paralysis topics. Consequence showed that an norm of 60 % control values and they did non alter with preparation. Comas ( 1999 ) conducted a survey on â€Å" late functional impairment following paralytic infantile paralysis †the intent of the survey was to measure the late functional impairment follows a period of comparative stableness. They renewed 283 freshly referred patients with old infantile paralysis myelitis seen consecutively over a 4 twelvemonth period. Consequences showed that 239 patients developed symptoms of functional impairment after the paralytic unwellness. Smith ( 1995 ) conducted a survey on â€Å" power and spiritualty of infantile paralysis subsisters †. A roger theoretical account was used to analyze the procedure of power and spiritualty in infantile paralysis subsisters ( n= 172 ) and people who have had polio ( n=80 ) . Participants completed the power as cognizing engagement in alteration trial and the religious orientation stock list consequence revealed that power was positively related to spiritualty ( r=34, P & lt ; 0.05 ) . Polio subsisters manifested the same power ( t=44, dt=250, p=33 ) and greater spiritualty than people who had non experienced infantile paralysis ( t=3.79, dt=250, p= .001 ) Ranlow ( 1992 ) conducted a survey on â€Å" epidemiology of the station infantile paralysis syndrome †. The intent of the survey was to gauge the prevalence and incidence and to place determine of the post-polio syndrome. 40 members were used in this study. It was revealed that the prevalence of the station infantile paralysis syndrome was 28.5 % of all paralytic instances. The hazard of station infantile paralysis syndrome was significantly lasting damage after infantile paralysis among females. Fredrick ( 1991 ) conducted a survey on â€Å" Recognizing typical header manners of polio subsisters can better rehabilitation †the samples selected were polio subsisters with features manners of chronic disablement. They were used modern rehabilitation methods and techniques. The consequence showed that there is betterment in rehabilitation result.Surveies related to psycho societal jobs of kids with infantile paralysisAnanya Ray Laskar, ( 2009 ) conducted a cross sectional study at psychosocial consequence and economic load on parents of kids with locomotor disablement concluded that there is an pressing demand for support activities for such households at a national degree in order to control the immense economic and societal load of attention giving. Counseling should be an built-in portion of rehabilitation for such households , ( 2006 ) conducted a cross sectional survey â€Å" prevalence of psychosocial jobs among striplings in Dehradun. The over all prevalence of psychosocial jobs among the striplings was found to be 31.2 % and the same was more in males ( 34.77 % ) as compared to females ( 27.6 % ) . The mean problem/ topic was found to be more in adolescent male childs ( 3.66, SD=1.45 ) than adolescent misss ( 3.32, SD=1.32 ) .Dr Bindu Chawla ( 2001 ) conducted a survey that outstanding psychosocial troubles that parents of immature kids with terrible disablements may get by with during their kid ‘s early old ages. The parents can assist themselves and their kids to do true their possible by doing a long-run committedness to sensitiveness, uniformity in rules, and profusion of interaction, non by offering brief explosions of attending interspersed with small engagement. This means that good parenting is possible merely through great bargain by paying of clipBerk, L.E. , ( 2001 ) stated that Parents of kids with disablements ever try to larn more new things to use them for their ain header parental strategy.The parents and kids engage in such activities conversation, a pretend-play episode, a bedtime narrative, a prep assignment, or a shopping jaunt. Through these activities, kids get wide-ranging cognition about their physical and societal universes, interpersonal relationship to people, schemes for to be able to get the better of any trouble, a sense of household and community belonging, and a personal history sentiments with cultural beliefs and values. They besides become good skilled at utilizing powerful symbolic tools for to convey the information and thought.Anne-Kristine Schanke ( 1997 ) conducted a survey psychological hurt, societal support and get bying behaviour among polio subsisters: a 5-year position on 63 infantile paralysis patient stated that psychological and psychosocial facets of get bying with late effects of infantile paraly sis. A important correlativity was found between self-reported weariness, psychological variables and societal support. Compared to old surveies, low psychological hurt, and normal type-A tonss, high accommodation and problem-focused header characterized the respondents, indicating to the importance of timing in psychosocial research of post-polio.Singhi PD, ( 1990 ) stated that psychosocial jobs in households of handicapped kids The overall societal load tonss were significantly higher in both the groups with handicapped kids as compared to controls ( average tonss PD 17.8, MR 14.6, C 0.72, P less than.001 ) , and showed a important reverse correlativity with the socio-economic and educational position of parents.Surveies related to Coping degree of kids with infantile paralysisAkbar Hussein ( 2007 ) conducted a survey as emphasis assessment and get bying schemes among parents of physically challenged kids, and stated that it can be concluded that the presence of a han dicapped kid in the household causes enormous sum of stress peculiarly among the parents and they find trouble in pull offing them because emphasis of such type normally differs from mundane life emphasis Jin Takemura,, ( 2004 ) conducted a cross sectional study as prevalence of post-polio syndrome. in decision, this cross sectional study of post-polio subsisters and PPS patients populating in Kitakyushu, Japan, revealed that the figure of polio subsisters per 100,000 population is 24.1, and that the prevalence of PPS is 18.0 per 100,000 population. Elizabeth Mazur ( 2001 ) conducted a survey merged stress-and-coping research with the societal theoretical account of disablement to depict the most often experient disability-related events experienced by 19 parents with acquired physical disablements and their adolescent kids, and examined the dealingss between these events, badness of disablement, and psychological accommodation. Deductions for understanding the day-to-day effects of parental physical disablement on parents and their adolescent kids are discussed, and recommendations are suggested for bar intercessions C.King, ( 2000 ) sated as the wellness related quality of life of patients enduring from the late effects of infantile paralysis ( post-polio ) . It is non merely that post-polio patients are entitled to a high quality of attention: this attention is besides of importance for society, as otherwise the social-welfare costs may go really high, as a consequence of the fall-off in their productive governments. Widar and Ahlstrom ( 1999 ) stated that although both work forces and adult females with post-polio reported more hurting compared with the work forces and adult females in the general population sample, the findings in our survey indicate that it is the adult females with post-polio. The adult females with post-polio besides reported feelings of decreased emotional wellbeing compared with the adult females in the general population sample Winter k. ( 1996 ) , the adaptative degree of the disabled kid is influenced by the usage of get bying mechanisms. The get bying mechanisms include the job resolution, turning to others for support, comfort aid and blessing, credence of disablement, emotional control, and penetration, defence to seek alleviation, fond regard with others, and near friendly relationship with others, pass oning ideas, feelings and sharing information about disablement. Royers, ( 1996 ) the handicapped kids are found to be at hazard of psychological accommodation jobs. There is considerable variableness in the version of single kids to their physical disability. However, some kids function good psychologically whereas other kids exhibit psychological maladjustment.Chapter IIIMETHODOLOGY.Research attackThe research attack adopted for their survey was descriptive attack.Research design. The research design is descriptive in nature.Puting of the surveyThe survey was conducted at CSI Clara Olive Polio Home for male childs located in the beltway route at Melur. It is 30 kilometer off from C.S.I. Jeyaraj Annapackiam College of Nursing. It under the control of CSI Diocese of Madurai and Ramnad. It is a residential place for infantile paralysis affected male childs. Boys shacking in this place are within 5-20 old ages of age. A entire figure of 110 male childs are remaining the place and are go toing categories in CSI Jeyaraj Annapackiam high school which i s situated nearby to the place. The kids are taken attention by the warden.PopulationTarget population includes kids with infantile paralysis at Madurai. Accessible population is kids with infantile paralysis were 13-18 old ages shacking in Clara Olive Polio Home at Melur, Madurai.SampleThe sample were kids with infantile paralysis within 13-18 old ages of ageSample sizeThe sample size is 60. Boys included in the survey were within 13-18 old ages of age.Sampling techniqueThe research worker adopted purposive sampling technique.Standards for sample choiceThe sample was selected based on the undermentioned inclusion and exclusion standardsInclusion standardsBoys affected with infantile paralysis Boys residing in the particular school Boys within 13-18 old ages of age Boys willing to take part Male childs who are able to understand TamilExclusion standardsMale childs were infantile paralysiss who are mentally challenged Not able to pass on usuallyDescription OF THE INSTRUMENTThe instrument was developed by the research worker with the aid of reappraisal and audience with experts. Tool was a self- administered tool, which consists of 3 parts. Part I. Demographic variables. Part II. Four point ordinal graduated table to measure the psychosocial jobs. Part III. Four point likert graduated table on header degrees.Part I. Demographic variable includes,Age, sex, educational of infantile paralysis kids, faith, household construction, parent ‘s instruction, household business, grade of physical disablement, any supportive device, utilizing supportive device of infantile paralysis kidsPart II. Psychosocial jobs assessed on a 4 point graduated tableThe research worker developed her ain tool with a 4 point graduated table. The research worker based on formalizing her tool has considered 30 points of the graduated table to mensurate the degree of psychosocial jobs exhibited by the infantile paralysis kids. Part III. Coping degrees assessed on a4 point likert graduated tableSCORING Procedure:Part II: Includes to measure the degree of psychosocial job. There are 30 points. The points are interpreted on a four point likert graduated table based on Not at all, seldom, sometimes, most of the times with a mark of 1,2,3,4 severally. A entire mark is 120 The mark is interpreted as follows 1-30 Normal 31-60 Mild psycho societal job 61-90 Moderate psychosocial job 91-120 Severe psycho societal jobPart IIIIt consists of 23 statements. the get bying degree is assessed on a four point likert graduated table based on Not at all, seldom, sometimes, most of the times. & lt ; 75 % : Low get bying degree & gt ; 76: High get bying degreeCONTENT VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY OF THE TOOL:The cogency of the tool was obtained from 6 nursing experts. Based on their suggestions, the tool was reformed. The inquiries were evaluated for its rightness, adequateness, relevancy, completeness and fullness. Remarks and suggestions were invited and appropriate alterations were made consequently and tool was finalized the tool was translated in Tamil linguistic communication based on the demand for the survey participants. Reliability mark was r =0.8DATA COLLECTION PROCEDUREFormal permission was sought from the in charge of CSI Clara Olive Polio Home, Melur, Madurai, for carry oning a survey on kids with infantile paralysis. Initially the kids with infantile paralysis who were between 13-18 old ages of age were approached. They were explained about the intent of the survey and initial resonance was established with kids. As per the inclusion criteria the kids with infantile paralysis due to poliomyelitis were explained about infantile paralysis myelitis and its effects on psychosocial provinces and get bying schemes and the intent of the survey. After obtaining the willingness from the kids to take part in the survey ; the research worker interviewed 60 kids. After initial account sing the questionnaire the kids were given the continuance of 30 proceedingss to finish the questionnaire. The information was collected over a period of 6 hebdomads. The research worker interviewed the samples sooner over 5 yearss in a hebdomad.Data aggregation agendaDay Place No.of kids Monday Clara Olive Polio Home 2 Tuesday Clara Olive Polio Home 2 Wednesday Clara Olive Polio Home 2 Thursday Clara Olive Polio Home 3 Friday Clara Olive Polio Home 2Plan FOR DATA ANALYSISData analysis was done by utilizing descriptive and illative statistical methods.PILOT STUDYPilot survey was conducted among kids with infantile paralysis in OCPM School after acquiring permission from headmistress. The samples were selected by utilizing purposive sampling technique and 6 samples were assessed for psychosocial job and get bying degree among kids with infantile paralysis. The pilot survey revealed that the tool executablePROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS:The pilot and the chief survey were conducted after the blessing of the research and ethical commission. Permission was sought from the concerned governments of the establishment. The intent of the survey was explained. Informed consent was obtained in composing from polio kids. Assurance was given to the survey topics of their namelessness and the confidentiality of the informations collected from them.Chapter IVDATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATIONThe analysis and reading of informations collected from the samples of 60 kids with infantile paralysis. The findings of the survey are presented in this chapter under the undermentioned headers. Demographic variables of kids with infantile paralysis Distribution of psychosocial jobs among kids with infantile paralysis Distribution of get bying degree among kids with infantile paralysis Association between the psychosocial jobs and selected demographic variables of kids with infantile paralysis happen out the association between the header degrees and selected demographic variables of kids with infantile paralysis To correlate the psychosocial jobs and get bying degrees of kids with infantile paralysisTable – 1ADistribution of kids with infantile paralysis based on demographic informationsn=60Demographic data No %Age 13-14 old ages 5 8 15-16years 30 50 17-18years 25 42 Educational position 7th-8th venereal disease 5 8 9th-10th venereal disease 45 75 11th-12th 10 17 Religion Hindu 54 90 Christian 6 10 Muslim – – Other – – Family construction Joint household 14 23 Nuclear 46 77 Other – – Parents educational position Illiterate 18 30 Primary school 25 42 High school 11 18 Higher secondary 5 8 Graduated 1 2 Table 1 a shows show that bulk reveals that out of 60 male childs 13-14 old ages ( 8.3 % ) were between 15-16years ( 50 % ) 17-18 old ages ( 41.6 % ) Table 1b Monthly income in rupees 1000-2000 35 58 2000-3000 16 27 3000-5000 6 10 Above 5000 3 5 Degree of physical disablement Dependent 43 72 Partial dependant 15 25 Independent 2 3 Use of supportive device Yes 58 97 No 2 3 Using supportive device Crutchs 35 58 Knee ankles 23 38 Foot orthoses 2 4 Table 1b shows With respects to utilize of supportive device yes 58 ( 97 % ) , no 2 ( 3 % ) With respects of 60 male childs utilizing supportive device crutches 35 ( 58.3 % ) , knee mortise joints 23 ( 38.3 % ) and foot orthoses 2 ( 3.3 % )Fig 2Psychosocial jobs among infantile paralysis with kids.n=60.Table 2 shows that bulk 46 ( 77 % ) of kids with infantile paralysis had moderate degree of psychosocial jobs and 9 ( 15 % ) of infantile paralysis affected male childs had mild, 3 ( 5 % ) of infantile paralysis kids ‘s had terrible psychosocial jobFig 3Coping degree among infantile paralysis with kidsn=60Table 3 shows bulk of kids with infantile paralysis 35 ( 58 % ) had high get bying degree and 25 ( 42 % ) had low get bying degreeTable 2Association of demographic variables among kids with infantile paralysis and the psychosocial jobsn=60Demographic variables Above Mean Below Mean Chi-square 1. Age 13-14 old ages 1 5 15-16 old ages 20 10 9.91 17-18 old ages 20 4 2 Educational position 7th-8th venereal disease 2 3 9th-10th venereal disease 29 16 7.31 11th-12th venereal disease 10 –Family constructionJoint household 11 3 0.83 Nuclear 30 16Parent educational positionIlliterate 11 7 Primary school 9 6 High school 6 5 2.72 Higher secondary 4 1 Graduated 1 0Degree of physical disablementDependent 29 14 Partial dependant 11 4 0.43 Independent 1 1 Table 4 shows Chi-square value of 9.91 shows that there is important association between the ages of kids with infantile paralysisTable 3.Association of demographic variables among kids with infantile paralysis and the header degreesn=60Demographic variables Above Mean below Mean Chi square 1. Age 13-14 old ages 1 4 15-16 old ages 17 13 3.27 17-18 old ages 16 9 2 Educational position 7th-8th venereal disease 2 3 9th-10th venereal disease 24 20 1.65 11th-12th venereal disease 8 3 3 Family construction Joint household 9 5 0.432 Nuclear 25 21 4 Parent educational position Illiterate 9 10 Primary school 16 10 High school 5 4 1.708 Higher secondary 3 2 Graduated 1 0 5 Degree of physical disablement Dependent 25 18 Partial dependant 7 8 2.32 Independent 2 – Table 5 shows Chi-square value of 3.63 shows that there is non important association between the age of kids with infantile paralysis Chi-square value of 1.65shows that there is non important association between the educational position of kids with infantile paralysisTables 4 Correlate the psychosocial jobs and get bying degrees of kids with infantile paralysisn=60Variables Mean Standard divergence r-value Psychosocial job 83.36 364.05 Coping degree 62.51 278.3 3.320 Table 6 shows the no correlativity between the psychosocial jobs and get bying degrees among kids with infantile paralysis. It shows the obtained R value is 3.320 which is non at 0.5Chapter VDiscussionThis chapter deals with the treatment and reading of the psychosocial jobs and get bying degree of kids with infantile paralysis in Clara Olive Polio Home The treatment was based on the aims specified in this survey.The first aim of this survey was to measure the psychosocial jobs of kids with infantile paralysis.The findings revealed that the bulk 46 ( 77 % ) of kids with infantile paralysis had moderate degree of psychosocial jobs, 9 ( 15 % ) of kids with infantile paralysis had mild, 3 ( 5 % ) of infantile paralysis kids ‘s had terrible psychosocial jobs.The 2nd aim of this survey was to measure the header degrees of kids with infantile paralysis.The findings revealed that the bulk of kids with infantile paralysis 35 ( 58 % ) had high get bying degree and 25 ( 42 % ) had low get bying degreeThe 3rd aim of this survey Association of demographic variables among kids with infantile paralysis and the psychosocial jobs.Chi-square value of 9.91 shows that there is important association between the ages of kids with infantile paralysis This survey supported by findings of Ahmad 2004 prevalence of psychosocial jobs among striplings in territory Dehradun, Uttararakhand, anxiousness, depression, educational troubles and substance maltreatment were found to be higher in adolescence male childs as compared to the findingsThe 4th aim of this survey Association of demographic variables among kids with infantile paralysis and the header degreesChi-square value of 3.63 shows that there is non important association between the ages of kids with infantile paralysis. This survey supported by findings of Fugl-Meyer KS 2009, self-pride in kids and striplings with mobility impairment impact on wellbeing and get bying schemes.The 5th aim of this survey correlates the psychosocial jobs and get bying degrees of kids with infantile paralysisThe findings shows the obtained R value is 3.320 which is non at 0.5Chapter VISUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS.Summary of the surveyThe focal point of the present survey was to measure the psychosocial jobs and get bying degree of kids with infantile paralysis. The research attack used was an descriptive design A reappraisal of related literature helped the research worker to develop the conceptual model, tools, methodological analysis of this survey. The reappraisal of literature was organized under the undermentioned headers The research design adopted for this survey was a descriptive in nature. The conceptual model of this survey was based upon Roy ‘s Adaptation theoretical account. The instrument used for informations aggregation was structured questionnaire on appraisal of the psychosocial jobs and get bying degrees among kids with infantile paralysis which was prepared on the footing of reappraisal of literature and with the aid of capable experts. The tool was found to be valuable and executable. The dependability of the tool was established by the test-retest method. The pilot survey was conducted in OCPM School, Narimedu, Madurai were 10 samples taken. The pilot survey helped the research worker to corroborate the feasibleness of transporting out the chief survey. The chief survey was conducted in Clara Olive Polio Home, Melur at Madurai for a period of 6 hebdomads. A purposive sampling technique was used to roll up informations from the respondents. Descriptive and illative statistics were used to analyse the information. The information was presented utilizing tabular arraies and graphs. Summary: Sing the psychosocial jobs it was found to be present in polio kids. The psychosocial jobs affect the physical wellness. The psychosocial jobs may be due to life manner, household state of affairs, societal contacts and populating conditions. It besides depends on how they look upon the hereafter, their frights, outlooks, their hopes and wants. Sing the bulk 46 ( 77 % ) of kids with infantile paralysis had moderate degree of psychosocial jobs and 9 ( 15 % ) of infantile paralysis affected male childs had mild, 3 ( 5 % ) of infantile paralysis kids ‘s had terrible psychosocial jobs This may be due to assorted grounds like improper planning in life, deficiency of instruction, deficiency of get bying accomplishments, deficiency of reding services etc. , It was observed that there is a demand for wellness instruction plans, reding services and need for developing guidelines and compatible societal support system. Sing the association between the psychosocial jobs of kids with infantile paralysis with selected demographic variables there was no important association between the psychosocial jobs of age, educational position, and business, household type, remaining with household and utilizing support devices. The research worker feels that the jobs of an person are non depended on any of the demographic factors.DecisionThe chief decision of this present survey is the psychosocial jobs are found to be present in kids with infantile paralysis. It was found that the depression, isolation.Deductions of the surveyThe findings of the survey have several deductions in the nursing field. It can be discussed of in four countries viz. nursing pattern, nursing disposal, nursing instruction and nursing research.Deductions for Nursing PracticeThe prevalence of psychosocial jobs among kids with infantile paralysis magnifies the demand to forestall farther incidence of psychosocial jobs and their complications The findings of the survey show the demand for preventative instruction on psychosocial job through the public wellness forces to increase the consciousness sing psychosocial jobs of kids with infantile paralysis This survey happening cerates the consciousness towards immunisation sing infantile paralysis Nurses have great duties in supplying guidance services and other necessary attention needed for the kids with infantile paralysis Community wellness nurses can be after, implement and measure assorted plans sing bar of psychosocial jobs by organizing wellness squad members Community wellness nurse can develop the faculty of get bying schemes of kids with infantile paralysis Referral services follow up and information on services available will assist the kids with infantile paralysisDeductions for Nursing instructionNurse pedagogues should stress more on fixing pupils to impact wellness information to public sing jobs of kids with infantile paralysis This survey will be an oculus opener for future nursing pupils to pay attending in roll uping stuffs for continuing the kids with infantile paralysis Educational programmes should include talk and skilled presentation on attention of kids with infantile paralysis which will supply the pupils extra acquisition chances The nursing course of study of basic nursing should include cognition on attention of kids with infantile paralysis. Nursing pupils should be made cognizant of their function in wellness publicity Nursing pupils should be taught about the importance of assorted methods and techniques of supplying wellness instruction to kids with infantile paralysisDeductions for Nursing AdministrationThis survey will promote the community wellness nurse disposal to set up for conference and seminars related to polio disabled issues Booklets, press releases and brochure should be kept in mini wellness centres and primary wellness centres sing kids with infantile paralysis attention, get bying schemes, resources available for infantile paralysis handicapped kids Nurse decision makers should supply more figure of nursing services to measure, educate and prevent jobs of infantile paralysis handicapped kids in our state The nurse decision maker can form and carry on in-service and go oning nursing instruction for the staff nurses/ community wellness nurse in order to heighten their cognition and maintain the aware of the latest promotion in engineering to supply quality attention of the infantile paralysis affected kids Nurse as decision maker should take induction in explicating policies and protocols for the lovingness and protecting infantile paralysis affected kidsDeductions for Nursing ResearchThis survey motivates other research workers to carry on farther surveies sing job of infantile paralysis affected kids This survey will convey about the fact that more surveies have to be done in infantile paralysis affected kids This survey can be a baseline for future surveies to construct upon Extensive research can be conducted to make consciousness to the community sing the bar of psychosocial jobs of kids with infantile paralysis This survey helps in happening advanced methods of learning to polio affected kids on assorted facets.RecommendationsA survey can be undertaken to happen out the function of nurses in kids with infantile paralysis A comparative survey can be done on the cognition of attention givers on appraisal of kids with infantile paralysis A survey can be indicated to measure jobs of infantile paralysis affected kids in other dimensions of life like physical, societal, religious and emotional
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Essay about management 521
Essay about management 521 Essay about management 521 Management Roles and Responsibilities Managers of a business are the key personal within an organization. These are the individuals in charge of the employees and staff, also the managers is the ones ultimately responsible for every person and all operations within. Managers are responsible for profit of the organization along with controlling the loss within the organization. These factors include labor control, marketing, and many other duties. However one of the most important roles a manager must take charge of planning how the organization will be profitable and run efficiently. According to O’Brien, Scott, and Gibbons (2013), even the middle manager must view and organize a strategy or a plan for the organization. Businesses change and evolve constantly, thus it makes perfect since the â€Å"middle manager†or General Manager must develop a plan within their department or restaurant for example. Because many middle managers usually focus solely on growth of the business, it is easy to lose the processes which may have caused the failures to grow. When a middle manager focuses on all aspects of the business, it becomes clear growth usually follows. This is because the middle manager needs to deal with all aspects of operations first hand. Regional managers or corporate managers believe this is handled by the middle managers or general manager. As O’Brien, Scott, and Gibbons (2013) explain, the middle manager must cope with operations such as, internal customer base, external customers, suppliers, products, services, along with marketing and costs of all operations as well. The ole of a manager even flows into a coach or trainer as Abdullah, Baroto, Ismail, and Tat (2011) explain, managers are supervisors of training; therefore a manager is also a supervisor of support and communication. As a manager there are more roles that must be played, however, if a manager has a strategic plan in place and uses critical thought while manifesting this plan, most issues would be ironed out prior to even occurring, thus, making it a smooth transition in a natural disaster hits, or if a competitor moves into the area. Managers must have a strategic plan in affect; this plan is applied for the complete organization, where an organizational plan is directed in one department. However, if an organization is looking to refocus or to go global, a strategic plan would be necessary as it would essentially affect the company as a whole. Managers perform different tasks; after having a matrix in place one of the critical tasks is the SWOT analysis. This is a tool to help managers recognize the strengths and weaknesses of the organization as well as the opportunities or threats. The manager must be familiar with the mission of the organization and have the ability to identify the goals necessary to accomplish the overall organizational needs. It is important for the stakeholders to be present in a formal meeting to
Monday, October 21, 2019
ACT in 9th Grade
Should You Start Prepping for the SAT/ACT in 9th Grade SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips "Before anything else, preparation is the key to success." While Alexander Graham Bell may not have been referring specifically to the SAT or ACT, his words ring as true for these tests as for anythingelse. Scoring highly on the SAT/ACT is all about preparation, and luckily you have plenty of time to prepare if you start early. If you haven't started already, let's discuss some reasons why it's useful to start prepping as a freshman and the best ways for doing so. Why Are the SAT and ACT So Important? Most colleges require applicants to send their scores from the SAT or ACT. Colleges consider these two tests equally, so it's up to you to choose and determine which test will better strengthen your overall application. As college admissions get more and more competitive every year (sorry, but it's true!), a strong SAT/ACT score goes a long way toward making your application stand out among the thousands of other applicants. While your curriculum and experiences in schools may differ across the country and the world, the SAT/ACT are meant to test students on an equal playing field. Some schools have adopted test optional and test flexible policies, so you'll eventually want to make sure you're aware of your college's requirements. But it's safe to say the majority of you who are applying to 4-year schools will be taking the SAT or ACT. The SAT is considered to be more of a critical reasoning test that tests yourskills in math, writing, and reading comprehension and analysis. The ACT also has a math, English, and Reading section, but it additionally has a science section.The science section is almost more like critical reading than a science class pop quiz, which I'll explain in more detail below. Both of these tests cover material that you've learned over the years and skills you've developed by 9th grade. Before delving deeper into the content of the tests, let's discuss why test prep is so important for the SAT and ACT . Test Prep and the SAT/ACT While you gain knowledge and develop fundamental skills in and out of school, most students also must do a lot of focused, test-specific preparation to perform well on the SAT/ACT. This is because the tests are unique in the way they time you and ask questions, so you must pair strategy and specific time management skills with your knowledge and understanding. Through practice and studying, you can become familiar with the structure and types of questions in each section, how to best approach them, and what rules of math, grammar, and literary terms will be tested. You can figure out exactly how to read the SAT passages or the ACT passages with time to spare, what approaches will boost your score in math, and what exactly is tested on the ACT science section, to name a few examples. Rome wasn't built in a day, as they say, nor can you become an expert in the SAT or ACT overnight. Freshmangrade is the perfect time to start prepping for the SAT/ACT, reinforcing concepts you need to know, and taking official practice tests. If you're having trouble getting started, remember that you'll be doing Future You a favor. By taking time to prep now and diagnosing exactly where you need to improve, you'll be able to be more relaxed when you're in the thick of college applications and more intensive classes, like honors and AP classes. Junior Year You will really appreciate all the help you can give him/her now! So how can you start to prep? PrepScholar's online program offers customizable test prep that diagnoses your strengths and weaknesses, plans your study schedule, and keeps track of your progress along the way. This means that PrepScholardoesn't assume you're a junior in high school, but meets you atyour level. You can also start with SAT Questions of the Day and ACT Questions of the Day, which are a quick, easy, and convenient way to start getting familiar with the types of questions you'll see on the tests.You can find online sample questions on the College Board and ACT websites, as well as download and print official practice tests for the SAT and ACT. If you start studying now, you'll become an expert on the test by the time you register for your first test date. Not only will SAT/ACT test prep help you score high on these tests, it also will help reinforce what you're learning in school and may help you get better grades in your classes. Let's check out how the tests and your classwork line up. SAT/ACT and What You're Learning In School Even if you are just starting high school, you've already learned a lot of key skills and concepts that will help you on the SAT or ACT. You may not have encountered all the vocabulary or math concepts yet, but you probably know a lot more than you realize. Some students who wait until junior year actually feel like their classes have gotten more advanced than what they see on these tests, and they have to go back and review material from past years. By taking the time to prep now, you can really make sure you've reinforced this knowledge and have a clear sense of how you can apply it to one of the tests. Let's break down exactly what I mean by this in terms of each major subject. First, let's consider math. Math Somestudents have already taken an algebra class by the time they get to 9th grade, or are at least familiar with the related conceptsof a pre-algebra class. Algebra and geometry make up the majority of the math questions on the SAT, as well as on the ACT. The ACT gets a little more advanced by covering some trigonometry. As I mentioned above, some students are already in more advanced math classes by the time they take the SAT or ACT, like in pre-calculus or calculus, and mayhave gotten rusty with their algebra, geometry, and probability. Apart from reinforcing the concepts you already know with SAT/ACT practice problems, you can also get a headstart on 10th and th gradeby introducing yourself to new math concepts. You might find detailed explanations and practice problems that will help you learn these concepts independently of class, which can be especially helpful for students who work well on their own and want to set their own pace. If you're surprised that you already know a good deal of the math you'll need to do well on the SAT/ACT, you might also be intrigued to realize you already have some key reading skills, too. Let's take a look at what reading skills you'll need. Reading While there are some differences between the SAT Reading and the ACT Reading sections, there are more similarities. Both includea series of passages (including one pair), with questions about each, though the exact type of passagesand style of questions varies slightly. The passage-based questions on both tests want to make sure you understand the general purpose of the passage, as well as its tone or style. You'll be asked to interpret a word or phrase in context, along with demonstrating your understanding of details. These are all skills of reading comprehension and analysis that you'll have developed throughout your years of English classes in middle school and 9th grade. Reading comprehension is a skill best developed through reading widely and often. By prepping for the SAT/ACT as a freshman, along with the reading, writing, and analysis you do in your English class, you'll get better and better at these skills. Closely linked to the reading sections are the writing section of the SAT and the English section of the ACT. Writing and Grammar The Writing section of the SAT and English section of the ACT are pretty comparable. Both test your understanding of rules of grammar and syntax. Both also include an optional essay. Just like in your freshman year English classes, these testswant you to understand grammar rules, parts of speech, and sentence structure. The essays should generally take the form of a five-paragraph persuasive essay supported with strong examples. Practicing these in class and through test prep will help you develop your English language and writing skills, just like with reading. One difference with the SAT/ACT essay and essays you write in class might be that you'll be writing for the tests under timed conditions and by hand. Thus you'll have to learn to plan out your essay in just two to three minutes and draft it fast. Practicing this could be another useful tool for helping you become more efficient with the essays you're assigned for class. There are specific strategies you can use to draft high quality essays in a short amount of time that will help you on the SAT/ACT and in class. Test prep for the writing sections could help you score highly, impress your teachers, and save time while still writing thorough, well-developed essays. While the SAT and ACT overlap in terms of math, reading, and writing, there is one major section difference between the two. That difference is the ACT science section. Science Unlike the SAT, the ACT has a science section. Thismight sound like it requires a lot of memorization, but actually the science section is less about straight recall of scientific facts and more about applying scientific skills, like reading charts and graphs and interpreting data. In this sense, the science section is almost more like the reading section than the math section. Having some knowledge of biology, earth sciences, and chemistry is helpful, though, for being familiar with the terminology and having lab skills that you can apply to real data. Since a lot of students take biology with a lab freshman year, you'll probably be in a great position to do well on the ACT science section. Just like with the other sections, test prep on the ACT science can help reinforce what you're learning in class and give you a glimpse intonext year. It will strengthen your skills in the context of the ACT and prevent you from getting rusty and then having to reference back to material that you learned years earlier.You might even find you're ready to take the SAT Subject Test in Biology at the end of your freshman year! As you can see, you're likely already in a good position to handle the SAT/ACT. Prepping can help you do well on the tests and in school. Besides mastering and getting ahead on the content, prepping early also gives you more test dates to choose from. When Should You Take the SAT/ACT? Figuring out your SAT/ACT testing schedule as a freshman will ensure you have plenty of test dates to choose from. Since a lot of colleges superscore your results, or take your highest section scores across all dates you took the tests, some students choose to build up their SAT or ACT scores section by section. You can also usually use Score Choice for the SAT or select which score reports you want to send from the ACT, so you can just send the scores from whichever test date you choose. There are some exceptions, though, so you want to make sure you understand your colleges' policies regarding standardized test scores. One testing schedule that a lot of students use is to take the SAT/ACT once in the fall of junior year, again in the spring, and then a third time if they choose senior year. Some students may take it earlier, like in 10th or even 9th grade, to give themselves more testing opportunities or achieve their scores and be finished with the SAT/ACT before the busy time of junior and senior year. Students almost always improve when they retake the tests, having learned more about time management and gained valuable real test experience. Plus if you prep thoroughly and effectively, you can target your weaknesses and do better the next time. So how can you stick to a prep schedule in 9th grade that will help you score highly on the SAT/ACT? Prepping for the SAT/ACT As a Freshman As you saw above with the SAT and ACT Questions of the Day, a little bit of prep sustained over time can go a long way. You definitely don't have to spend all your time studying for these tests in 9th grade. I would suggest devoting an hour a week to test prep. This is enough to be useful and help you develop a habit, while also being low-key and manageable enough not to put yourself under undue stress or pressure. How can you stick to this? Just like with your homework, the best way to stay organized is to use an assignment notebook or planner to write down your plans, goals, and assignments and keep track of them. Some planners even break your day up hour by hour, so you could devote a specific time to test prep, like every Tuesday from 6 to 7. Making something a regular routine is the best way to remember it and incorporate it into your life. This will help you in all aspects of your academic life, along with setting and working towards your own personal goals. To Sum Up... By prepping early, you'llsee your SAT/ACT scores go up and up. Your effort will pay off in a huge way over time, especially if you maintain test prep as a regular part of your routine. Your motivation and discipline will positively impact other aspects of your high school career, too. Test prep will help you improve your math, reading, writing, and science skills, plus it will aid you when you take thePSAT. You can root out your strengths and weaknesses and figure out what you need to learn and where you shouldput in extra effort. Finally, it will remind you that all of your high school career is important for getting into college and help you start laying the groundwork for your future after graduation. What's Next? What's a good SAT/ACT score for 9th graders? If you're taking the SAT or ACT as a freshman, you can figure out yourtarget scores here. The best way to prep for the SAT is with official College Board SAT questions. Download official SAT practice tests here. If you're taking the ACT, you want to try some sample ACT questions from previously administered tests. You can find printable official ACT tests here. Besides prepping for the SAT/ACT, should you think about taking the PSAT as a freshman? Read about the most important considerations for signing up for the PSAT in 9th grade. Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free, SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today!
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